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Traffic outside my window !! ... thanks IAF

Sometimes I was up on the roof in an easy-chair with a can of beer, and some popcorn watching the aircraft land and take off. But the sound pollution really fooked the crap out of us!
Beer and pop corn! :fie:

wow!! Too much noise??

encourage guys to add their pics and make tis a big fat thread :)

Then everybody will have to head to Lohegaon!
I have got some great pictures there too in the past.
who do you seek permission from ?? pls help

Just make sure that you do not take pictures from too close to the air-field perimeter, i.e. >1000 m. Else you'll find yourself staring into the business end of a carbine and being 'frog-marched' away. The perimeter patrols even have dogs with them :D
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