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Touting ties: US, India announce military drills

LOL, looks like your thongs are in a tight twist hurting whatever you Indians have in place of a pair of what the world knows as "BALLS"

You are questioning my logic ........ LOL, ok prove to me when was the last time India dared to attack us?

Did you guys not bring a million strong fully equipped army to our border after a staged false flag attack on Indian parliament but didn't dare cross it?

What about after another staged false flag so called Mumbai Attack, what did you guys do despite all the bitching, bickering, hoo haa and war cries and what not, did your forces dared to cross our border?

You are right about one thing though, and I never hide it. I absolutely hate India, Indians, anything Indian and everything about India.
Why don't you read this "CIA's analysis on 1965 War" as y'all have been chest thumping crap of what your media and mullah farted on your face

Regarding 1971, we split you into two freaking countries so don't even think about debating on that. 1948 was when India entered late into the conflict but hey, you guys lost and wounded way more men than us.

And if you feel 26/11 is a false-flag operation, I don't blame you cuz y'all even rejected the whole operation of killing OBL was also false because that's what you've been fed. Regarding your point of India daring to attack you, we don't intend to cuz who wants to take a shit ton of mullah fed hate mongering population.
Screw CIA and their analysis and Stop beating about the bush.
I said both India and US know India cant dare attack us, and you disagreed.
Prove to me when did India dare?
When was the last time Indian attacked us?

Why don't you read this "CIA's analysis on 1965 War" as y'all have been chest thumping crap of what your media and mullah farted on your face

Regarding 1971, we split you into two freaking countries so don't even think about debating on that. 1948 was when India entered late into the conflict but hey, you guys lost and wounded way more men than us.

And if you feel 26/11 is a false-flag operation, I don't blame you cuz y'all even rejected the whole operation of killing OBL was also false because that's what you've been fed. Regarding your point of India daring to attack you, we don't intend to cuz who wants to take a shit ton of mullah fed hate mongering population.
Screw CIA and their analysis and Stop beating about the bush.
I said both India and US know India cant dare attack us, and you disagreed.
Prove to me when did India dare?
When was the last time Indian attacked us?
Why should india attack a country in bad shape ? We want a stable pakistan free of terrorists .

Indians are being trained to take on china???

Looks the abu modi al gujrati is the new isis commander of the US.
Indians are not pakistanis , we don't fight other's war .
Screw CIA and their analysis and Stop beating about the bush.
I said both India and US know India cant dare attack us, and you disagreed.
Prove to me when did India dare?
When was the last time Indian attacked us?
You got serious comprehension issues. Why the heck would India even need to attack a puny arse country which has no strategic value nor natural reserves.

and even though you were the aggressors in all wars, we still smoked you. Btw the CIA analysis was not a recent one but during the cold war era when they were your bon hommes
Both US and India know they don't have the guts to take on China, hell they can't even dare to take on Pakistan China is a far fetched dream.

I don't expect you to come out of your lala land because you're brainwashed by a freaking mullah.

Read the above posts retard and stop bugging me. what a dickhead.

You got serious comprehension issues. Why the heck would India even need to attack a puny arse country which has no strategic value nor natural reserves.

and even though you were the aggressors in all wars, we still smoked you. Btw the CIA analysis was not a recent one but during the cold war era when they were your bon hommes


Read the above posts retard and stop bugging me. what a dickhead.
I advise the same to your mullah brainwashed head. I'm sure it's still stuck in your mullah's arse that you're not able to see the reality. Now buzz off
Why should india attack a country in bad shape ? We want a stable pakistan free of terrorists
Then why you sending terrorist in Pakistan to destabilize Pakistan in the form of these

@ranawat o_O:what::undecided:

Jai terrorist HIND @ranawat ;):enjoy:
LOL, looks like your thongs are in a tight twist hurting whatever you Indians have in place of a pair of what the world knows as "BALLS"

You are questioning my logic ........ LOL, ok prove to me when was the last time India dared to attack us?

Did you guys not bring a million strong fully equipped army to our border after a staged false flag attack on Indian parliament but didn't dare cross it?

What about after another staged false flag so called Mumbai Attack, what did you guys do despite all the bitching, bickering, hoo haa and war cries and what not, did your forces dared to cross our border?

You are right about one thing though, and I never hide it. I absolutely hate India, Indians, anything Indian and everything about India.

Based on what I've understood on this forum, my view is that attack is still happening...daily...Just that the 'nature' of attack has changed. Don't you see your country's floundering in all spheres of progress......Mate in today's world you don't need Balls but BRAINS, to attack and hurt a country.
You low life scum form Rapistan, now that your filthy arse is kicked off this forum, go find some legal gay love.

I advise the same to your mullah brainwashed head. I'm sure it's still stuck in your mullah's arse that you're not able to see the reality. Now buzz off
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