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Topi..A short Indo-Pak animation film

Jul 9, 2010
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Just watch,enjoy and leave. NO need to start any flame war that arises most of times when its comes to any Indo-Pak matter
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Very touching..


Now I'm gonna ask my grandparents when I see them how they came from Amritsar.

(train, car, or walk)
Very touching..


Now I'm gonna ask my grandparents when I see them how they came from Amritsar.

(train, car, or walk)

Am from amritsar, do tell me where in amritsar they lived.
Your grand parents would have made it really easy.
In 1947 closest city to amritsar was Lahore.
In present day its half hour drive.
A very simple yet sensitive film that touches upon a very difficult part of human history. The magnitude of that tragedy can only be imagined, though i have heard first hand accounts from many people (including my parents). One thing that i could feel from these people who shared their experiences; that they did not seem to carry any rancour, only a deep and abiding sadness.
But the one that that i remember (even treasure) most was in Karachi quite some years ago. An old (and obviously simple and uneducated) man asked me if i was from India. On my saying--yes; he told about his childhood (somewhere near Peshawar) and his childhood friends.
When the partition was announced; the families that were to leave for India were collected in some sort of fenced compound. He was young and did not really understand what it was all about. But at night he and some others used to go below the fence and carry food and a few other things for their friends inside. After a few days, those people were gone (for ever). This old man sat in front of me, holding my hands and with tears streaming down his face asked (calling his friends by name) me what had happened to them.
i could only sit mutely, neither able to console him, nor to explain to him or even understand what it meant to him,
After seeing this film, all i could was remember him, and still not understand but try to imagine.......
very sentual , wonder how our people in 40's did it ... !? leaving your land knowing that u can never come back ... F it man i can never do it
Just came across this short film. Very well made with great produciton values and music. Loved it!

BTW, the guy who made it Arjun works as a technical director at Pixar now!
Really enjoyed this short-film. It simplifies a grave tragedy in a simple 6 minutes in a very easy to digest yet every bit thought provoking manner.
Really enjoyed this short-film. It simplifies a grave tragedy in a simple 6 minutes in a very easy to digest yet every bit thought provoking manner.

I do agree with that sentiment. And the film has some high technical attributes as well. I have passed it around/shared it with numerous friends around the world, since many of them are media professionals. Their praise on technical parameters was profuse.
Very touching indeed. While this video demonstrates the brutality of the Muslims towards the Hindus & the Sikhs, the converse was also very true in India, & my family is a living proof of that. It was a deeply touching video, & any elder today (Hindu, Muslim, Sikh) that recalls the events of 1947 reminisces over it with a lot of sadness.
propoganda....courtesy slumdog geo
it was hindus who started killing muslims...sikh butchered a lot of muslims cause they wanted their own country named khalistan....assholes dont know 99.5 percent of Pakistani punjabis are muslims...and why would they want to live with you indian sikh punjabis who are non muslims and dont cut hairs too and dont take bath too just like indians..i mean for God's sake Pakistani punjabis wash themselves 5times daily for prayers...this is the main reason when mountbatten dident gave a rat arse to indian sikhs for khalistan...they started killing muslims who were coming to otherside of punjab that falls in Pakistan.....
The real punjab lies in Pakistan....hardly 5 percent of punjab was left in india and that too was coming to Pakistan that included firozpur and himachal...but courtesy of britishers and boundry commission cheated .....indians sikhs should change their states name to khalistan cause nothing of punjab is left with you...stop calling yorselves punjabis...punjab means 5 rivers and you have not even one of them with you

slumdog made this video and they are trying to create an impression of akhand bharat....india is bogus term...Pakistan,india and bengal was never one unit before britishers...we Pakistanis were always with the empires that were on our west....and hardly any slumdog indian raja maharaja rules us but even if he did once or ttwice that was a small part and for 50,60 years at one point in time...so this video is bogus and no authentic...
propoganda....courtesy slumdog geo
it was hindus who started killing muslims...sikh butchered a lot of muslims cause they wanted their own country named khalistan....assholes dont know 99.5 percent of Pakistani punjabis are muslims...and why would they want to live with you indian sikh punjabis who are non muslims and dont cut hairs too and dont take bath too just like indians..i mean for God's sake Pakistani punjabis wash themselves 5times daily for prayers...this is the main reason when mountbatten dident gave a rat arse to indian sikhs for khalistan...they started killing muslims who were coming to otherside of punjab that falls in Pakistan.....
The real punjab lies in Pakistan....hardly 5 percent of punjab was left in india and that too was coming to Pakistan that included firozpur and himachal...but courtesy of britishers and boundry commission cheated .....indians sikhs should change their states name to khalistan cause nothing of punjab is left with you...stop calling yorselves punjabis...punjab means 5 rivers and you have not even one of them with you

Hindus started killing Muslims? Any proof mate? Or just a lot of hot air? I mean I can write 2 pages in reply but I'll just comment on some of the most racist things in your post. :)
Plus I like how claim All Sikhs wanted Khalistan since 1947 because they were together.
And seriously how can you say that mate? So many mulsims and even people who return from Hajj don't cut their beard. What do you say about them?
Hindus started killing Muslims? Any proof mate? Or just a lot of hot air? I mean I can write 2 pages in reply but I'll just comment on some of the most racist things in your post. :)
Plus I like how claim All Sikhs wanted Khalistan since 1947 because they were together.
And seriously how can you say that mate? So many mulsims and even people who return from Hajj don't cut their beard. What do you say about them?

not cutting hairs for a life time and not cutting hairs for 3,4 days.......hell of difference unless ofcourse if you are a brain washed indian......india was not a one unit as i said...whole of punjab was coming to Pakistan..boundry commission cheated and indians got away with himachal and firozpur...its a fact so himachal an firozpur stand disputed to this date just like occupied kashmir.....i am just telling you the reality..how sikhs wanted khalistan and they wanted to rule punjab which had 99 percent muslim population..now u know muslims wash themselves 5 times a day and they trim their beard..they have a full code to follow when they keep a beard and that ensures they are clean and good hygene...muslims cut underarms and hairs on their private parts. and male muslms have their heads shaven after hajj for you info....sikhs dont cut their hairs and that is ordained by their religion....using razors and scissors is forbidden for sikhs ...and i am not making fun here...its there religions and they follow it and are proud of it..
not cutting hairs for a life time and not cutting hairs for 3,4 days.......hell of difference unless ofcourse if you are a brain washed indian......india was not a one unit as i said...whole of punjab was coming to Pakistan..boundry commission cheated and indians got away with himachal and firozpur...its a fact so himachal an firozpur stand disputed to this date just like occupied kashmir.....i am just telling you the reality..how sikhs wanted khalistan and they wanted to rule punjab which had 99 percent muslim population..now u know muslims wash themselves 5 times a day and they trim their beard..they have a full code to follow when they keep a beard and that ensures they are clean and good hygene...muslims cut underarms and hairs on their private parts. and male muslms have their heads shaven after hajj for you info....sikhs dont cut their hairs and that is ordained by their religion....using razors and scissors is forbidden for sikhs ...and i am not making fun here...its there religions and they follow it and are proud of it..

A clear case of a poor upbringing combined with lack of good quality education.
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