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Topi..A short Indo-Pak animation film

A clear case of a poor upbringing combined with lack of good quality education.

if u are talking about yourself then i agree..i am in another country so u dont know me..and stop trolling...you indians dont have much to celebrate...you won the worldcup and still celebrating it months on
how long are u going to celebrate..another 50 years?
not cutting hairs for a life time and not cutting hairs for 3,4 days.......hell of difference unless ofcourse if you are a brain washed indian......india was not a one unit as i said...whole of punjab was coming to Pakistan..boundry commission cheated and indians got away with himachal and firozpur...its a fact so himachal an firozpur stand disputed to this date just like occupied kashmir.....i am just telling you the reality..how sikhs wanted khalistan and they wanted to rule punjab which had 99 percent muslim population..now u know muslims wash themselves 5 times a day and they trim their beard..they have a full code to follow when they keep a beard and that ensures they are clean and good hygene...muslims cut underarms and hairs on their private parts. and male muslms have their heads shaven after hajj for you info....sikhs dont cut their hairs and that is ordained by their religion....using razors and scissors is forbidden for sikhs ...and i am not making fun here...its there religions and they follow it and are proud of it..

Are you telling me muslims don't cut hair for 3-4 days. looool Maybe you don't know your religion then. :) Brain washed Indian? Brain washed of what? Vibrant free media and good education system? lool then I indeed am. And btw Muslim population of Punajb was 70% at the time of population and not 95%. Just saying. :)
Are you telling me muslims don't cut hair for 3-4 days. looool Maybe you don't know your religion then. :) Brain washed Indian? Brain washed of what? Vibrant free media and good education system? lool then I indeed am. And btw Muslim population of Punajb was 70% at the time of population and not 95%. Just saying. :)

well sir you are brainwashed...you comparing sikhs who never cut their hairs all their life underarms and private parts including...sikh women have paranda ties around their waist...the hairs that keep growing i am not kidding my neighbour was a sikh in eastend i called her aunty a nice humble lady..

muslims are supposed to cut their underarms and private parts hairs so i dont know who brainwashed you.
well sir you are brainwashed...you comparing sikhs who never cut their hairs all their life underarms and private parts including...sikh women have paranda ties around their waist...the hairs that keep growing i am not kidding my neighbour was a sikh in eastend i called her aunty a nice humble lady..

muslims are supposed to cut their underarms and private parts hairs so i dont know who brainwashed you.

seriously mate how can you think like that!

I'm so flabbergasted that I feel contaminated on myself for replying to such posts.
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