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Top US commander: Burning Quran endangers troops

I need to understand this Freedom of Speech. because I don't understand why the shameful act of hurting others is protected under Freedom of Speech?

You are free to say what ever you want if only it makes sense. But why talking about other people and their religion and abusing them and doing acts that hurt them despite the fact that you are not even remotely connected with the concept (in this case Quran) is freedom of speech?
If someone ask me forcefully do such thing, then I might download pdf, open then close the pdf and hit delete and empty the recycle bin too.. :P

how much sacrilege is my act?

archive/zip the pdfs with two-three **** videos. split the zip into pieces. open each part with an editor and delete some "bits".

Then delete all parts and now empty your bin ;)
archive/zip the pdfs with two-three **** videos. split the zip into pieces. open each part with an editor and delete some "bits".

Then delete all parts and now empty your bin ;)

should we get into i-nodes and v-nodes stuff.

@Coltsfan I use Mac OSX leopard and I am ignorant about viruses ;) :P
I agree to the argument that nut-cases, like this pastor, are quite abundant in all religions and almost in all countries. So stand dismissed!

What about Gen. Petraeus comments? Are not American and NATO troops already finding Afghanistan too hot to handle?

When a millitary men of stature of a General, comment lke this, then it show the moral of the force, he represents. ISAF is down heavily in Afghanistan. That's the essence, I believe. NATO casualities have crossed 900 in September this year.
I need to understand this Freedom of Speech. because I don't understand why the shameful act of hurting others is protected under Freedom of Speech?

You are free to say what ever you want if only it makes sense. But why talking about other people and their religion and abusing them and doing acts that hurt them despite the fact that you are not even remotely connected with the concept (in this case Quran) is freedom of speech?

"The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law."

Now - here is the catch. In countries like Denmark abusing religious texts aren't covered under "abuse". Delivering a public speech to kill all people of a certain sect is considered abuse however.

Why is Freedom of Speech important?

Understand the background first. Many scientific discoveries were made post-renaissance, and some of these discoveries were considered "Blasphemies". Galileo was, for instance, not allowed to preach his "heliocentric" theory coz it went against bible. If there was no freedom of speech, I am sure that things like evolution would have never been discussed/taught so freely.

Besides, what's wrong with someone saying bad things about a book or a historic personality? If someone thinks that a book is evil and says that aloud, why should you be hurt?

How many verses does Qu'ran have against non-believers or even Jews? When we allow you to "express" those thoughts freely and don't ban your book - how can you expect us to not express our thoughts freely regarding your or for that matter anyone's religion.

Are you willing to get rid of verses that say bad things about Non-believers/Jews etc?
Another important thing with Prohibition of Free Speech -

Say I pass a law tomorrow saying

a) No religious personality shall be defamed
b) No religious book shall be abused.

Guess what?

The next day - you start your own religion [well within your rights] and you proclaim your book as a religious book. Now you can SUE anyone who criticizes you or your book! Do you get the picture?

Another catch -

Just like how you say "Anyone portraying Muhammad is hurting Islam"

I can have a quote in my book - "O you believers! You shall portray as many religious personalities as you can, by any means of art like painting, sculpting etc. you are capable of."

Now to prohibit people from portraying Muhammad = denying freedom to people of religion X. Allowing people to portray Muhammad is denying freedom to Muslims. How would you deal with this?

What if my religious book is a scrap book that has drawings of Muhammad and Jesus. Are you still going to be pissed?
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Freedom of expression is a very broad terminology isn't it?Does it also entail Killing people?Let us assume for one minute that Hitler was expressing his hatred for Jews.I am sure nobody would condone such freedom of expression! In my opinion,burning a book is not a big deal,because what you are burning is the paper and not the beliefs which in any case are the cause of dissent.But this too is an act of violence in its own right.
The people who are in the business of religion,often dogmatise it,and use brainwashed souls to perpetrate their brand of violence.Violence begets more violence and there is no real winner in this game.It is this thought which perhaps disturbs Gen.Petraeus.
Freedom of expression is a very broad terminology isn't it?Does it also entail Killing people?Let us assume for one minute that Hitler was expressing his hatred for Jews.I am sure nobody would condone such freedom of expression! In my opinion,burning a book is not a big deal,because what you are burning is the paper and not the beliefs which in any case are the cause of dissent.But this too is an act of violence in its own right.
The people who are in the business of religion,often dogmatise it,and use brainwashed souls to perpetrate their brand of violence.Violence begets more violence and there is no real winner in this game.It is this thought which perhaps disturbs Gen.Petraeus.

Okay, I am finding this new religion "X" starting today. I am the founder, so no one should criticize me. Anyone criticizing my books and writing should be punished also.

I rest my case.
. . . .
WHy do they want to burn the q ran anyways?

He is a religious lunatic. Does he need a reason? Oh and he is using 9/11 as his reason by the way. If I met that Pastor, I would quote Voltaire for him - "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
. . . .

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