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Top Ten Muslim Militaries

3) Iran
4) Indonesia
5) Egypt
6) Saudi Arabia
7) Malaysia
8) UAE
9) Syria
10) Libya
One of the best militaries in the world today.
Army is so well equiped and trained. forget the muslim world they are the 2nd biggest in NATO and thats tells the whole story. realy there is no match of turkish amry in the whole muslims world.
Airforce is again the best in muslims countries and one of the strongest in NATO. Specially when they get F35 there won't be any match for the TuAF. Stilll there is no match. Not only equipment but training is world class compared to any other European country.
Navy is also getting strong day by day. Specially they are focusing on indigenous hardware. Malgim and Tf2000 are just examples of it. Also they has one of the best conventional submarine force.

So no match in any field.
2) Pakistan.
Mainly because of the strong army and nuclear and missiles. Airforce and Navy are really weak.
3) Egypt.
Again because of their Strong Airforce and Army. Their Navy is also weak, but why i rank them lower than Pakistan is because of Nukes and Missiles that Pakistan can field against enemy.

Rest Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Malasia, Syria etc.
Saudi's and UAE have great world class eqiupment But I don't count that because whats the use of it when you cannot use it by yourself and on your own desire.
It is too complex issue. What are the benchmark and parameters ? Perception alone is not good enough to determine the capabilities of a military. Manpower was once an important factor but it is not anymore. C3ISR structure, force projection , trainings , organization , responsiveness are very crucial. A modern military will have a very efficient Staff organization with Mission Command as the preferred method of Command and Control .
Among the Muslim countries , only Turkey , Pakistan and Bangladesh have western standard staff organization while it is very chaotic in the Middle Eastern militaries regardless the size of their budget and the military.
my opinion:
first: Turky:
supported by usa and strong economy and strong military.
second: UAE : strong economy and oil king!they have lot of money for military.
third: Pakistan :i prefer pakistan at first due to it's nuclear power but weak economy down him to third.
Do not forget to mention UAE, S. Arabia and Jordan. They are paying increadible money to purchase western products. I do not know about their training level but Those countries are one of the best friends of European and USA weapon exporters and Those countries have started ordering some special defence equipments from Turkey as well...
my opinion:
first: Turky:
supported by usa and strong economy and strong military.
second: UAE : strong economy and oil king!they have lot of money for military.
third: Pakistan :i prefer pakistan at first due to it's nuclear power but weak economy down him to third.

UAE economy might be strong but there Air force or Army (like Turkey or Pakistan) dont have military exercises with countries like US
UAE economy might be strong but there Air force or Army (like Turkey or Pakistan) dont have military exercises with countries like US

at a time of war only country will survive who has strong economy. may be pakistan has strong military but a weak economy.it's economy will crash with in a two month after starting of war. but UAE will survive more just like USA.
i wont wont for any of them... :) Turkey needs nuclear capability for further aims and a blue navy for the expanding power in the region. i dont have any hope for pakistan's army(honestly...). because army interfere domestic affairs too much and it looks like a political party, not an army.
Iran's army seems exaggerated to me. and other small arabic states dont have stomache to fight. thats all mates.
like one of the posts i read in the thread, Turkish generals and conventional arms+ pakistan's nuclear capablity would be wonderful i think.
@Admiral.... our army comes in when things get out of control ...
And our generals and army? dude we have sucsesfuly kept a country of 1.1 billion in its place?
wat r you talkin abt?
Conventional-Turkey first place
Nuclear-Pakistan first place

3rd i would say Egypt or Iran.

I would break them all down but i am too lazy :rofl:

Wouldn't turkey with its NATO status be first even if considering nuclear power?

Say Turkey was attacked by Russia with nukes, U.S. has an obligation under NATO and as well as the rest of the NATO allies to respond in the same manner to the aggressor in defense of Turkey.. So essentially Turkey would be #1 in both categories.
Wouldn't turkey with its NATO status be first even if considering nuclear power?

Say Turkey was attacked by Russia with nukes, U.S. has an obligation under NATO and as well as the rest of the NATO allies to respond in the same manner to the aggressor in defense of Turkey.. So essentially Turkey would be #1 in both categories.

If you look at it that way then yes we would. If nuclear war was the case Turkish F-16s would be launched from Incirlik most likely under NATO command with B-61 Thermonuclear bombs. So in the case of nuclear war Turkey would have the capability to drop nukes.
90 total with 40 for use by the Turkish Air force if NATO approves it.
Haha i think i just had a 'wet dream' as some people like to call it.

Turkey+Iran+Pakistan = One SuperCountry

Turkiristan lol

Turkey's conventional might.
Iran's political fearlessness.
and Pakistan's mineral resourcefulness + nukes.

And to top it off, run by a secular and sane government.

Now how epic would that be?

EDIT: Indonesia can join too :P
@jigs brother i think there is one bomb hosted time after time by different NATO countries.And whose code is with? USA i guess.

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