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Top Indian, Pakistani media groups join hands for peace

Just look at the Readers response section


Seems TOI is wayy off the mark in gauging the people's state of mind. They must be out of their minds trying to pull off this stunt barely a month after the 1st anniversary of 26/11. That article and the newspaper has been completely slaughtered by the readers.
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Just look at the Readers response section


Seems TOI is wayy off the mark in gauging the people's state of mind. They must be out of their minds doing this stunt barely a month after the 1st anniversary of 26/11. That article and the newspaper has been completely slaughtered by the readers.

There is hope for the nation yet! I was getting a little worried after reading all the comments here.
To be frank, we shouldn't be either.

We need real, tangible measures for peace, if we could have sorted out our issues by simply talking we wouldn't have been in a virtual state of war for the last 6 decades.

India has made its stand clear. The threat of terrorism emanating from Pakistan still exists. Another Mumbai and these same editors will go right back to talking about surgical strikes and nuclear weapons.

The problem with us desis is that we forget way too easily. Let me remind all of you that 170+ people were murdered in cold blood just over a year ago. For those of you with amnesia, here's a little reminder

Download HBO Documentary Terror Mumbai Akash asf

Not to mention the attacks on markets, buses, TRAINS, monuments (Gateway of India) etc etc.

This is not the time for complacency and nostalgia, the entire country needs to wake up and realize that these attacks will never stop until and unless we do something about them.

Don't let the cycle start all over again, we need to see action from Pakistan before we can even think about peace. If we don't keep the pressure up on our government, they wouldn't even give the cops guns, never mind strengthening internal security and 'encouraging' Pakistan to take further action.

Lets see some LeT bastards hang, lets wait till our embassies in Afghanistan aren't being bombed, lets wait till Pakistan takes on the Afghan taliban and not just the TTP. Don't set yourself up for another rude awakening by buying into any of this garbage.

99% agree with you. :)
The concept is good, the move is in right direction. We all must realize that one day, if not in this decade, we all are suppose to live together. However, Publishing couple of article doesnt make any difference in both sides especially in India, who still carry the deep wound of Mumbai. India expect solid action from Pakistan against the bastards who plotted 26/11. It is the minimum requirement for any peace bridge. if i see that happening, then I will be in the front line to declare peace with pakistan. Everybody want peace but without solid, measureable action from Pakistani government against the terror outfits that target Indians, then there wont be any peace. Period!
Guys (Spitfighter etc.), please understand that this is not a call to let down our guard.

Please understand that this is not a national signal to our leadership to rethink its policy vis-a-vis engaging Pakistan.

Please understand that this is in no way disrespecting the memory of the thousands of Indians killed by Pakistanis (state and non-state ..... whatever the hell that means!).

Please understand that this does not mean that suddenly one fine day our armed forces stand down and our borders open up, the fences are pulled down, our Sukhois diverted to giving pleasure rides to old aunties for a fee, etc. etc.

This is simply an act of goodwill between people.

You may choose to be cynical about it ..... but if you honestly believe that every pakistani is bad, is a terrorist, is out to kill us, and is beyond redemption, that there is no hope, and there is no sense in people to people contact and dialog and other ground level exchanges as human beings, and as neighbours with a common past ...... THEN WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE????????????????????


Cheers, Doc
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Jang did the exact same thing. And GEO had a big a$$ program about it today.

What else? It was on lahore radio, my friend tells me... and umm thats all i know about. Pretty much overshadowed by the bombing on the volleyball game where 40-80 ppl were killed.
Guys (Spitfighter etc.), please understand that this is not a call to let down our guard.

Please understand that this is not a national signal to our leadership to rethink its policy vis-a-vis engaging Pakistan.

Please understand that this is in no way disrespecting the memory of the thousands of Indians killed by Pakistanis (state and non-state ..... whatever the hell that means!).

Please understand that this does not mean that suddenly one fine day our armed forces stand down and our borders open up, the fences are pulled down, our Sukhois diverted to giving pleasure rides to old aunties for a fee, etc. etc.

This is simply an act of goodwill between people.

I'm sorry but "act of goodwill" is just a fancy phrase to me. What exactly do those peaceniks at TOI want us to do? I'm guessing that they pulled this front page stunt in order to get a message across. So what is the message? What is it exactly that India must do that it is not doing already? Can you give me an example?

...... THEN WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE????????????????????

Know thy enemy... :rolleyes:
I'm sorry but "act of goodwill" is just a fancy phrase to me. What exactly do those peaceniks at TOI want us to do? I'm guessing that they pulled this front page stunt in order to get a message across. So what is the message? What is it exactly that India must do that it is not doing already? Can you give me an example?

This is not a "India" or a "TOI" initiative my friend ..... it is a joint initiative by both India and Pakistan and by TOI and Jang. There is nothing to be "done" ..... by India or Pakistan ..... the agenda of the initiative was spelled out in broad outlines, and I see nothing wrong with it at any level.

Know thy enemy... :rolleyes:

Fair enough ..... but you can know the enemy by just observing (and keeping shut) ..... when you participate (like you are doing here), then you help the enemy to know you too ..... and somewhere down the line it is POSSIBLE (and desirable in my book) that enemies realise that the ohter guy is not so bad after all ..... and that's a start.

And when you share a border with someone, as opposed to sitting safely far away out of his range, "acts of goodwill" or "atmospherics" as referred to by Manu Singhvi and Jaitley, are extremely important ..... from and for both sides.

Cheers, Doc
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very good theory doc....
even i think that all pakistanis are not bad...actually majority of them are nice people...but the bottomline is that we are only contacted by the minority ones in what manner everybody knows... plus the majority good people in the pakistan have no say in it...so this article or this initiative is just going down the drain because of bad timing.....maybe after 3-4 yrs it would have been effective ...not now when we just had the varshik shradhs of the dear ones one month ago....
feel free to disagree:cheers:
very good theory doc....
even i think that all pakistanis are not bad...actually majority of them are nice people...but the bottomline is that we are only contacted by the minority ones in what manner everybody knows... plus the majority good people in the pakistan have no say in it...so this article or this initiative is just going down the drain because of bad timing.....maybe after 3-4 yrs it would have been effective ...not now when we just had the varshik shradhs of the dear ones one month ago....
feel free to disagree:cheers:

It's not about agreeing or disagreeing Jha ji, I lost a relative at the taj last year too.

But should we help the virulent minority in Pakistan hold our potentially peaceful relationship with the peaceful majority of Pakistan (people like you and me) to ransom?

Equally, should they?

Cheers, Doc

P.S. Hum bhi Bihar ke hain Jha ji :)
All these initiatives are fine but until 40+ terrorist training camps operate from Pakistani soil, until all the dreaded Indian terrorists are state guests in Pakistan all of this is useless. Another attack on Indians from Pakistani soil and all this will go down the drain.

Also I believe we should learn from history and keep on building Militarily, economically and politically, unless there is a change of heart in Pakistan establishment I am not very optimistic and going by the way 26/11 trial is going on where 180+ of our people were massacred by Pakistan born terrorists again all this initiatives are useless
Conspiracy theories are everywhere. Indian people think Pakistani government did 26/11 while Pakistan thinks RAW is arming the Taliban. This will go on and on and on and on and on and on forever.

And I thought this world couldn't get any more retarded:

Prashant,Chennai,says:Ahahaha. Well done. Very funny piece. It was one of those "in a lighter vein" articles wan't it? Pakistan, the land of terrorists, must be vanquished and the soil sown with salt. Times of India should consider retooling the propaganda department. Not a very subtle attempt at all.

Swapnil,Mumbai,says:Peace with Pakistan ?? uh?? No problems, just one condition !!! All those dead(thousands) due to pakistans terrorism in India be brought back to life and allowed to live a complete,normal and peaceful life!! Anyday, it happens I am up for peace, if can't then pakistan rots like a rodent!! TOI, u hv really disgraced those who hv lost their lives and continue to do so!! One subscription down won't affect u I guess, but still do it!!
Conspiracy theories are everywhere. Indian people think Pakistani government did 26/11 while Pakistan thinks RAW is arming the Taliban. This will go on and on and on and on and on and on forever.

Conspiracy theories ??? Your government accepted Kasab was a Pakistani and now don't tell me he didin't commit 26/11 i.e. killed 180+ Indians or Lahkar-e-toiba, Jaish-e-muhammad, the Lakhvis, the dawoods, the Azhar mahmoods have nothing to do with Pakistan and ISI, these people have blood of Indians on their hands and they are state guests in Pakistan and hold rallies etc in pakistan, unless something is done about them all this aman ki asha etc is moronic
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These peace prostitutes must be locked down specially when they are tying up with TOI which is a rabidly anti Pakistani news paper.
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These peace prostitues must be locked down specially when they are tying up with TOI which is a rabidly anti pakistani news paper.

you :flame: TOI because they are Anti Pakistani and you :flame: TOI because they tried to promote peace

at least credit them because they are trying to forge some kinda peace b/w the people of both our nations.

Our Politicians will always remain :hang2: :lazy:. They will never get into a peace deal
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