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Top Indian Myths about Pakistan!

what the entire world knows except Indians that She give run for your life with her courageous reports

BS reports..she keeps mum whenever innocents r slaughtered..just a convent educated big mouth..she must've been born in ur country :D
Did i just hear a Mooooooooo.... Just kidding.

On topic

I also go nuclear on most days ..

Muslims , Christians and majority of hindus are non vegetarian. Its a fact you dont know and you will never acknowledge , coz it will cripple the posts of urs.. LOL

Source: wiki.

:what::what::what: Benny if my study of Hindu texts is not wrong then even these holy text Do NOT forbid eating meat.

So your assumption about our assumption about all Hindus is wrong.

:what::what::what: Benny if my study of Hindu texts is not wrong then even these holy text Do NOT forbid eating meat.

So your assumption about our assumption about all Hindus is wrong.


You been studying some very old/ wrong books , i must say.

There are not written rules for lifestyle in Hinduism as far as i know.

They are not compelled to go to temples, pray everyday or anything like that ..

But i have hard time skipping church on sundays though. :hang2:
You been studying some very old/ wrong books , i must say.

There are not written rules for lifestyle in Hinduism as far as i know.

They are not compelled to go to temples, pray everyday or anything like that ..

But i have hard time skipping church on sundays though. :hang2:

By your logic Gita, mahabharata and so on are old enough to be discarded .

Anyway will debate it some other time. There are many texts in these which clearly shows eating meat/beef is not forbidden for hindus
By your logic Gita, mahabharata and so on are old enough to be discarded .

Anyway will debate it some other time. There are many texts in these which clearly shows eating meat/beef is not forbidden for hindus

So u have read those.. good to know.

I know well enough history about Hinduism too.

As far as i know there are no wordings like that.

Most of the gods including Ram belong to Kshatriyas and they are good hunters.

"It is mentioned in Ayodhya Khandam chapter 20, 26 and 94 that when Rama was sent for Banavas he told his mother that he would have to sacrifice his tasty meat dishes. If Rama had to sacrifice his tasty meat dishes, it means that Rama had meat.

This information i got from googling. There may be contradictions and a person from that religion would be in a better position to answer you.
By your logic Gita, mahabharata and so on are old enough to be discarded .

Hehe, Gita is a pretty interesting book, its not religion-heavy but carries a basic philosophy "Do your duty, but don't expect a reward after it's done"

So meat eating is fine, *** is not taboo heck lot's of stuff is allowed ;)
:rofl::rofl::rofl: as if you can find chilled beer as complimentary item in those khokhas in India .

:lol: i am sure that must be thrraaaaaaaaaaa not beer

bwahahahah anyway your post just sounds like those crapy Star Plus soaps

I understand your frustration Jana Maam. I know under current situation most of people are not in position to afford quality foods. They had to pacify the gastronomical urge by viewing the Star Plus soaps only. :hitwall:Don’t worry. I will pray to god that your country comes out of this crisis situation quickly. Then we can again start discussion regarding quality foods from India & Pakistan. Till then back to topic.:coffee:
Are you Benny ? NO na ;)

BTW what is IQ level of Cows ? are you by any chance insulting your gao mata ? :no: not a wise decision

No I am not Benny.I think thats what he meant.
@Benny sorry bro for speaking on your behalf.

Maam are you suggesting that its an insult to Gaomata( an animal) if I compare her IQ with other grass eaters[part of Homo sapiens(wont name them :no:)] ?
Myth 1.
Pakistan lost all 3 wars with India.

Pakistan and India have fought 3 wars - 1948, 1965 and 1971.

Barring 1971 (which occurred while a civil war, assisted by India, was raging in East Pakistan), no war has resulted in a decisive 'victory' for either side.

You think that Pakistan didnt lost all 3 wars. If this is your personal opinion then I`m sorry that what you said is the real myth. 1948 war,Indian Armed Forces expelled the Pakistani invaders successfully but due to UN interference IA had to stop their ops.
Show me the proof where it is mentioned that Pakistan didnt lost the 1948,65,71,99 wars then only i`ll believe you.
Myth 1.
Pakistan lost all 3 wars with India.

Pakistan and India have fought 3 wars - 1948, 1965 and 1971.

Barring 1971 (which occurred while a civil war, assisted by India, was raging in East Pakistan), no war has resulted in a decisive 'victory' for either side.

Indo-Pakistani War of 1947
Date October 21, 1947 - December 31, 1948
Location: Kashmir
Result: Ceasefire arranged by UN pending plebiscite. Princely state of Kashmir and Jammu dissolved. Pakistan takes control of roughly a third of Kashmir- the north-western scrublands, whereas India takes control of the Kashmir valley and most of Jammu.
Territorial changes: Line of Control divides erstwhile princely state of Kashmir and Jammu between the India state of Jammu and Kashmir (roughly 101,387 km²) and the Pakistan regions which subsequently became Azad Kashmir (13,297 km²) and the Northern Areas (72,496 km²).

Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
Date August – September 23, 1965
Location: Indian subcontinent
Result: United Nations mandated ceasefire.[1] No permanent territorial changes (See Tashkent Declaration).

Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
Date 3–16 December 1971
Location: Eastern front: East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)
Western front: India-West Pakistan border
Result: Decisive Indian victory.
Eastern front: Pakistani forces surrender.
Western front: Ceasefire negotiated.
Territorial changes: Secession of East Pakistan as the independent state of Bangladesh.

Kargil War
Date May–July 1999
Location: Kargil district, Kashmir, India
Result: India regains control over Pakistani occupied ridges. Pakistan withdrew from Kashmir to pre-war Line of Control.
Territorial changes: Status quo ante bellum

Source: Wikipedia

Myth 4.
Pakistan spends 70% (or more, depending upon the Indian) of its budget on Defense.

Pakistan's defence budget for 2009 was about 4.4 billion USD. With a GDP of about 160 billion USD and a budget of 33 billion USD, that works out to be about 2.75% of GDP and 13.3% of the total budget.

This compares with an Indian defence budget of about 26 billion that is 14.4% of the total budget and about 2.3% - so what's the big deal with Pakistan's defence budget?

I know that Pakistan doesn't spend 70% of it's budget on military expenditure. However Pakistan's defense budget has always been higher than India's. In 1998, when military expenditure of both countries was at it's peak due to nuclear projects; Pakistan's spending was just over 7% of it's GDP whereas India's was approx 3.8%. In recent years both country's military budget has gotten much lower.

India: 2.9% (2009)
Pakistan: 3.1% (2009)

An important point to note is that Pakistan does receive military aid from US (in terms of money) "as an incentive for it to forcefully rid its country of terrorists that threaten Afghanistan and the United States" . However it is up to GoP to decide how it utilises this money.
I thaught it will be a small thread and let em have a look.

But looks like its a never ending thread. and people know that still start a never ending topic.

hats off to your petience guys....Keep it up....
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