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Top Indian Myths about Pakistan!

Its a long way to get into good growth path..

You can't just say that it will recover or bounce back, need biz friendly policies, forward looking administrators and more importantly a good political & security situation. Can't sit back and say it will bounce back..

Nobody's doubting that either.
A bit of old report, but just to brust your bubble..

Pakistan asks IMF for emergency help as economy faces collapse

Pakistan is asking for emergency aid from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as the country scrambles to raise $4 billion (£2.4billion) in 30 days to save its economy from collapse.

Shamshad Akhtar, Pakistan's central bank governor, travelled to Dubai last night to hold talks with an IMF mission group. The focus of negotiations will be a multibillion-dollar bailout package designed to avert a balance of payments crisis as Pakistan's foreign reserves plummet.

Officials of the IMF said that financing could be provided through its emergency financing mechanism, a fast-track process that has been revived in the wake of the sub-prime crisis.

Pakistan's economy has all but fallen apart in recent months, rocked by terror attacks, high oil and food prices and the seizure of the global credit markets. The country's foreign reserves have fallen by three quarters in a year, to about $4.3billion, according to Bloomberg data - a sum barely sufficient to cover a month's imports. Mohsin Khan, the IMF's regional director, said this week that Pakistan may need up to $15billion over the next two years to help it to stay afloat as it tackles yawning current account and fiscal deficits and inflation that is running at 25 per cent, a 30-year high.

According to Pakistani officials, up to $4billion is needed within a month to avert a balance of payments crisis. It is a sum that the IMF, with resources to make an estimated $200billion in loans, could cover easily.

Shaukat Tarin, an economic adviser to the Pakistani Government, said this week: “The immediate requirement is to get $3billion to $4billion in the next 30 days.”

The decision to turn to the IMF, which traditionally has insisted on conditions such as high taxes and lower spending when it makes loans, is likely to be unpopular with voters and will be embarrassing for President Zardari. He has said that he considered the Washington-based institution a lender of last resort and that that his Government, Pakistan's first democratically elected administration in a decade, would survive by “tightening its belt”.

The Government has made reforms that should please IMF officials, including cutting subsidies on fuel and other measures designed to cut this year's fiscal deficit.

However, overtures by Mr Zardari to China, the United States and other countries have failed to secure the urgent financial support that his seven-month-old regime badly needs.

A sign of the frustration building in Pakistan, regarded as a key ally in the West's campaign to stamp out Islamist terror groups, appeared recently when officials reacted angrily to a statement by Richard Boucher, the US Assistant Secretary of State. Mr Boucher said that his country was willing to provide only technical support to Pakistan. What the country needed, his Pakistani peers answered, was quick cash.

The Pakistan talks, expected to last several days, are among several developments that promise to thrust the IMF, an institution whose traditional firefighting role was being questioned only months ago, back into the international limelight. Ukraine has also said in recent days that it is close to agreeing to measures to allow it to receive IMF aid. Iceland also appears to be close to a deal with the organisation.

Pakistan is likely to pose the IMF with its most challenging operation. The country's Government is fighting militants on its border with Afghanistan and is living under a security threat of which IMF officials are all too aware. They are holding their meetings with Pakistani officials in Dubai because Islamabad is deemed to be too dangerous.

Pakistan asks IMF for emergency help as economy faces collapse - Times Online

PS:- This is not to malign Pakistani image, it is sad but true.


1. I was talking about US aid.
2. Read the first paragraph. It's talking about certain 30 days, which are long gone now.
These are all strategies that anyone can try whenever they think right, as all is fair when its love and war...:)
"Hero of one nation is the enemy of another nation" Said by one African leader (Sorry I forgot his name)
I would have to apologize for any perceived amount of candor or plain speak that my Pakistani friends might consider my post to be.With the disclaimer out of the way,Let's examine your thesis :

Myth 1.
Pakistan lost all 3 wars with India.

Pakistan and India have fought 3 wars - 1948, 1965 and 1971.

Barring 1971 (which occurred while a civil war, assisted by India, was raging in East Pakistan), no war has resulted in a decisive 'victory' for either side.

My Conclusion#

Factually weak. You are trying to draw quintessentially flawed arguments from the fact that an instrument of surrender was never signed by Pakistan.But neutral observers have always in fact credited India as the victor.I am not going to post these assessments since this is a Pakistani website and it should be respected.You could look up the same.

Myth 2.
Pakistan fights through proxies

Well, this is true. Pakistan has supported Kashmiri Freedom fighters in Indian Occupied Kashmir, and did support the Mujahideen (with US and Saudi support) and later the Taliban.

However, this allegation by Indians completely overlooks India's own long association with proxy groups.

Supported proxies that destabilized East Pakistan for many years leading into 1971
Supported the LTTE (Tamil Tigers) - a terrorist organization in Sri Lanka
Supported the Northern Alliance - a group of warlords and criminals in Afghanistan
Supported Baluch insurgents in Pakistan

My Conclusion#

The L.T.T.E accusation is true.However,they were broken off at a very preliminary stage as India decided the best way to fight for Tamil rights was through talks.The Indian Peace Keeping Force was deployed and actively took on the L.T.T.E.As a result,Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by the LTTE cadres fearing his return to power might mean the redeployment of IPKF in Sri Lanka

The other groups have never expressed any affiliation with India as far I know.The notion that India is funding them doesn't hold water as India has no leverage with such groups.

PS#Wasn't the Northern Alliance founded by Pakistan?

Myth 3.
India has never committed aggression against Pakistan, or any other country.
This is clearly not the case as seen below

Support for insurgents in East Pakistan leding into 1971 and the ensuing war
Support for the LTTE (a terrorist organization in Sri Lanka) against the Sri Lankan State
The invasion of Siachen in 1984 in clear violation of the Simla Accord
Support for the Baluch insurgency

My Conclusion#

See Riposte above.Till date, India hasn't resorted to millitary action without provocation;

1948-Invasion of Indian held territory by Pakistan

1965-Invasion of Indian held territory by Pakistan

1971-Preemptive air strike on eleven Indian airbases.

India responded after practically begging the International community to call for an end to the genocide.I wouldn't term any as aggression.We enjoy international support for being peaceful and we would like to keep it that way

Myth 4.
Pakistan spends 70% (or more, depending upon the Indian) of its budget on Defense.

Pakistan's defence budget for 2009 was about 4.4 billion USD. With a GDP of about 160 billion USD and a budget of 33 billion USD, that works out to be about 2.75% of GDP and 13.3% of the total budget.

This compares with an Indian defence budget of about 26 billion that is 14.4% of the total budget and about 2.3% - so what's the big deal with Pakistan's defence budget?

My Conclusion#

As an Indian,It would be irrelevant for me as to what Pakistan's defense Balance Sheet looks like.More of a "smoke em if you got em" guy :-)

Myth 5.
Pakistani politics is dominated by Kashmir

This argument goes along the lines of 'the Army/leadership makes sure that the only thing Pakistanis are aware of is Kashmir, and in this way distracts them from socio-economic issues and avoids investing in development'.

No doubt most Pakistanis are aware of Kashmir, but the fact that we have cutthroat national politics, with political parties that have significant ideological differences, it is absurd to suggest that the only issue mentioned during stump speeches is 'Kashmir'.

Most of the PR and advertisements run by Pakistani political parties in fact focus on providing development and bringing about prosperity, not Kashmir. Most politicians talk about providing, jobs, investment etc. and most Pakistanis vote on that basis - even when voting on biraadri lines since they believe 'their guy' will provide them with economic opportunity/favors.

The political process in Pakistan remains largely driven by issues that are important to most people elsewhere in the world - jobs, inflation, development etc.

My Conclusion#

I wouldn't know as I am unaware of the same.But the posture of naming warships and missiles after invaders of India makes me uncomfortable.We need not be the best of friends but We must learn how to coexist peacefully for the sake of the Asian bloc.
sorry to add up the things too late, but few facts about both the armies are:-
1. both Armies are trying to keep the issue alive so as to ve a notion of indispensable within thier countries, specially true for India as already report published byu wikki leaks ( u can choose to see it on net - available)
2. bieng the hub of all rivers flowing in to Pakistan, Pakistan has too fallow the same policy ( except will of peoples of Kashmir)
3. same is evident from wikki leaks report published , that indian Army is not allowing its politicians to solve the core issue of Siachen.
4. one of very major threat is very ra[id expension in indian military ( what is cold start & deployment/orientation of 3 ops comds against Pakistan)
5. worried about indian pursuance to the policies of chankia kotalia ???? any say for this by any indian fellow
6. Muslims ( may be Majority) believe on Ghazwa-e-Hind ( i personally believe on it)
if any of my fellow can add to this ,
I wounder whats the myth behind Venna malik involvment with ISI? :)

that was just the lighter part of it... the real myth missed over here is that ISI is the root cause of all negative things happening in India starting from Mumbai attacks to a cylce accident in a remort village area...
not an Indian myths but rather a general misconception about Pakistan is it being a small country when in reality Pakistan has quite a good size for a country crossing the 3 lakhs sq mi mark but unfortunately i have seen even many Pakistanis also say with regards to the India-Pakistan land size is that India is ten times or 6 times the sizes of Pakistan which is not true

the size of India is 1.2 million sq miles + Indian-administered Kashmir 38,830 sq miles
= 1.2 38,830 sq miles or
32 lakhs 569 sq km

Pakistan 307,374 sq miles + Pakistani-administered Kashmir 32,323 sq miles = 3,39697 sq miles or 8,79811 sq km which is 8 lakhs 79,811 sq km

1.2 38,830/ 3,39697 = 3.6 something

so India is 3.6 times larger then Pakistan & not 10 times or 6 times

I would have to apologize for any perceived amount of candor or plain speak that my Pakistani friends might consider my post to be.With the disclaimer out of the way,Let's examine your thesis :

Myth 1.
Pakistan lost all 3 wars with India.

Pakistan and India have fought 3 wars - 1948, 1965 and 1971.

Barring 1971 (which occurred while a civil war, assisted by India, was raging in East Pakistan), no war has resulted in a decisive 'victory' for either side.

My Conclusion#

Factually weak. You are trying to draw quintessentially flawed arguments from the fact that an instrument of surrender was never signed by Pakistan.But neutral observers have always in fact credited India as the victor.I am not going to post these assessments since this is a Pakistani website and it should be respected.You could look up the same.

Myth 2.
Pakistan fights through proxies

Well, this is true. Pakistan has supported Kashmiri Freedom fighters in Indian Occupied Kashmir, and did support the Mujahideen (with US and Saudi support) and later the Taliban.

However, this allegation by Indians completely overlooks India's own long association with proxy groups.

Supported proxies that destabilized East Pakistan for many years leading into 1971
Supported the LTTE (Tamil Tigers) - a terrorist organization in Sri Lanka
Supported the Northern Alliance - a group of warlords and criminals in Afghanistan
Supported Baluch insurgents in Pakistan

My Conclusion#

The L.T.T.E accusation is true.However,they were broken off at a very preliminary stage as India decided the best way to fight for Tamil rights was through talks.The Indian Peace Keeping Force was deployed and actively took on the L.T.T.E.As a result,Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by the LTTE cadres fearing his return to power might mean the redeployment of IPKF in Sri Lanka

The other groups have never expressed any affiliation with India as far I know.The notion that India is funding them doesn't hold water as India has no leverage with such groups.

PS#Wasn't the Northern Alliance founded by Pakistan?

Myth 3.
India has never committed aggression against Pakistan, or any other country.
This is clearly not the case as seen below

Support for insurgents in East Pakistan leding into 1971 and the ensuing war
Support for the LTTE (a terrorist organization in Sri Lanka) against the Sri Lankan State
The invasion of Siachen in 1984 in clear violation of the Simla Accord
Support for the Baluch insurgency

My Conclusion#

See Riposte above.Till date, India hasn't resorted to millitary action without provocation;

1948-Invasion of Indian held territory by Pakistan

1965-Invasion of Indian held territory by Pakistan

1971-Preemptive air strike on eleven Indian airbases.

India responded after practically begging the International community to call for an end to the genocide.I wouldn't term any as aggression.We enjoy international support for being peaceful and we would like to keep it that way

Myth 4.
Pakistan spends 70% (or more, depending upon the Indian) of its budget on Defense.

Pakistan's defence budget for 2009 was about 4.4 billion USD. With a GDP of about 160 billion USD and a budget of 33 billion USD, that works out to be about 2.75% of GDP and 13.3% of the total budget.

This compares with an Indian defence budget of about 26 billion that is 14.4% of the total budget and about 2.3% - so what's the big deal with Pakistan's defence budget?

My Conclusion#

As an Indian,It would be irrelevant for me as to what Pakistan's defense Balance Sheet looks like.More of a "smoke em if you got em" guy :-)

Myth 5.
Pakistani politics is dominated by Kashmir

This argument goes along the lines of 'the Army/leadership makes sure that the only thing Pakistanis are aware of is Kashmir, and in this way distracts them from socio-economic issues and avoids investing in development'.

No doubt most Pakistanis are aware of Kashmir, but the fact that we have cutthroat national politics, with political parties that have significant ideological differences, it is absurd to suggest that the only issue mentioned during stump speeches is 'Kashmir'.

Most of the PR and advertisements run by Pakistani political parties in fact focus on providing development and bringing about prosperity, not Kashmir. Most politicians talk about providing, jobs, investment etc. and most Pakistanis vote on that basis - even when voting on biraadri lines since they believe 'their guy' will provide them with economic opportunity/favors.

The political process in Pakistan remains largely driven by issues that are important to most people elsewhere in the world - jobs, inflation, development etc.

My Conclusion#

I wouldn't know as I am unaware of the same.But the posture of naming warships and missiles after invaders of India makes me uncomfortable.We need not be the best of friends but We must learn how to coexist peacefully for the sake of the Asian bloc.

Yeah and your supposed conclusions---you are always right in the end---ain't you----. If raw and other indian intel agy's have not used northern alliance and BLA to their advantage to create unrest in pakistan---then you need to shoot their operatives for incompetence and treason against the state----for there was never a better moment to stab pakistan.

If your agencies are so incompetent of not taking advantage of this situation---then you really need to worry when the u s leave this region and you won't have your 'daddy' to protect you from pakistan---what are you gonna do then.
very very true actualy indians are feeded by their govt controlled media & text books which most of the time is busy in creating fantasy stories against Pakistan like no one in Pakistan is educated:D there are even no roads in Pakistan etc etc, & the time when Pakistan govt allows indians to visit Pakistan in 2004 (easy visa policiy) indians get shocked to c Pakistan
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