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Top 10 Nations in Maths, Sciences & Reading

you comparing yourself with Pakistan, a failed State???
come on your guys are better than us we have already established that, compete with China (Shainghai or hong kong lol)

this is hillarious :shout:

No, Riaz haq was trying to compare Pakistan with India and wanted to prove that Pakistan education is better than India with just 0.9% of Pakistan's GDP on education.

No wonder indians are mad LOL :rofl:


India is soooooo low.

Damn I knew Indians were not the smartest bunch, but I thought they would atleast be in the top 50.

I'm starting to think the 85 IQ might be too high for Indians.
Maybe it's 58, not 85.
Pakistan's education budget is criminally low. When most of the nations are injecting more money in education to catch up with the speed of this science and information age Pakistan is only nation where in last two fiscal year the education budget has gone down.


Education Budget sees a downward trend in the same period, from 2.49% of GDP in 2007/2008 to 0.9% in 2011/2012.
Fake or not I don't understand how one can compare Shanghai China to entire other countries.

Shanghai is a legit comparison. Consider the fact that Shanghai has 20 million people, a larger population than even Finland. The city has the same amount of people as North Korea.

If you consider Finland to be a legitimate comparison, then you should consider Shanghai to be good too.

Not to mention that they did test elsewhere in China, and OECD has mentioned that even the poorest regions had great results.
RiazHaq is a Pakistani fanboy and ''Cyber Joker''. He doesn't have his own intellect or resources to survey and research but does plagiarism and doctor facts available from shoddy websites. Anyone especially new posters who really wants to learn something good, quoting his blog are Idiots of highest level. If anyone goes by the trend of his garbage and intermediate school level vocabulary used one can clearly see he has only one agenda to put bad light on India.

As far as Chinese are concern one can only pity on their bigotry and self pride for the hype they have created living behind firewall, close media not so people's republic nation and history full of suppression and inferiority complex they are trying to conquer by comparing themselves with developing nations, having no guts of doing the same with any develop western nations.

The PISA or Pi$$ or whatever.... test is a $h1t authority to decide who is better in maths and science.

Also it doesn't suit Pakistanis to sledge Indians when non of their university in recent times has produced even couple of genuine Phd. level thesis on Mathematics but are known for awarding doctorates to influential people for money or other benefits/reasons for their non-clinical, non-scientific nonsense.

Here's another example from Hindustan Times that reflects similarly shameful and boorish attitude as yours:

The visit was supposed to be an opportunity for 100 young Indians from different parts of the country to get a glimpse of China and project the soft power of an emerging, young India. Instead it turned out to be an embarrassment for the country and disturbing for many of the women delegates travelling in the group.

The youth team, headed by officials from the ministry of youth affairs and sports, were in Beijing on a 10-day visit at the invitation of the Chinese government and spent time in Beijing, city of Hohhot in Inner Mongolia and Shenyang in northeast China before returning to India on Saturday night.

The delegation headed out of New Delhi on the night of July 11 and took the flight out from Beijing on July 21. http://www.hindustantimes.com/Images/Popup/2012/7/23_07_pg13a.jpg

Members were selected from political parties like the Congress, Samajwadi Party and BJP and universities and youth organisations from across the country. Many members – and those chastised for misbehaving -- were from North Indian states.

While travelling in Hohhot in Inner Mongolia, women were put in a separate bus after some of the men passed lewd comments about their fellow delegates, even making snide remarks about their ethnicity.

But it was also routine for a few to call out to Chinese women walking by as "chinkis" and let out the choicest vulgar adjectives about the clothes they wore.

About three days into the trip, few of them – some self-declared youth leaders of political parties from north Indian states – were made to give an assurance to Ministry secretary Nita Chowdhury that they will not misbehave.

Their immediate party bosses had to call them up from India to ask them to behave; Chowdhury threatened to cancel the tour if they didn’t fall in line.

But the problem didn’t end with the comments or separate buses; some male delegates, disgruntled that they were forced to travel separately, allegedly threatened girls from New Delhi that they would retaliate once back in India.

Earlier in Beijing, a Chinese waitress in a hotel was coaxed into feeding water melons to a youth leader from the ruling party of a north Indian state at the joyous occasion of his birthday. A cake was first demanded from the hotel. The hotel obliged by offering a water melon, which triggered a furore that the delegation had been insulted.

Many delegates threw tantrums at the lack of vegetarian options while eating, often embarrassing the Chinese minders.

Diplomats here were not willing to comment on record but said some of the youth were "penalised" for their behavior; they were not taken on a sight-seeing trip. Instructions were also given that those involved in fresh incidents would be dispatched home.

The misbehaviour raises questions about the procedure followed in selecting members for such delegations. For one, randomly selecting "youth leaders" from political parties is unlikely to ensure that a refined image of India is projected abroad.

The trip was mired in controversy from the beginning with China denying visa to a woman delegate from Arunachal Pradesh. As it turned out, that was just the beginning.

Indian youth delegates harass women in China - Hindustan Times

India I believe has a massive illeterate population.

So India's low ranking just confirms things we already know.

It's common with all 3rd world nations.
India is a poverty stricken nation.

India has the world's largest population of poor, hungry and illiterates who still defecate in the open.

Haq's Musings: 63 Years After Independence, India Remains Home to World's Largest Population of Poor, Hungry and Illiterates
Yes, Indeed you have to work hard to match them in coming 500 years.

India has the Newtons and the Einsteins. We keep them. China can keep the toppers of PISA.

Shanghai is a legit comparison. Consider the fact that Shanghai has 20 million people, a larger population than even Finland. The city has the same amount of people as North Korea.

If you consider Finland to be a legitimate comparison, then you should consider Shanghai to be good too.

Not to mention that they did test elsewhere in China, and OECD has mentioned that even the poorest regions had great results.

If you consider Shanghai (a metropolitan city & Financial hub of China) to be a legit comparison then it should be compared with Mumbai (another metropolitan city and financial hub ) and not with rural kids of TN & HP. Also Mumbai has more population than the entire population of Finland.
i don't understand why china make so much fuss about taiwan when they r busy declaring shanghai n hong kong as seperate nations:rofl:
Perhaps you should read up on the subject before you make such ignorant statement.
No, you got it all wrong!

Pakistan has a higher percentage of population who have completed secondary and tertiary education than India, according to Barro & Lee. India has much higher drop out rate at these levels.

There are 401 (vs 465 Indians) out of every 1000 Pakistanis who made it to secondary school. 290 (vs 69 Indians) completed secondary school while 111 (vs. 394 Indians) dropped out. Only 55 (vs 58 Indians) made it to college out of which 39 (vs 31 Indians) graduated with a degree.

Haq's Musings: Educational Attainment in India & Pakistan

Shanghai is huge city with a population of 18 million, three times the population of the entire state of Himachal Pradesh.

And there is a huge gap between Shanghai and Indian states with Shanghai ranking #1 and Indian states ranking #72 and #73.


Haq's Musings: PISA & TIMSS Confirm Low Quality of Indian Education

My point is how can you compare a city like Shangahi with a state??, even though Shanghai is with huge population it's a Metro city with huge advantage in resource, where as in a state like Tamil Nadu or Himachal Pradesh there will be some regions with less developed and which will pull their entire development index to lower...

Even a kid will understand my point and don't know why you still behave so naive - Shanghai can be compared only with Metro cities of India - such us Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore etc...Please come to enlighten us if you have data to compare Metro to Metro, or Country Vs Country, such us India as a whole with other populated countries...Example:- Beijing Education Index with Delhi, Tokyo, Dhaka, Islamabad Education Index...
Ḥashshāshīn;3220715 said:
Indians are furious that they're not on the list! :P

Indians are good at Science,maths and information tech no need for surveys to establish it. The whole world knows the hard working nature and intellect of Indians.
The whole world knows the hard working nature and intellect of Indians.

Hard working? Dalai Lama doesn't think so.
Dalai Lama calls Indians lazy - Indian Express

Intellect? More than 25% of the indian population is illiterate in the 21st century and IQ tests done by your colonial master shows indian iq is a strong 81.. compared to North Koreas 105.

Guess that explains why indians are so racist.

Kids with low IQ grow up to be racist - Times Of India

"people with low intelligence gravitate towards right-wing views because they make them feel safe."
Hard working? Dalai Lama doesn't think so.
Dalai Lama calls Indians lazy - Indian Express

Intellect? More than 25% of the indian population is illiterate in the 21st century and IQ tests done by your colonial master shows indian iq is a strong 81.. compared to North Koreas 105.

Guess that explains why indians are so racist.

Kids with low IQ grow up to be racist - Times Of India

"people with low intelligence gravitate towards right-wing views because they make them feel safe."

The logic which the Chinese are saying and claiming every thing inturn demonstrating the IQ levels and logic levels of Chinese :rofl:
Indians are good at Science,maths and information tech no need for surveys to establish it. The whole world knows the hard working nature and intellect of Indians.

Total nonsense.

It has been proven Indians have low intelligence by IQ tests and studies, and this PISA tests prove that.

Yea sure you get the odd intelligent Indian guy, but IQ tests, PISA tests confirm the general ability of Indians, and they confirm Indians are not very bright humans.

You mistake the intelligence of a few smart ones to the general intelligence of the Indian race.

(I'm just the messenger)
Indians on this thread...do you know who Riaz Haq is? Have you ever heard about Haq's Musings? If you do then stay away from here.

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