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Top 10 Most Hated Persons In Pakistan

Wow ! What a list .

Doesn't the social media usually consist of largely the civil society of a country ? :what: Damn
My list

Darpok commander Musharraf
Drama queen malala
U turn Imran khan niazi
Asma jahangir
Marvi sarmad
Faisal raza abidi
Hussain haqqani
Amir liaquat
Shaista lodhi and her sister Sahir lodhi
Last but not least Altaf hussain

why malala?/ :woot:
why malala?/ :woot:

Dramay baaz hai is liye. Most people in Pakistan think the whole fiasco was fabricated and wasnt true at all. She gets shot in the head, and she gets 100s of awards and recognition. I mean c'mon, if you want to keep the credibility of these awards, than please give it to someone much more deserving. Also, how is it that she gets shot in the head and survives? There are no medical reports explaining what happened to her. All we know is that she was shot. Thats it. It takes years to recover from a bullet wound to the head. She recovered in few months. Not only that, she doesn't seem to have any kind of neuro disorder. I mean cmon you get shot in the head, and after 3 months, you are walking around, interacting, talking etc. A doctor can explain better what happens when you get shot in the head. Even if the bullet doesn't penetrate through your brain, your brain still gets damaged over excess amount of heat from the bullet, and the blood that accumulates around the wound inside your skull. She survives....... really?
Veena was a disrespectful person long before she joined Big Boss. And it's not just pakistanis who hate her,You can also find some Indians who hate her as well. I hate her because she is full of herself,The pakistanis have their own reasons.

Well Miss.Jassica
An artist represents your country,culture,society.Veena Malik,abused our image by her pathetic attitude,especially when she worked in FSH magzine. There is huge difference of being a secular and vulger,because of such women,the entire defination of secularism is corrupted.
It is time for us now,to re-define this concept to reduce internal anarchy.
I don't find any valid reason to support a frustrated woman who has tatooed her body with ISI in a sense to abuse our intelligence agencies who are working hard 24/7 for our defence and security,
I damn care how full of **** she is nor I care if she goes around naked in the streets.However,I do care and so the people of Pakistan when ISI's name is tatooed on her shitty body.This is not freedom,this is ***** and any sane person will protest/resist/condamn such sickness.
why not malala should be on this list ? ? ? i think she is nothing but portraying pakistan as a anti-education specially in islam ! we have so many example like malala but no one ever give publicity to them why not ? arfa karim kids like these can be symbol for pakistan and islam not like malala , her father is now working in pakistan embassy in uk, and she has no intention to come back to pak and do anything ?! usa and western peoples are only using malala as a tool for their anti-islam campaign .
What he did when he was army cheif and President?

save your A$$ when Armerican General call him and say " Gen musherraf are you with us or against us ? " if he say he was against usa then today you will be in some grave and we will playing with stones and wood :omghaha:

why malala?/ :woot:

she will soon take place of veena malik in USA :D :usflag:
One wonders what will happen to my country when we ignorant fools who think Malala is a CIA agent, working on RAW, CIA, MOSSAD agenda. No wonder we are in the deepest of the pits, clawing our way to get out, failing but yet blame everyone else but ourselves.

We couldnt provide the poor girl security, a 14 year old girl was shot at point blank range, survives. Her life is threatened, and we expect to come back to this country where providing protection is Allah's job. Bull-fcking-****. Get your heads out of the place where the sun dont shine. She doesnt come back because she is 15 year old now who is actually promoting peace in Muslim countries. Campaiging for more rights to women and children. More schools through out the world for kids. This is a fcking CIA agenda?

Those who accuse her of maligning my country's honor what honor are you so worried about? The honor that bin laden was found in Pakistan? The honor that our country is a terrorism training center? The honor that has people turning over for little amounts of money? Or the honor that we are an Islamic country and protests on the streets causing billions worth of damages and 100s of deaths because some a55hole made a video about the last Prophet pbuh. When our Prophet didnt agree with the punishment to the residents of Taif then who are we to judge? Or the honor that our people still support the TTP because they will spread Islam?

If you are still not sure about her speeches then for the sake of a flying carpet sea monster watch her videos. Not one word she spoke is against our country. She still refers to herself as a Pakistani, be glad about it.

Wake up before its too late.
Well Miss.Jassica
An artist represents your country,culture,society.Veena Malik,abused our image by her pathetic attitude,especially when she worked in FSH magzine. There is huge difference of being a secular and vulger,because of such women,the entire defination of secularism is corrupted.
It is time for us now,to re-define this concept to reduce internal anarchy.
I don't find any valid reason to support a frustrated woman who has tatooed her body with ISI in a sense to abuse our intelligence agencies who are working hard 24/7 for our defence and security,
I damn care how full of **** she is nor I care if she goes around naked in the streets.However,I do care and so the people of Pakistan when ISI's name is tatooed on her shitty body.This is not freedom,this is ***** and any sane person will protest/resist/condamn such sickness.

I agree with you.
she will soon take place of veena malik in USA

I disagree! All Veena can do is act vulgar and portray a negative Image of women in Pakistan, Malala on the other hand is backed by NGO's and has much worse and bigger plans. Malala is not hated in pakistan because no one knows about her yet.
why malala?/ :woot:

Malala is not hated. A few people dislike her because of what she has in store for the people. Who knows what she's cooking up? 1 thing I never understood was why Malala got more prominence than other children who were also injured in the same attack as hers.
I think some names deserve to be in the top 10 like Najam Sethi, Marvi Samad, Shakeel Afridi. But Hamid Mir, Asma Jehangir and Malala Yousufzai should be removed.
Instead Zardari, TTP leaders should be included.
This list is not reliable and should not be taken seriously ..even source is not reliable

It seem to me the list of one person not all Pakistani. people who deserve the hate of Pakistani are the ones who are not loyal and sincere to Pakistan/Pakistani..rest is don't matter
Pakistani people are different from the world. They sometime even do not believe in the media and easily identify the traitors to their country۔ They watch different news on media from a different angle of thoughts. They also recognize the conspiracies against Pakistan and expose them on Social. Social Media also show with the proof of images and videos while exposing such a people For example, Dr. Amir Liaqat of Geo Aalim Online program was exposed by social media when people watched a leaked video of Dr. Aamir Liaqat who was using abusive language and abusing acting just before recording of his program Aalim Online. Below is the list of most disliked people in Pakistan.

10. Hamid Mir


Hamid Mir is a popular Anchorperson of a popular Private news channel. He is the top 10th most disliked person in Pakistan. He was criticized by Pakistani social media because they considering him as a RAW agent. He is also criticized because he did not arrange any program about the Kashmir issue still know. Zaid Hamid claimed that he is a CIA agent. Pakistani social media claims that he is the son of Waris Mir who was the biggest traitor of Pakistan in 1971.

9. Najam Sethi


Najam Sethi is a news analyst of private news channel Geo News. He is extremely criticized by social media of Pakistan because of his secular ideology and and friendly trend towards India. According to Najam Sethi the 1965 war was lost by Pakistan. He is also blamed responsible for the 2013 election rigging in Punjab province as he was nominated caretaker CM of Punjab by Muslim League Noon.

8. Hussain Haqqani


Hussain Haqqani was the Pakistani ambassador to the United States from 13 April 2008 – 22 November 2011. He got the public attention when he was found the principal accused in the MEMO GATE scandal. He has also used abusive language in the US against Pakistan recently.

7. Meera


Meera is a popular Lollywood actress. Pakistani social media blasted against her when she migrated to Bollywood where she signed and acted in Bollywood movies and found her in the bold kissing scenes. Meera is also famous for her different controversial scandals. According to Pakistani Social Media, Meera has severely damaged the true image of Pakistan.

6. Marvi Sirmed


Marvi Sirmed is one of the most disliked people in Pakistan. She is a journalist and blogger. Pakistanis hate her for his secular Ideologies. According to Marvi Sirmed, the founder of Pakistan Mr. Mohammad Ali Jinnah was secular, and he actually wanted a secular Pakistan. She was also criticized when she used abusive language on twitter.

5. Asma Jahangir


Asma Jahangir is a lawyer and advocate of Supreme Court of Pakistan. Pakistani people hate her because of her secular ideology and friendly trend towards India. Some people say that she is Qadiani. She is also against the Hudood Ordinance and blasphemy law of Pakistan.

4. Malala Yousufzai


Malala Yousufzai is a 16 years old girl but Pakistanis hate her becaus they think that the Malala has done nothing some special for her country and the media raised her to the top because she used to write a secret documentary for BBC. Pakistanis says that Malala is a CIA agent as she along with her father were found with some CIA officers.

3. Altaf Hussain


Altaf Hussain is the Leader of a political party of Pakistan who is residing in London. Pakistanis consider him responsible for target killing in Karachi, Pakistan. The anger of Pakistani raised more when Zulfiqar Mirza severely exposed Altaf during in a press conference in which Zulfiqar Mirza showed some documents to the media as a proof and told that Altaf Hussain wanted to divide Pakistan.

2. Veena Malik


Veena Malik is also a Pakistani film star who went to India to start her Bollywood career but she has broken all records immorality. Pakistanis got anger against her when she has done a bold photoshot in bikini. She claims that she is actually enlightening the name of Pakistan while Pakistanis say that she is a prostitute who has destroyed the real image of Pakistani women.

1. Shakil Afridi


Shakil Afridi is a local doctor who played the most important role to trace out Usama Bin Laden. He is behind the bars now. Shakil Afridi is the most disliked and hated person in Pakistan now a days because he was working for CIA. According to the people of Pakistan, he is responsible for the illegal Abbottabad operation by the US forces.

Top Ten most hated people in Pakistan | The News Informer

OHH Ji zardi kha gaya?

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