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High speed of Bhramos gives less time for enemy defences to react. Also high KE will make it easy to pierce deeper into well protected hulls and the warhead does the rest.

None of which is unique to Brahmos. It's just the latest in a line of large, fast-moving Russian missiles.

KH-15 came screaming in at Mach 5.

KH-22 was hitting Mach 4.5.

P 500 hits Mach 3.

Same with P 270.

Since the inception of P-270 some 30, nearly 40 years ago, nations have been investing in defenses against supersonic, sea skimming missiles including RAM.


Which train against supersonic, sea skimming targets like GQM-163 Coyote.

And a version of Russia's KH-31 "Mini Moskit" called the MA-31.

Brahmos is big and mean, no one's saying it's not a threat. But it's nothing new either, it's just the latest in a long line of large, fast moving Russian missiles.

There are countermeasures to deal with it and similar weapons.
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None of which is unique to Brahmos. It's just the latest in a line of large, fast-moving Russian missiles.

KH-15 came screaming in at Mach 5.

KH-22 was hitting Mach 4.5.

P 500 hits Mach 3.

Same with P 270.

Since the inception of P-270 some 30, nearly 40 years ago, nations have been investing in defenses against supersonic, sea skimming missiles including RAM.


Which train against supersonic, sea skimming targets like GQM-163 Coyote.

And a version of Russia's KH-31 "Mini Moskit" called the MA-31.

Brahmos is big and mean, no one's saying it's not a threat. But it's nothing new either, it's just the latest in a long line of large, fast moving Russian missiles.

There are countermeasures to deal with it and similar weapons.
None of which is unique to Brahmos. It's just the latest in a line of large, fast-moving Russian missiles.

KH-15 came screaming in at Mach 5.

KH-22 was hitting Mach 4.5.

P 500 hits Mach 3.

Same with P 270.

Since the inception of P-270 some 30, nearly 40 years ago, nations have been investing in defenses against supersonic, sea skimming missiles including RAM.


Which train against supersonic, sea skimming targets like GQM-163 Coyote.

And a version of Russia's KH-31 "Mini Moskit" called the MA-31.

Brahmos is big and mean, no one's saying it's not a threat. But it's nothing new either, it's just the latest in a long line of large, fast moving Russian missiles.

There are countermeasures to deal with it and similar weapons.
Well now that we have agreed that Bhramos is quite capable. Lets move to your argument that only India relies on speed. Japan is developing xasm-3 missile which is Supersonic ASM
Well now that we have agreed that Bhramos is quite capable.

No we don't. I never claimed it was capable, I said it's a threat and so is the humble rock. Capable is a matter of how it's used. If used poorly it's sh*t.

Whether the IN is capable or not is a discussion for another time.

Lets move to your argument that only India relies on speed.

Who's argument?

I wrote, and I'll quote exactly what I wrote;

"From an Indian perspective, maybe speed matters more, but not everywhere and even in nations with high-speed missile programs, they mix them with slower ones too or hybrid designs like Russia's Kaliber series anti-ship missile which is subsonic for the duration of its flight and makes a supersonic sprint only in the final seconds."

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/top-10-cruise-missiles-2016-videos.429608/#ixzz487WMrJ4R

Do you see anything about India relying only on speed? I don't. What I see is a statement saying nations may favor speed, but only when combining it with smart, but slow missiles or hybrid designs.

India does this and its current development favors speed, as Brahmos and Brahmos II demonstrate. But Brahmos is backed up by Harpoon, Sea Eagle P-15, Exocet and the Kaliber series, which is inline with what I wrote.

So I'll ask again; who's argument?

Japan is developing xasm-3 missile which is Supersonic ASM

Good for them. That doesn't go against anything I've written either. Western nations don't value speed as much as they do brains. The modern anti-ship missiles in Europe and the US are all subsonic.





Exocet block 3

Tomahawk block 4

Subsonic. All of them. Europe and the US value brains over speed in an anti-ship missile and their missile types and development show this.
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Subsonic. All of them. Europe and the US value brains over speed in an anti-ship missile and their missile types and development show this.

I dunno they look like subsonic frankfurter sausages to me ! :undecided:
No we don't. I never claimed it was capable, I said it's a threat and so is the humble rock. Capable is a matter of how it's used. If used poorly it's sh*t.

Whether the IN is capable or not is a discussion for another time.

Who's argument?

I wrote, and I'll quote exactly what I wrote;

"From an Indian perspective, maybe speed matters more, but not everywhere and even in nations with high-speed missile programs, they mix them with slower ones too or hybrid designs like Russia's Kaliber series anti-ship missile which is subsonic for the duration of its flight and makes a supersonic sprint only in the final seconds."

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/top-10-cruise-missiles-2016-videos.429608/#ixzz487WMrJ4R

Do you see anything about India relying only on speed? I don't. What I see is a statement saying nations may favor speed, but only when combining it with smart, but slow missiles or hybrid designs.

India does this and its current development favors speed, as Brahmos and Brahmos II demonstrate. But Brahmos is backed up by Harpoon, Sea Eagle P-15, Exocet and the Kaliber series, which is inline with what I wrote.

So I'll ask again; who's argument?

Good for them. That doesn't go against anything I've written either. Western nations don't value speed as much as they do brains. The modern anti-ship missiles in Europe and the US are all subsonic.





Exocet block 3

Tomahawk block 4

Subsonic. All of them. Europe and the US value brains over speed in an anti-ship missile and their missile types and development show this.
Wow! Bhramos is shit coz IN is not capable enough to use it :o:.
Even US is modifying SM 6 to use it as a supersonic anti ship missile.
Wow! Bhramos is shit coz IN is not capable enough to use it :o:.
Even US is modifying SM 6 to use it as a supersonic anti ship missile.

Another 2 sentence answer:disagree:. You're a tower of intellectual power here, now aren't you?

Wow! Bhramos is shit coz IN is not capable enough to use it :o:.

Also not what I said. If the IN uses it poorly, it's not capable. If they use it well, it is capable.

Pretty easy concept to understand, no?

I can fly an aircraft, I can do it. But not-capably:partay:. I'll end up in the ground a smoking wreck and my flight will be dubbed a failure.

Even US is modifying SM 6 to use it as a supersonic anti ship missile.

No modifications needed. That's always been a thing with the Standard series, save for SM3.

SM2 engaged Iranian vessels successfully during Operation Praying Mantis:

Action continued to escalate. Joshan, an Iranian Combattante II Kaman-class fast attack craft, challenged USS Wainwright and Surface Action Group Charlie. The commanding officer of Wainwright directed a final warning (of a series of warnings) stating that Joshan was to "stop your engines, abandon ship, I intend to sink you". Joshan responded by firing a Harpoon missile at them. The missile was successfully lured away by chaff. Simpson responded to the challenge by firing four Standard missiles, while Wainwright followed with one Standard missile. All missiles hit and destroyed the Iranian ship's superstructure but did not immediately sink it, so Bagley fired a Harpoon of its own; the missile did not find the target. SAG Charlie closed on Joshan, with Simpson, then Bagley and Wainwright firing guns to sink the crippled Iranian ship.


Taking place in 1988, you're looking at an SM-2 MR Block 2 fired from a twin-arm launcher, like this on USS Wainwright.

Or a single-arm launcher as found on OHP class frigates like USS Simpson

I wonder why the US didn't go with the Standard series as their standard anti-ship weapon and instead opted for LRASM and NSM?

The trend, being towards a procurement of Tomahawk blk 4, Naval Strike Missile and Long-Ranged Anti-ship Missile is towards, slow but smart weapons.

I dunno they look like subsonic frankfurter sausages to me ! :undecided:

Wait 'til you see what American rockets look like:o:!!


Wait 'til you see what American rockets look like:o:!!



I'm done with my essay and I need to get up in another 5 hours...so I better get some sleep ! :undecided:

Sweet dreams ! :wave:

And I think Thor's little lad ought to get some sleep too ! :agree:

So get your butt into bed and go to sleep ! :angry:
I'm done with my essay and I need to get up in another 5 hours...so I better get some sleep ! :undecided:

Sweet dreams ! :wave:

Night, Mr. Butt:D!

And I think Thor's little lad ought to get some sleep too ! :agree:

I'll try. It's 5 am, and I got kneed in the ribs while Mrs. Definitely-not-a-morning-person was getting up and ready, so here I am:cry:.

Once I'm up, I'm usually up though:(. I can't even take naps during the day. Anyway, see you in the evening sleep or no sleep:wave:.

Oh, if I'm writing "Brains!! Brains!!!" when we next meet, I'm totally not a sleep zombie:partay:.
Night, Mr. Butt:D!

Oh no you didn't ! :o:


I'll try. It's 5 am, and I got kneed in the ribs while Mrs. Definitely-not-a-morning-person was getting up and ready, so here I am:cry:.

Once I'm up, I'm usually up though:(. I can't even take naps during the day. Anyway, see you in the evening:wave:.

Say Hi to the Mrs. from me ! :)

And tell her to come visit us on PDF every now and then ! :angry:

Nightie night then ! :wave:
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