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Too Many Problems at Home, Sharif Govt Puts Kashmir on Backburner

Well your standards are abysmal young man. India in its present form is term derived from us. Get an education. It is still not to late for someone as young as you. Now get back to the topic and tell me how you plan to wrest Pakistan's part of Kashmir.

Oh I see ! Pulling rank on me. Sorry to be harsh but the time for White Man's burden is over. And your propaganda of bringing progress and unity to India is now laughed at. Unlike the pygmies of Europe, India and China have always been civilizational entities, and we don't need the artificial concept of nation state to unite us. Kashmir is an organic part of that civilization. Unlike you, we did not wrest it through fraud and deceit.
And still many in India thinks that a stable pakistan is good for India.

After reading this news it proves that its not in India's interest at all.

India don't have any role in present situation in pak but if RAW given free hand we will be free of every trouble and terrorism whatsoever. :)

RAW is the most successful secrete service of South Asia which have always proved its worth and even created a new country by diving enemy state into half. :argh:
Oh I see ! Pulling rank on me. Sorry to be harsh but the time for White Man's burden is over. And your propaganda of bringing progress and unity to India is now laughed at. Unlike the pygmies of Europe, India and China have always been civilizational entities, and we don't need the artificial concept of nation state to unite us. Kashmir is an organic part of that civilization. Unlike you, we did not wrest it through fraud and deceit.

Civilisation and India unless you mean sati was civilised give me a break young man. Instead of waffling please give us a plan how you wish to beat Pakistan to take over their part of Kashmir? No drivel about you and China being best of old buddies.
Civilisation and India unless you mean sati was civilised give me a break young man. Instead of waffling please give us a plan how you wish to beat Pakistan to take over their part of Kashmir? No drivel about you and China being best of old buddies.

Thanks of the offer but I m really not in the mood for a guilt trip right now. Don't you ever feel ashamed of your own barbaric genocidal history. But karma rules. So enjoy your time before your Pygmy nation reverts to it's default status - a fisherman's island.
A stable and prosperous Pakistan is not in India's interest.

We must encourage more and more Islam in Pakistan..It benefits India immensely.
A stable and prosperous Pakistan is not in India's interest.

We must encourage more and more Islam in Pakistan..It benefits India immensely.

Sorry.. But its not Islam that causes problem.. But the warped & extremist interpretation of Islam that is so prevalent in Pakistan that does that
Whenever Pakistan was ahead of us in prosperity they had trouble with us or in otherwords they have more resources at their disposal for causing trouble with India.
Funny how you lot are crying a river when Pakistan helps elements in India but right now are gloating that India is exactly indulging in the same. A heart warming message about the sincerity of Indian efforts to a peaceful south Asia :lol:
Thanks of the offer but I m really not in the mood for a guilt trip right now. Don't you ever feel ashamed of your own barbaric genocidal history. But karma rules. So enjoy your time before your Pygmy nation reverts to it's default status - a fisherman's island.

Poor Boy runs away with his tail tucked between his legs when you ask him a direct question on how will you take away Pakistan's part of Kashmir?

Poor Boy runs away with his tail tucked between his legs when you ask him a direct question on how will you take away Pakistan's part of Kashmir?


It's the British who have run off from their looted lands. We are where we were.
Sorry.. But its not Islam that causes problem.. But the warped & extremist interpretation of Islam that is so prevalent in Pakistan that does that

If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, moves like a duck, guess what...it is a duck.

It does not matter whether its warped, extremist or martian interpretation of Islam. At the end of the day that is what Islam is in Pakistan...and we need more of it in Pakistan.
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