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Tony Blair's sister-in-law accepts Islam

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Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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There is ticker running on a news channel saying sister-in-law of Ex-UK PM Tony Blair's has converted to Islam.

The main point is that it said Loran (plz correct the spells if wrong) have accepted Islam after inspiring from Islamic teaching in Iran
Islam as far as i know is a very pure religion.
My muslim friend tells me that Islam teaches the follower to die and do everything for the nation they live in,be it USA,Pakistan or India.

He tells me the teaching of Islam everyday.

But sadly,some people have tainted it in front of the world.
But for me,i still adore the original teachings of Islam.
Maybe,thats why her sis in law is accepting Islam..
I read that too.....But yet to be confirmed. I read it on samaa. They often exaggerate the news.

Still Good news if true.
I read that too.....But yet to be confirmed. I read it on samaa. They often exaggerate the news.

Still Good news if true.

I saw it on Dawn News as ticker .

Dont know from where they took it

I hope thats true....... but needs an official statement from her - otherwise I'll take it as a rumour for now
My muslim friend tells me that Islam teaches the follower to die and do everything for the nation they live in,be it USA,Pakistan or India.

Your muslim friends are definitely followers of Khal Naik as there is no such thing writing anywhere! Muslims are urged to help fellow Muslims to max regardless of race, nationality and origin as Islam does not like to enforce nationalism!
to be honest i think its likely to be true she has always been very pro-palestine and sympathetic towards muslims or atleast what one could might think of as "muslim" causes.Don't know if she actually muslim for sure but but if so than its not really surprsing to me.

here she is with a palestinian passport there to protest the gaza siege.


Report: Blair’s sister-in-law converts to Islam

Photo by: courtesy
Report: Blair’s sister-in-law converts to Islam
10/24/2010 15:15

Lauren Booth, employee of Iranian Press TV awarded diplomatic status by Hamas, wishes to educate former UK prime minister on true Islam.
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The sister-in-law of former British prime minister Tony Blair has reportedly converted to Islam after “a holy experience” while on a visit to Iran.

Anti-Israel activist and journalist Lauren Booth said she took the decision after visiting the Fatima al-Masumeh Shrine in Qom, the second most holy city in Shi'ite Iran after Mashhad, leading her to convert immediately on returning to the UK.

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“It was a Tuesday evening and I sat down and felt this shot of spiritual morphine, just absolute bliss and joy,” she told The Mail on Sunday newspaper.

The 43-year-old activist, a presenter for the Iranian news channel Press TV who was given a Palestinian diplomatic status by Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in 2008, said she now covers her head with a hijab when she leaves the house and prays five times daily. She also refused to rule out wearing a burka.

“Now I don’t eat pork and I read the Koran every day, I’m on page 60,” she claimed.

Booth also said she visits her local mosque when she can and has given up drinking.

“I also haven’t had a drink in 45 days, the longest period in 25 years. The strange thing is that since I decided to convert I haven’t wanted to touch alcohol, and I was someone who craved a glass of wine or two at the end of a day,” Booth told the Mail.

Booth also said that she had always been “sympathetic” to Islam.

“I was always impressed with the strength and comfort it gave,” she said.

The activist said she hoped her conversion would have an impact on Blair helping him to change his presumptions about Islam.

On a visit to Gaza in 2008, Booth compared Gaza to a “concentration camp” and a “humanitarian crisis on the scale of Darfur.”

Speaking on Press TV after her visit, Booth dismissed descriptions of Gaza as a prison.

“I want to say thank you for using the word concentration camp because the word prison has been applied in the last few years and that’s a lie. In a prison you get three meals a day, a nourishing diet, visits from outsiders and some hobbies and rehabilitation and a date for your release,” she said.

A few days before the interview, the Agence France Presse agency released a picture of Booth shopping in a well stocked grocery store in Gaza.

In August, Britain’s media regulator ruled a Press TV program on the Gaza flotilla incident presented by Booth breached broadcasting code rules on impartiality.

According to the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries, known as Ofcom, the program began with a pro-Palestinian song and anti-Israel images, featured an array of recorded and live interviews with similar views and included descriptions of the incident such as “barbaric” and “massacre.”

Presenting a program titled "Remember Palestine" on the Iranian channel Booth said: “Israeli commandos committed a massacre of innocent civilians sailing aid ships to the besieged Gaza Strip...This was obviously a barbarous attack on civilians... As Turkey buries its murdered citizens... the brave men and women on the ships in one move have shifted world opinion against Israeli apartheid.”

Ofcom ruled that the program was one-sided and failed to offer alternative views.

In 2003, British journalist Yvonne Ridley converted to Islam following her kidnap at the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2001.

Also an anti-Israel activist and Press TV presenter, the 51-year-old Respect party member declared the party “Zionist- free” in 2006 and described Israel as “that disgusting little watchdog of America that is festering in the Middle East.”

“If there was any Zionists in the Respect Party they would be hunted down and kicked out. We have no time for Zionists,” Ridley said.

In 2008, Press TV was accused of Holocaust denial after it published an article on its website claiming the massacre of Jewish people during the Holocaust was “scientifically impossible."

Report: Blair?s sister-in-law converts to Islam
ASA for all, I am so proud of these people who convert to Islam. Keep on counting, more and more are coming to the great religion of Islam.


MashALLAH, god bless all of those who embrace Islam... Peace.

Islam is a beautiful religion, only if some non-muslims fully understand he/she will be converted immediately, because how much right and correct it is.

The growing Muslim population in World is a good sign!

Good luck to our new sister in Islam, if t's true!!
God bless her, it's going to be tough but hope she wades through it with ease!!
“I also haven’t had a drink in 45 days, the longest period in 25 years. The strange thing is that since I decided to convert I haven’t wanted to touch alcohol, and I was someone who craved a glass of wine or two at the end of a day,” Booth told the Mail.


Subhan'Allah - Subhan'Allah - Subhan'Allah

Seems like the news is true :victory:
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