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Tolerant Hinduism in action!

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Yeah, I'm aware they've been punished. Considering the international attention that the murders received, this isn't surprising. In any case, I adduced this Staines's case only as an illustration of radical Hindus' tendency to hurl empty accusations against Christians of converting people against their own will.

International pressure lol, How you come to that assumption. :what:
I would advise you not to discuss further on this topic.................It is a banned one, and will most probably get you banned too..........:disagree:

I Have Already Reported This Thread.
I would advise you not to discuss further on this topic.................It is a banned one, and will most probably get you banned too..........:disagree:

If this is the case, I apologize to the moderators.

Anyway, I think I have already accomplished the thread's mission. :)
How come a banned topic on hindus can last so long, whereas other banned topics get closed so fast???
Mods please dudes, close the Damn Thread!!!
Disgusting.. amazing how the mainstream "free" westen media hardly ever covers Hindu terrorism and extremism.
Hindu terrorist down blow up people all around the world. Neither they behead people and posts it on Internet. Nor do they preach conversion by force. They are limited to India only. We are tackling it and every country in west knows how India can tackle terrorism.

Talking about terrorism to Indians. We are professional in curbing it. There is nothing called Hindu terrorism. Just few fanatics misguided by few idiots.

I'm sorry, but even supposing that Chritians have been paying people to convert -- something that apparently has not been established in the above story -- this is no excuse to launch pogroms on minorities. Also, it seems some Hindus have a penchant to accuse Christians of using illicit conversion methods to then justify violence against them. Didn't radical Hindus say that of Graham Staines, the Christian missionary who was burned to death along with his sons?

There is no supposition here,it is a fact.

Graham Staines was also a brutal missionary,no saint.
Hindu terrorist down blow up people all around the world. Neither they behead people and posts it on Internet. Nor do they preach conversion by force. They are limited to India only. We are tackling it and every country in west knows how India can tackle terrorism.

Talking about terrorism to Indians. We are professional in curbing it. There is nothing called Hindu terrorism. Just few fanatics misguided by few idiots.

What were the Tamil Tigers doing in Sri Lanka then?
Hindu terrorist down blow up people all around the world.
Yeah, only in Sri Lanka, isn't it.

Nor do they preach conversion by force.
No, they just burn to death those missionaries and politely ask the converts to get back to Hindusim.
They are limited to India only.
Doesn't matter. Whenever minorities feel besieged in a Muslim country (e.g., the hysteria about Copts in Egypt following Morsi's victory), this garners international attention. Why not in India or in countries outside of the Islamic realm? As I said previously, no ethnicity or religion has a monopoly on intolerance.

Talking about terrorism to Indians. We are professional in curbing it. There is nothing called Hindu terrorism. Just few fanatics misguided by few idiots.
What exactly were the Tamil Tigers?
Graham Staines got burnt alive because he did not listen to the warning given to him so in the end it was his own fault he wanted to play with fire.
Yeah, only in Sri Lanka, isn't it.

No, they just burn to death those missionaries and politely ask the converts to get back to Hindusim.

Doesn't matter. Whenever minorities feel besieged in a Muslim country, this garners international attention. Why not in India or in countries outside of the Islamic realm?

What exactly were the Tamil Tigers?

You do know the Tamil Tigers have Christain members?
What were the Tamil Tigers doing in Sri Lanka then?

The whole LTTE top leadership was Christian. You are a Sri lankan, you should be knowing that..
You do know the Tamil Tigers have Christain members?

Doesn't refute the fact that it was mostly Hindu and, for a time, enabled by India. By the way, some Islamist groups -- e.g., Hezbollah -- have also had Christian members. That doesn't alter their fundalmental character either.
Prabhakaran aka Pirapaharan (Christian convert, a lapsed Methodist)
S.P. Tamil Selvam - Christian
Balraj (Balasegaram Kandiah) - Christian
Pottu Amman (Christian)
Prabhakaran’s son Charles Anthony - Christian
Anton Balasingham - Christian
Soosai (Thillaiyampalam Sivanesan) - Christian
Thenmozhi Rajaratnam (nickname Dhanu), Rajiv Gandhi's suicide bomber assassin - Christian

While the LTTE’s terrorist methods should be squarely condemned, one cannot lose sight of the fact that the Sinhalese majority was egregiously persecuting their Sri Lankan Tamil minorities since the country became independent from the British, such as denying jobs and seats in educations institutes to Tamils. Rajiv Gandhi tried to broker a peace agreement in the 1980s, but it backfired, with Christian suicide bomber Thenmozhi Rajaratnam taking his life in 1991.
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