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To Understand their game in Baluchistan

Iran-Pakistan relations are a real mystery to me. When terrorists killed 14 security personnel near gwadar, they had come from and went back to iran. Similarly Uzair Baloch had an Iranian passport. Kulbhushan was operating from Iran and I find it extremely hard to accept that Iranians were unaware of his acgivities. I read somewhere(don't know if its true) allah nazar baloch was until recently in iran and was forced out due to pakistani pressure on iran. Similarly sectarian target killers according to ctd karachi had got training in iran. Similarly i think it was some officer from FC balochistan who said iran wasn't cooperating with fencing. Then their is iranian oil smuggling. Their president on Indian visit praised Indian 'diversity' and they never mention Kashmir (by the way what's their official position on Kashmir). I read a former Indian diplomat that Iran has helped India in the past relieve pressure on Kashmir issue from the oic platform.

Our government on the other hand doesn't give us a clue if all of this bothers them at all. I can understand if the establishment is dealing with all of this behind the scenes but that's my hunch.
Iran-Pakistan relations are a real mystery to me. When terrorists killed 14 security personnel near gwadar, they had come from and went back to iran. Similarly Uzair Baloch had an Iranian passport. Kulbhushan was operating from Iran and I find it extremely hard to accept that Iranians were unaware of his acgivities. I read somewhere(don't know if its true) allah nazar baloch was until recently in iran and was forced out due to pakistani pressure on iran. Similarly sectarian target killers according to ctd karachi had got training in iran. Similarly i think it was some officer from FC balochistan who said iran wasn't cooperating with fencing. Then their is iranian oil smuggling. Their president on Indian visit praised Indian 'diversity' and they never mention Kashmir (by the way what's their official position on Kashmir). I read a former Indian diplomat that Iran has helped India in the past relieve pressure on Kashmir issue from the oic platform.

Our government on the other hand doesn't give us a clue if all of this bothers them at all. I can understand if the establishment is dealing with all of this behind the scenes but that's my hunch.

Iran has a trump card - allow USA and/or India unfettered access to Afghanistan
your army generals can kiss good bye to their dreams of strategic depth
Iran has a trump card - allow USA and/or India unfettered access to Afghanistan
your army generals can kiss good bye to their dreams of strategic depth

You lack the strategic depth in understanding as to why that will never happen and why even if it did it still wouldn't result in what you're saying.
This is one of the reasons why I am in favor of America or Israel wiping Iran off the map... The regime itself.

They are the prime reason and sponsors of terror in Balochistan Pakistan.

The iranian regimen is known to sponsor terrorism in the region.
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Iran has a trump card - allow USA and/or India unfettered access to Afghanistan
your army generals can kiss good bye to their dreams of strategic depth

Why would Iran allow USA unfettered access to Afghanistan? What's the benefit? Iran are no fools.

If you look at the map, Iran was surrounded by US military and allies on west and south side. Having USA on east side in Afghanistan is stupid.

USA can use Peshawar to access to Afghanistan, but the USA military was bitten badly by Taliban. USA do not have extra resource to attack Iran from Afghanistan.

Entering Afghanistan was the second most stupid decision made by USA, the first one is invading Vietnam.

Americans are just manipulated by military-industrial complex and Zionists. Feel sad for those wounded/dead US solders, not worth it.
Why would Iran allow USA unfettered access to Afghanistan? What's the benefit?

to keep pakistani generals on their toes

You lack the strategic depth in understanding as to why that will never happen and why even if it did it still wouldn't result in what you're saying.

pakistan will lose its bargaining capacity or relevance if that happened
to keep pakistani generals on their toes

pakistan will lose its bargaining capacity or relevance if that happened

USA is leaving Afghanistan, didn't you see it? Admitting failure is painful, but it's the price of arrogance and USA have to pay for it sooner or later.

USA basically have 2 options:
1, Invade Iran and occupy Iran, then you can have unfettered access to Afghanistan. You also open the gate to Central Asia. The strategic importance of Central Asia pay off the Afghanistan War. But USA doesn't dare to do it, otherwise USA has done it many years ago.
2, Leave Afghanistan. Obama thought about this plan, but he doesn't want to be blamed for the failure. Obama is damn smart, he then kick the can down the road. And now it's Donald Trump. Trump can keep kicking the can and wasting money or invade Iran.

It's a dilemma of USA empire. And you know every empire has its limit.
Iran-Pakistan relations are a real mystery to me. When terrorists killed 14 security personnel near gwadar, they had come from and went back to iran. Similarly Uzair Baloch had an Iranian passport. Kulbhushan was operating from Iran and I find it extremely hard to accept that Iranians were unaware of his acgivities. I read somewhere(don't know if its true) allah nazar baloch was until recently in iran and was forced out due to pakistani pressure on iran. Similarly sectarian target killers according to ctd karachi had got training in iran. Similarly i think it was some officer from FC balochistan who said iran wasn't cooperating with fencing. Then their is iranian oil smuggling. Their president on Indian visit praised Indian 'diversity' and they never mention Kashmir (by the way what's their official position on Kashmir). I read a former Indian diplomat that Iran has helped India in the past relieve pressure on Kashmir issue from the oic platform.

Our government on the other hand doesn't give us a clue if all of this bothers them at all. I can understand if the establishment is dealing with all of this behind the scenes but that's my hunch.
Welcome to being the neighbor of Iran!!!
lol the Iranian is trying to say that Chabahar is secure, you would literally have to go through Taliban territory to move goods from Chabahar into Central Asia.
iran has a long border with afghanistan. they can bypass taliban controlled south to trade with afghanistan
Iran-Pakistan relations are a real mystery to me. When terrorists killed 14 security personnel near gwadar, they had come from and went back to iran. Similarly Uzair Baloch had an Iranian passport. Kulbhushan was operating from Iran and I find it extremely hard to accept that Iranians were unaware of his acgivities. I read somewhere(don't know if its true) allah nazar baloch was until recently in iran and was forced out due to pakistani pressure on iran. Similarly sectarian target killers according to ctd karachi had got training in iran. Similarly i think it was some officer from FC balochistan who said iran wasn't cooperating with fencing. Then their is iranian oil smuggling. Their president on Indian visit praised Indian 'diversity' and they never mention Kashmir (by the way what's their official position on Kashmir). I read a former Indian diplomat that Iran has helped India in the past relieve pressure on Kashmir issue from the oic platform.

Our government on the other hand doesn't give us a clue if all of this bothers them at all. I can understand if the establishment is dealing with all of this behind the scenes but that's my hunch.

The bigger mystery is why Pakistan does not accuse terrorist countries around it of doing terrorism in Pakistan, I can never understand what is the reason behind it, I understand if they cannot open blame Saudi or Emeratis but why not India and Iran. We can get so many benefits from Gulf Arabs just for returning tit-4-tat to Iran, if there is trouble in Baluchistan then there should be bigger troubles in Iran and If Iran wants to fight for it then let their General Sulemei know how to fight.
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