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To Those who are pro Khilafat

Sorry to disappoint you but Khalifah will come.

Ever heard of Imam Al Mahdi?

Srry buddy, the idea of a kalifah in our time is simply not possible. you think that every single muslim in the world will instantly become "citizens" and move to the kalifah lands or whatever? i don't thinks so. chinese muslims will continue to be chines, indian muslims will continue to be indian, bangladeshi muslims will continue to be bangladeshi. A good example is the indian muslims, if any of them want a kalifah to be formed, wouldn't moving to pakistan (or any other muslim country) be the closest thing? I'm sorry, but a kalifah in our times is even more abusrd than "akhand bharat". And if secularists truly go to hell, then sign me up. I will join the likes of mahatma gandhi, george washington, and mohammad ali jinnah.
Srry buddy, the idea of a kalifah in our time is simply not possible. you think that every single muslim in the world will instantly become "citizens" and move to the kalifah lands or whatever? i don't thinks so. chinese muslims will continue to be chines, indian muslims will continue to be indian, bangladeshi muslims will continue to be bangladeshi.
Do you know why? Most of us have only seen a world ruled under Kufr, and hence use Kufr as a measuring stick to make our judgements. It is easy to make your assumption when 99% of us haven't even studied the history of the Khilafah (that spans 1400 years), let alone taste it in real life. The majority of the Muslims are poor, and I would like to see how your argument holds when they see a state that promises and delivers their Islamic rights to a home, to clean water, to a classroom for their children, etc. Once the reality of Khilafah becomes visible, this whole support for nationalism, tribalism, etc, will go down the drain where it rightfully belongs.
A good example is the indian muslims, if any of them want a kalifah to be formed, wouldn't moving to pakistan (or any other muslim country) be the closest thing?
All Muslims are ruled by Kufr, whether in India, Pakistan, U.S. or Europe. There are Muslims who moved to Abbysinia to practise their faith, while others stayed in Makkah. It was only until a Shariah State was established in Madina where it became obligatory to one day move there - unless you had a mission sanctioned in a Kufr State.
I'm sorry, but a kalifah in our times is even more abusrd than "akhand bharat". And if secularists truly go to hell, then sign me up. I will join the likes of mahatma gandhi, george washington, and mohammad ali jinnah.
Typical statement by a messed up individual. So you would not join the best of humanity, i.e. the Prophets, including your own Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him? Don't you know that in Islam you are supposed to love the Prophet PBUH more than your own self!? Whatever happened to joining the likes of the Sahabba? Whatever happened to joining the likes of the Ghurabaa? It is funny that you put Kaafirs like Gandhi and Washington above your own brothers, and for very wrong and even illogical reasons.
Typical statement by a messed up individual. So you would not join the best of humanity, i.e. the Prophets, including your own Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him? Don't you know that in Islam you are supposed to love the Prophet PBUH more than your own self!? Whatever happened to joining the likes of the Sahabba? Whatever happened to joining the likes of the Ghurabaa? It is funny that you put Kaafirs like Gandhi and Washington above your own brothers, and for very wrong and even illogical reasons.

i think "alirulesall123" is neither Pakistani or Muslim, looks like another indian troll to me.
i think "alirulesall123" is neither Pakistani or Muslim, looks like another indian troll to me.
lol indian troll? My Name is Ali Asad Mirza, I'm from Pakistan and Living in South Carolina. I'm a Shi'a muslim born to a punjabi shi'a father and a pashtun sunni mother. Come and get me:cheesy: and if you truly divide people into muslims and "kaffirs", then something is horribly wrong with you. Not all muslims are good, and not all "kaffirs" are bad. And you know what? It turns out that 'kaffir secularist' jinnah helped create the country(pakistan) you want to turn into saudi arabia.
I think change would come as an immediate people will have to choose the right or wrong whatever they consider right or wrong obviously as long as they can make sense out of what they say it would be fine. The point is that alirulesall123 can choose whoever he wants who knows who is better or worse I thought that was Allah's department and not Omar1984 Mark Sien but I personally am on their side because if you read the Quran carefully then you may come to realise it is quite the contrary that having a Caliphate would help the state it is a democracy that is basically only allowing the educated to vote what could be more better and if seeking knowledge becomes compulsory it would be better. I know we have had good and bad examples of Khilafat but I am sure if Khilafat would come for the final time it would be in its purest form.
lol indian troll? My Name is Ali Asad Mirza, I'm from Pakistan and Living in South Carolina. I'm a Shi'a muslim born to a punjabi shi'a father and a pashtun sunni mother. Come and get me:cheesy: and if you truly divide people into muslims and "kaffirs", then something is horribly wrong with you. Not all muslims are good, and not all "kaffirs" are bad. And you know what? It turns out that 'kaffir secularist' jinnah helped create the country(pakistan) you want to turn into saudi arabia.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a Muslim. Do not insult the founder of Pakistan. He may have been liberal but towards the end of his life he became religious.
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a Muslim. Do not insult the founder of Pakistan. He may have been liberal but towards the end of his life he became religious.

No. He was always a secular man. He was never religious. You ought to read his biography.

The reason he demanded the creation of Pakistan was not some grand Khilafat dream, but for a very rational and practical reason. He felt that muslims would be marginalized in hindu-majority India.

Pakistan was meant to be a secular state, but it was hijacked by fundamentalists who wrongly thought that Pakistan should become theocratic.
No. He was always a secular man. He was never religious. You ought to read his biography.

The reason he demanded the creation of Pakistan was not some grand Khilafat dream, but for a very rational and practical reason. He felt that muslims would be marginalized in hindu-majority India.

Pakistan was meant to be a secular state, but it was hijacked by fundamentalists who wrongly thought that Pakistan should become theocratic.

Muslims used to rally in Streets of India with this famous chant "Pakistan ka matlab kya? La ilaha ilallah"

This is taken from jinnah's address

“Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which, we hope other will share with us”

On February 21, 1948, in an address to the officers and men of the 5th Heavy Ack Ack and 6th Light Ack Ack Regiments in Malir, Karachi, he said:
You have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic social justice and the equality of manhood in your own native soil. With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.

On October 11, 1947, in an address to Civil, Naval, Military and Air Force Officers of Pakistan Government, Karachi, he said:
We should have a State in which we could live and breathe as free men and which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic social justice could find free play
Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 5378 Narrated byHudhayfah ibn al-Yaman An-Nu'man told on Hudhayfah's authority that Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "Prophecy will remain among you as long as Allah wishes it to remain, then Allah Most High will remove it. Then there will be a caliphate according to the manner of prophecy as long as Allah wishes it to remain, then Allah Most High will remove it.

Then there will be a distressful kingdom which will remain as long as Allah wishes it to remain, then Allah Most High will remove it. Then there will be a proud kingdom which will remain as long as Allah wishes it to remain, then Allah Most High will remove it.

Then there will be a caliphate according to the manner of prophecy." Then he stopped. Habib said: "When Umar ibn AbdulAziz became caliph I wrote to him, mentioning this tradition to him and saying, "I hope you will be the commander of the faithful after the distressful and the proud kingdoms." It pleased and charmed him, i.e. Umar ibn AbdulAziz." Ahmad and Bayhaqi, in Dala'il an-Nubuwwah, transmitted it.

*Note:Caliphate according to the manner of prophecy means Khilafah upon the way of Prophethood.
I look at Pakistan - and all other Muslim states - as just one step on our way towards rebuilding the Khilafat. After the European colonization of the Islamic lands and the secular dismantling of the Khilafat, Muslims have become scattered from west to east. We now have to rebuild and strengthen wherever we are, and reach out to our brothers and sisters to the west, to the north, to the east, and to the south - to develop these bonds and strengthen these regional and international ties. After our regional and national development and increasing international cooperation, the natural step is to form regional international blocs, after which the next logical step is to form regional federations which subsume their states. So for example, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran could become one state. Then when we strengthen these new states, we can further combine ourselves, and continue this process of recombination until we are in a position to re-instate the global Khilafat.

As for those who think that Quaid-e-Azam wanted Pakistan to be a secular state and quote some of his speeches where he seems to be talking about secular values, let me assure you that his words were not meant to point to a secular Pakistan. An Islamic government inherently contains within it many secular principles and is actually not a theocracy in the traditional Western sense of being ruled by a church, and it is these built-in secular principles of an Islamic state that the Quaid was referring to.
The era of the khulafa e Rashidun was a golden age of Muslims and was rarely matched anywere else in the world. But there is no wrong in enhancing that system, molding it to work with the modern world. I can surely say that Western democracy and secularist systems are defintely not for the Muslims. Some people here are very passionately advocating western values I dont know why (Maybe they are not proud of their own history) but I do know this: west is a materialistic hollow society. You should be very careful when borrowing moral values from them.

Islam is a deen not a religion. When you try to exclude Islam from the government 'to reh jati ha chungezi', you are stripping down Islam of teachings you personally don't like (due to fear or whatever) . And this has been the main aim of the West because they fear an alternate government system which is better. And some self defined so called moderate Muslims are doing this too.

Taliban government, which I agree is not even close to an ideal one, did achieve one thing they wipedout rape, theft, murder, corruption, social crimes that we Pakistanis living in Pakistan deal with almost every day. And so does every other person in todays societies. Why were they successfull when centuries old democracies can not achieve a crime free society?
Why is a Khalifah or a sytem of Khalafat necessary?? What is it that a Khalifah will do that the common man, or a Premier or President or Monarch cannot do? What set of probloems is the Khalifah a solution to?
Why is a Khalifah or a sytem of Khalafat necessary?? What is it that a Khalifah will do that the common man, or a Premier or President or Monarch cannot do? What set of probloems is the Khalifah a solution to?

What has the present system got pakistan..?

The mass of people that are uneducated where kept in that state under a non islamic system.
Dabong, U are obviously a caring and thoughtful person, and in that light perhaps you may want to tackle the question istead of evading the question .
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