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To Secular Bangladeshis, Textbook Changes Are a Harbinger

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Not only kath mollah,most of the parents in my school disagree to that.
Too bad they don't know about what we do through internet these days...

Ok I Understand your point . Instead of foinni use other terms such as "Sub-standard".

I was pissed off that time,but I don't have any regrets either.

But If you are missing Bengali literature, you are missing a lot of things.

Depending on what type it is.I'd definitely avoid Modhushuhdan's thingies & read simpler writing by people like Joshim Uddin.

I have tried to delve into english classic books and never managed to finish one, boring.

You can try something like "Da Vinchi Code" by Dan Brown.

If you can't back your argument do not need to post your one liner crap to me. I can call you " Indian Dalali crap " But I choose not to.

Here is the pew research Data on Shariah ! See it yourself and Next time be humble in your reply to a fellow countryman or dont reply at all, I am here to form opinion Instead of wasting time on idiots.


No It is not. Orna is a non religious cloth worn by irrespective of Hindus or Muslims. It is part of our culture at this moment. Would you react like this if you were taught ক তে কোর্তা আনো ? Don't let the radical brigade corrupt your mind.

along with Kathmollahs , Radical Seculars should also be kept out, That is the message.

dont need to back up anything with anything with violent stupid craps like you, you lot are responsible for radicalisation in our country . we don't need your kind of thinking. Bangladesh has always been secular. It is country for people of all faith and belief and everyone who calls it home, can live together peacefully . don;t need your sharia crap here. already enough damage has been done for it
Hmm u think too much...no sarcasm was intended. I stated the the ground reality in my state. Ur country gives lots of place to hindu writers but besides Jalaluddin and Nazrul not a single Muslim writer is included in bengali textbooks in our state. I wonder why ur country is so accomodating to them. ur country is sometimes more hindu than the hindus themselves. lol.

ki ar bolbo ja khushi kor amar ki :sick:

Simple...because they do not have Mamta Banerjee as a PM...That is why BD is a rising economy in Asia where as WB is a BIMARU state along with other Eastern state of India....At BD is going in a right direction with its ecomic and social policy...
dont need to back up anything with anything with violent stupid craps like you, you lot are responsible for radicalisation in our country . we don't need your kind of thinking. Bangladesh has always been secular. It is country for people of all faith and belief and everyone who calls it home, can live together peacefully . don;t need your sharia crap here. already enough damage has been done for it

Bangladesh has always been secular and than You are saying my crap radicalized the nation. Why cant you grasp the fact that " secularism can radicalize too as the example of Iran and Afghanistan " ???? More examples can be shown. Unstable Lebanon, Tusnisia, Libya, Iraq, Syria , Egypt all were under secular leaders for decades while Qatar, KSA, Iran all are theocratic and peaceful athe moment. I am sure that you haven't read my post at all to form a counter response in stead you have posted a random response that can sit anywhere .

@Kandari-Hushiyaar bhai, statistics is a whore. It will go to anyones bed, if the owner of the bed knows how to play it.

What you expect a general Muslim to say when asked if he/she supports sharia or not? It was ingrained in the popular mindset by mullahs that not wanting /supporting sharia is "kufri" & against "iman". So you want them to answer no and loose "Iman"? Be a "kafir" or "murtad"? Go to "hell" forever?

Exactly,'Do you support Sharia?' This question is very superficial and not elaborate.Any muslim will say yes as it is an inseparable part of islam.But if the question was 'do you support sharia punishment of beheading,stoning,cutting hand and feet,crucifying,whipping for mandatory veiling,praying etc.?' I don't think 82 percent Bangladeshi muslims would have said yes.That question was like, do you support Islam?Quran?Prayer?Fasting?There is wide gap of understanding about what PEW intended to know and what muslims perceived from their question.

So Both of you are refusing a well-researched result base on what?

It is the same set of questions asked in Turkey, Chad, Senegal , Kyrgyzstan Tanzania and Bangladesh. Why is it so low in those countries but so High in Bangladesh?

The points both of you mentioned fall short right here, If the questions were vague It should be vague for all the muslims worldwide.

If the Kathmullahs were Influencing the answers , It should influence everywhere . The difference between those countries and Bangladesh is We are not yet secular as we claim to be. We will have to go a lot of miles to catch the secularism of Albania or Azerbaijan. .
Secularism is the facade we like to wear in Middle class and Higher class society. The number is not in our side, Government realizes it well because they cant keep their head in the clouds as They have to run a country. This is why they still have Islam as the state religion in the constitution. The quicker we realize the Better.

All I want is a practical pragmatic progressive transition that doesn't provoke the masses.
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So Both of you are refusing a well-researched result base on what?

It is the same set of questions asked in Turkey, Chad, Senegal , Kyrgyzstan Tanzania and Bangladesh. Why is it so low in those countries but so High in Bangladesh?

The points both of you mentioned fall short right here, If the questions were vague It should be vague for all the muslims worldwide.

If the Kathmullahs were Influencing the answers , It should influence everywhere . The difference between those countries and Bangladesh is We are not yet secular as we claim to be. We will have to go a lot of miles to catch the secularism of Albania or Azerbaijan. .
Secularism is the facade we like to wear in Middle class and Higher class society. The number is not in our side, Government realizes it well because they cant keep their head in the clouds as They have to run a country. This is why they still have Islam as the state religion in the constitution. The quicker we realize the Better.

All I want is a practical pragmatic progressive transition that doesn't provoke the masses
Not refusing; just being cautious. We should take such statistics from western & other NGOs with caution & hefty amount of salt.

But what are we may not be considering is the social texture is not the same in Chad, Turkey, Kazakhstan etc. Closer dissension & observation is needed to understand it. If you carefully examines the setting & contexts of these different examples, you will see the difference.
Another fool seems to assume what we have is all Hindu culture. You are making a fool out of yourself. Christian fundamentalism is still a thing, especially here in the US. We need to follow what the seculars did. Westernizing your country does not mean Christianizing it. What you suggests also gets Mullahs to foam in their mouth. Many of the most developed countries of Europe hold a large population that is non religious. Whatever model Bangladesh follows should be without religious bias towards any religion whatsoever.
But how can our country progress if people like you continuously try to keep it backward by sticking to your pagan roots. Accepting monotheism was the best thing to have happened to our people. And why would I want to associate myself with bengali culture which is a hindu culture. I puke when I see those pohela boisakh processions its so yuk with all those dots.

There were Nordic folk religions, Greek paganism which are all polytheistic but none of them were as devoid of hygiene and filled with stench like hinduism is. We have to make our country like Turkey, Indonesia but for that we need to promote Christian missionary proselytization among hindu masses to get 10% Christian population. Christian and Islamic cultures are far advanced and hygienic compared to hindu cultures- remember cities like Rome, Dubai and New York could NEVER have been built on hindu civilization. Our country has to follow CHRISTIAN CULTURE and ISLAMIC CULTURE of countries like Turkey if it is to progress. We should be a strict monotheistic nation adhering to monotheistic principles.
But how can our country progress if people like you continuously try to keep it backward by sticking to your pagan roots. Accepting monotheism was the best thing to have happened to our people. And why would I want to associate myself with bengali culture which is a hindu culture. I puke when I see those pohela boisakh processions its so yuk with all those dots.

There were Nordic folk religions, Greek paganism which are all polytheistic but none of them were as devoid of hygiene and filled with stench like hinduism is. We have to make our country like Turkey, Indonesia but for that we need to promote Christian missionary proselytization among hindu masses to get 10% Christian population. Christian and Islamic cultures are far advanced and hygienic compared to hindu cultures- remember cities like Rome, Dubai and New York could NEVER have been built on hindu civilization. Our country has to follow CHRISTIAN CULTURE and ISLAMIC CULTURE of countries like Turkey if it is to progress. We should be a strict monotheistic nation adhering to monotheistic principles.
Promote atheism instead. It is more progressive. Religions are getting so outdated. One god is better than many gods. No god is better than one god.
Promote atheism instead. It is more progressive. Religions are getting so outdated. One god is better than many gods. No god is better than one god.
No we need to adhere to strict monotheistic principles if we are to progress as a nation. The Indic cultures aren't NEARLY as advanced, hygienic and progressive as the Caucasian and Middle Eastern cultures. Remember it was the MUSLIMS from Middle East and CHRISTIANS from Northern Europe who civilized the subcontinental people who otherwise would have been roaming about in forests half-naked, ignorant of how to sew clothes and lacking basic table manners like eating on a plate, with spoon and fork. The Caucasians, East Asians and Middle East people have highly advanced cultures- just see how they pioneered the technological innovations in the last millenium. The world is advanced and progressing today because of them, not because of dirty and unhygienic subcontinental culture. If they choose to become atheists their choice,their country would keep on progressing because of their advanced and hygienic culture. Its not the case for us, is it? ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY gave us culture, hygiene and liberated us from junglee hindu culture. Its the best thing to have happened to us. Can't thank Allah (swt) enough for it. Only time will tell.

Meanwhile promote Christian missionary proselytization among hindus to get 10% Christian population and keep out all traces of Wahhabism. We will follow Islamic culture of progressive nations like Turkey and Christian culture of Europe and develop our own advanced and hygienic monotheistic culture completely purged of all junglee hindu influence. BD will then be progressive secular state adhering to strict monotheistic principles.
No we need to adhere to strict monotheistic principles if we are to progress as a nation. The Indic cultures aren't NEARLY as advanced, hygienic and progressive as the Caucasian and Middle Eastern cultures. Remember it was the MUSLIMS from Middle East and CHRISTIANS from Northern Europe who civilized the subcontinental people who otherwise would have been roaming about in forests half-naked, ignorant of how to sew clothes and lacking basic table manners like eating on a plate, with spoon and fork. The Caucasians, East Asians and Middle East people have highly advanced cultures- just see how they pioneered the technological innovations in the last millenium. The world is advanced and progressing today because of them, not because of dirty and unhygienic subcontinental culture. If they choose to become atheists their choice,their country would keep on progressing because of their advanced and hygienic culture. Its not the case for us, is it? ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY gave us culture, hygiene and liberated us from junglee hindu culture. Its the best thing to have happened to us. Can't thank Allah (swt) enough for it. Only time will tell.

Meanwhile promote Christian missionary proselytization among hindus to get 10% Christian population and keep out all traces of Wahhabism. We will follow Islamic culture of progressive nations like Turkey and Christian culture of Europe and develop our own advanced and hygienic monotheistic culture completely purged of all junglee hindu influence. BD will then be progressive secular state adhering to strict monotheistic principles.

No one's talking about Shariah here u dimwit. Government will try to make laws conform to monotheist guidelines as much as possible. I am no mullah but I sure as heck want any hindu influence booted out of my country which has kept us nothing but backward, uncivilized and unhygienic epitomized by your profile picture which is making me vomit right now. Our government will follow Turkey style of admininistration and legislation that is the only way forward for our country not remaining backward in some hindu cauldron. We will follow the CHRISTIANS not what hindus do. People who want hindu culture to influence our country can go fk themselves. Our country will be influenced by CHRISTIAN CULTURE.

But how can our country progress if people like you continuously try to keep it backward by sticking to your pagan roots. Accepting monotheism was the best thing to have happened to our people. And why would I want to associate myself with bengali culture which is a hindu culture. I puke when I see those pohela boisakh processions its so yuk with all those dots.

There were Nordic folk religions, Greek paganism which are all polytheistic but none of them were as devoid of hygiene and filled with stench like hinduism is. We have to make our country like Turkey, Indonesia but for that we need to promote Christian missionary proselytization among hindu masses to get 10% Christian population. Christian and Islamic cultures are far advanced and hygienic compared to hindu cultures- remember cities like Rome, Dubai and New York could NEVER have been built on hindu civilization. Our country has to follow CHRISTIAN CULTURE and ISLAMIC CULTURE of countries like Turkey if it is to progress. We should be a strict monotheistic nation adhering to monotheistic principles.

No we need to adhere to strict monotheistic principles if we are to progress as a nation. The Indic cultures aren't NEARLY as advanced, hygienic and progressive as the Caucasian and Middle Eastern cultures. Remember it was the MUSLIMS from Middle East and CHRISTIANS from Northern Europe who civilized the subcontinental people who otherwise would have been roaming about in forests half-naked, ignorant of how to sew clothes and lacking basic table manners like eating on a plate, with spoon and fork. The Caucasians, East Asians and Middle East people have highly advanced cultures- just see how they pioneered the technological innovations in the last millenium. The world is advanced and progressing today because of them, not because of dirty and unhygienic subcontinental culture. If they choose to become atheists their choice,their country would keep on progressing because of their advanced and hygienic culture. Its not the case for us, is it? ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY gave us culture, hygiene and liberated us from junglee hindu culture. Its the best thing to have happened to us. Can't thank Allah (swt) enough for it. Only time will tell.

Meanwhile promote Christian missionary proselytization among hindus to get 10% Christian population and keep out all traces of Wahhabism. We will follow Islamic culture of progressive nations like Turkey and Christian culture of Europe and develop our own advanced and hygienic monotheistic culture completely purged of all junglee hindu influence. BD will then be progressive secular state adhering to strict monotheistic principles.

Extreme bigotry is rather expected from Bangladeshis, but this madrasa fellow is clueless about history and civilizations also...
Hey bindi wearing indian, first learn how to use latrines, bidets, how to eat using spoon and fork, how to maintain hygiene and civility. You are bad smelly rubbish we got rid of in '47. We feel nothing for you
may be they should have separate curriculum for madrasa and keep mainstream govt schools secular...
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