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To Secular Bangladeshis, Textbook Changes Are a Harbinger

No we need to adhere to strict monotheistic principles if we are to progress as a nation. The Indic cultures aren't NEARLY as advanced, hygienic and progressive as the Caucasian and Middle Eastern cultures. Remember it was the MUSLIMS from Middle East and CHRISTIANS from Northern Europe who civilized the subcontinental people who otherwise would have been roaming about in forests half-naked, ignorant of how to sew clothes and lacking basic table manners like eating on a plate, with spoon and fork. The Caucasians, East Asians and Middle East people have highly advanced cultures- just see how they pioneered the technological innovations in the last millenium. The world is advanced and progressing today because of them, not because of dirty and unhygienic subcontinental culture. If they choose to become atheists their choice,their country would keep on progressing because of their advanced and hygienic culture. Its not the case for us, is it? ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY gave us culture, hygiene and liberated us from junglee hindu culture. Its the best thing to have happened to us. Can't thank Allah (swt) enough for it. Only time will tell.

Meanwhile promote Christian missionary proselytization among hindus to get 10% Christian population and keep out all traces of Wahhabism. We will follow Islamic culture of progressive nations like Turkey and Christian culture of Europe and develop our own advanced and hygienic monotheistic culture completely purged of all junglee hindu influence. BD will then be progressive secular state adhering to strict monotheistic principles.

Yeesh, where to start with this post.

First off, the world advanced not through religious leaders but through enlightened leaders. Europeans got the edge over everyone else through the Age of Enlightenment.

Though Hindus do exaggerate how great certain Indian civilizations were (to be fair almost every ultra religious person does this).

Also, many East Asians hold "pagan" beliefs on their own for a long time. And now most of them are irreligious. And how can we be a progressive secular state adhering to religious principles? It's a contradiction.

Promote atheism instead. It is more progressive. Religions are getting so outdated. One god is better than many gods. No god is better than one god.
I'm starting to think this is for the best for pragmatic reasons. Though I'm not an Atheist myself.
Are you agnostic?
I don't know, maybe. I think it's best to say I'm a confused Muslim. Or maybe an Agnostic with Muslim values. I'd be very happy to know and be sure if theism really is true.
Wasn't Egypt a powerful pagan empire once?

Why do countries follow a secular way? Well, it is easy to implement. It makes conflicts easy to manage. Bring religion in, you have more conflict. Knowledge is power. It doesn't matter which region it came from.

Somebody ought to give those Madrasa guys jobs.
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1.This Nahid guy is an atheist / nastiq. A Mujib Bahini cadre during the War. From the v beginning of BAL/SHW govt this guy has been kept in Education Ministry with a clear agenda given by Bandhu RAW. Actually two tasks:

a. Bugg-r the education system to send the nation back to stone-age so that Indian / MNCs get easy supply of cheap labor.
b. Magaz Dholai / brain wash kids from the start to produce secular or Din e Eahi type of people.

2. These guys underestimate the power of Islam.After seventy years of communist hammer we are still strong in C Asia and E Europe. Secularism to the extent of vulgarity has vanished from Iran and much of Turkey. Islam is creeping back in al Andalusia.

Mash Alah. Allah Be Praised.
1.This Nahid guy is an atheist / nastiq. A Mujib Bahini cadre during the War. From the v beginning of BAL/SHW govt this guy has been kept in Education Ministry with a clear agenda given by Bandhu RAW. Actually two tasks:

a. Bugg-r the education system to send the nation back to stone-age so that Indian / MNCs get easy supply of cheap labor.
b. Magaz Dholai / brain wash kids from the start to produce secular or Din e Eahi type of people.

2. These guys underestimate the power of Islam.After seventy years of communist hammer we are still strong in C Asia and E Europe. Secularism to the extent of vulgarity has vanished from Iran and much of Turkey. Islam is creeping back in al Andalusia.

Mash Alah. Allah Be Praised.

And who may this 'Nahid' be? Define 'stone-age' education system.

Anyway. You know, I once came across a humble imam one day. I befriended him. He has a young son who goes to an English-medium school. I found it to be nice, but at the same time a odd that he isn't in a madrasa. I asked why he sends his son to that school. He replied: 'Why should I send him to a madrasa? They do not teach anything practical.' I jokingly smirked: 'So that he can bomb stuff?' :lol:

See Mr. Asad, the humble imam fully understood what goes on in the majority of those madrasas. Quite a few of which may teach radical ideas. Who knows what's hidden there?
The things are changed to satisfy the idea that, no external forces are taking over to impose their stone stage gangalatrine teachings in the education system and enemies of majority people cant create anymore division. The Islamists arent against modern education system but balancing and moderating few things which serves the national interest as well. Everyone should agree BD education system is worse, corrections are expected.
Wisdom of the crowd is better than the handful seculars, will go with them.
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And who may this 'Nahid' be? Define 'stone-age' education system.

Anyway. You know, I once came across a humble imam one day. I befriended him. He has a young son who goes to an English-medium school. I found it to be nice, but at the same time a odd that he isn't in a madrasa. I asked why he sends his son to that school. He replied: 'Why should I send him to a madrasa? They do not teach anything practical.' I jokingly smirked: 'So that he can bomb stuff?' :lol:

See Mr. Asad, the humble imam fully understood what goes on in the majority of those madrasas. Quite a few of which may teach radical ideas. Who knows what's hidden there?
Not all things are to be taken literally. Hope you got the drift.
The things are changed to satisfy the idea that, no external forces are taking over to impose their stone stage gangalatrine teachings in the education system and enemies of majority people cant create anymore division. The Islamists arent against modern education system but balancing and moderating few things which serves the national interest as well. Everyone should agree BD education system is worse, corrections are expected.
Wisdom of the crowd is better than the handful seculars, will go with them.

If the Islamists did gather any support to begin with, then the matter should have been solved long ago wouldn't it? I'm not even going to start with the young people here.

I understand that there are challenges with regards to education. But just how is the current education system 'worse' relative to what the Islamist teach? Explain.

Not all things are to be taken literally. Hope you got the drift.

No, I don't take things literally. Actually, it is not even my opinion.

What matters is the value being delivered to the student. And, how much value is the graduate going to deliver in the country's workforce. To be honest, Bangladesh doesn't rank too well with regards to skills relative to other developing economies in the region. Bangladesh's job market is tight for graduates.

What value addition are the Islamist proposing? Would it increase their chances of employment? Would it enable them to reach truly global benchmarks? I say this because these are what matter in the real and increasingly interconnected world in an age of fast-paced technology.
To be honest, Bangladesh doesn't rank too well with regards to skills relative to other developing economies in the region.

When you realise the problem, you can address it better....and eventually resolve it. But so many here just want to cover it up for the cheap feel good moment....its sad. I hope people like you gain in influence in BD where it counts.
If the Islamists did gather any support to begin with, then the matter should have been solved long ago wouldn't it? I'm not even going to start with the young people here.

I understand that there are challenges with regards to education. But just how is the current education system 'worse' relative to what the Islamist teach? Explain.

This isnt about what the Islamists teach. Its against Gov changing text books by influence of external entity who adheres stone age ganges ideology and their alike people inside BD, confused lots and haters of majority people. Settling and balancing few things which will satisfy the ego. No one was talking about any education systems but some elements forced to look into it after 2010. For your own education you should look into changes of text books first and try to understand their worth, instead of asking unnecessary questions.
When you realise the problem, you can address it better....and eventually resolve it. But so many here just want to cover it up for the cheap feel good moment....its sad. I hope people like you gain in influence in BD where it counts.

In Bangladesh, people get up the ladder based more on loyalty rather than merit. Be it government or private corporations. This goes on even in multi-nationals. The only exception being are telecom operators.

I admit that I do not agree with the government's authoritarian ways and the fact that there are many officials who aren't even elected. It wouldn't surprise me if Mr. Saha is of similar root. Hence, the spat going on there. There was some Democracy before. Now, it is gone.

Regardless of their religious/ideological beliefs, I've come to realize that Bangladeshis fared very poorly when it comes to conflict management. And this is a glaring example of it.

The Japanese for example transformed from a feudal culture into a corporate one overnight all those years ago.

I'd rather retire at my place abroad. But, I'll make suggestions nonetheless and express my views while laying low on radar.

This isnt about what the Islamists teach. Its against Gov changing text books by influence of external entity who adheres stone age ganges ideology and their alike people inside BD, confused lots and haters of majority people. Settling and balancing few things which will satisfy the ego. No one was talking about any education systems but some elements forced to look into it after 2010. For your own education you should look into changes of text books first and try to understand their worth, instead of asking unnecessary questions.

Values are not (or shouldn't be) taught at schools. They are largely taught by family. It ultimately comes from there.

They were necessary questions actually, based on actual problems. I think that their goals go way beyond mere text books. Even the article says so. Where were you back in 2013? I remember watching them on TV. Hearing about them from my colleagues. They fell apart so quickly. I had a trouble digesting the reality unfolding before me. It was weird.

Look, there is little reason for these demands in the first place. It's silly just because some guy's comfort zone had been violated. There are far critical issues to address than that. And I really don't think some pagan-inspired poems and fairy tales would make those kids convert to paganism or something. Or make them less loyal to the country. Heck, our national anthem was written by a Hindu.

Right or wrong, they should sit down and feel free to discuss. But, I do not think that'll happen.
What matters is the value being delivered to the student. And, how much value is the graduate going to deliver in the country's workforce. To be honest, Bangladesh doesn't rank too well with regards to skills relative to other developing economies in the region. Bangladesh's job market is tight for graduates.

What value addition are the Islamist proposing? Would it increase their chances of employment? Would it enable them to reach truly global benchmarks? I say this because these are what matter in the real and increasingly interconnected world in an age of fast-paced technology.

Very well put. Though I tend to stay away from religious debates but your point provides a neutral catalyst to engage with. I am sure there are talented chaps that are sent to madrasas just because their families, mostly of whom are poor, see it fit and as a way to be loyal to Islam. But if the madrasa education system is not refurbished, these chaps would remain as shadows in the crowd and prolly be seen in protests throwing rocks because the surrounding teaches you to do as such.

What skills and values they add to the country's economy? Not much at all. If however I put on my optimistic glasses, I can foresee these graduates becoming teachers at renowned schools, starting off their own education institutes modern subjects are taught alongside Islamic courses, going abroad for further studies and becoming reputed scholars of the religion or simply acquiring skills to add to the job market.

Will this ever happen? Possibly but not until the system is fixed.
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