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To prep against a massive asteroid strike, NASA wants India's help

These days.. are gift of anti Islam sentiments of hindus.

Tell me one thing here...

What Islam has to do with space , Nasa and Isro. Are there any flying carpets or flying camels to save from asteroids or what??

We Indians majority Hindus are most advanced civilization from ancient times on wards and our astrologers like Aryabhatta have done lot of works which are proved already by today's science.

And one more thing

Muslims who are living in Islamic countries are killing each other and muslims living in west and India are some what better.
Ok normally I don't comment on such issues, however, here it goes..... Why on planet earth would NASA need India's help? It's like asking a newborn to fix a reactor.
@arp2041 @Dillinger

May be the Uncle wants to waste the money of India.
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Ok normally I don't comment on such issues, however, here it goes..... Why on planet earth would NASA need India's help? It's like asking a newborn to fix a reactor.
@arp2041 @Dillinger

There are many, MANY, facets to this. Firstly India is very new to the space game but it is moving at a rapid rate to devlop capabilities and tech. Secondly, NASA is looking to the future, no matter what way you cut it, India and China are two economic juggernauts who aren't going to be stopped anytime soon- within most of out life times they will be numbers 1 and 2 on the economy league table. Faced with budget cuts themselves it makes sense they lay the groundwork for expanded cooperation with rising space powers/agencies and whilst this is likely impossible with the closed society that is China, India and ISRO are much more approachable. Thirdly India has great depth and potential in this field, we've all heard the, most likely greatly exaggerated, fact that ~20-30% of NASA's top scientists are of Indian-origin. As the reverse-brain continues (and it is) India and ISRO are going to capture the greatest Indian minds of this field and whist this will elevate ISRO this will hurt NASA, if only in a small way.
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Read the article and title and than check tha source... does any thing look serious?=

Ok the title looks strange but whats wrong with the rest ???

Its nothing new that other space agencies want to cooperate with the ISRO and the words of the former NASA director speak for themselves.

Besides, even NASA does not have enough instruments to monitor the solar system for potentially dangerous asteroids.. infact not even all agencies together do have enough instruments to do this.... but the best we can do is to use all available instruments on this planet to improve the chances to detect any incoming object.
They probably want one of our teeny weeny nukes to blow up an asteroid.
Indians are good astrologists maybe they want their point of view.
Ok normally I don't comment on such issues, however, here it goes..... Why on planet earth would NASA need India's help? It's like asking a newborn to fix a reactor.
@arp2041 @Dillinger

I think the title is misleading.
NASA is just looking for partners to share work and economic load.
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well,Anti Asteroid Defence System isn't new.Russia is mulling for one,which is trying to pull USA and China to share workload.Nasa was developing Asteroid Interceptor in the past,don't know about its status.Russia's Anti Asteroid Missile will be ready around 2030,while USA was looking around 2020-2025 for its deployment.Ares V program was planned to deflect Asteroid in 2 years advance.but it was cancelled.so,it might be either the revival of Ares V or Dedicated Anti Asteroid Missile System.Also,Deep Impact type vehicle could be used.both ESA as well as China has similar plan.also,there are hundreds of other techniques proposed.
Wait till we get our Mars mission right. Except US nobody got it right. If India gets it right the world will at India's feet
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Actual term should be cooperation instead of 'help'. There are only few countries with some sort of Space capability and Research-India being one of them. Surely NASA is much ahead in technology- so the cooperation will on monetary contribution and manpower. Now, when they are talking about cooperation they have look for countries like Russia, Japan, China, UK, France, India who are active in Space research- certainly not Uganda or Bhutan.....

Wait till we get our Mars mission right. Except US nobody got it right. If India gets it right the world will at India's feet

Martians too... :P
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