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To Err is human ..So err is swine .. that goes right for indian defence

Just as a lot of your comparisons are a failure.. Especially with the Shaheen series.
There is very .. very little in common with the missiles you seem to consider them derived from.

Infact.. none at all.

The only thing you figured correctly is the Ghauri which was nothing more than a repainted Nodong.. and now has been slightly modified and advanced locally.

Am not the only one making those comparisons.

Pakistan Missile Special Weapons Delivery Systems

Also allow me to quote a PDF Jr Think Tank, who has done a stellar job in documenting Pakistan's imported Misslie program. Yes Pakistan has done some changes and tune ups here and there, but the fact is that all the missiles in your arsenal has been imported, meaning that they have have been tested (successfully and not so successfully) in their country of origin. `

Pakistani Ballistic Missiles : How much Pakistani are they?

"Defense is the right of every country.And the credible capability to defend or deter an enemy attack should be achieved,by any available means."

There have been many foreign reports,which claim Pakistani Ballistic missiles to be simply "copies" of Chinese and North Korean missiles.Unfortunately,most of the people (foreigners) believe such reports blindly and accuse Pakistan of only performing the "Paint job".This article is intended to remove those confusions,and pin-point the developments made by Pakistan.However,there is no doubt that the very basic origins of the ballistic missiles of Pakistan lie in China and North Korea.

In the following paras,we will see all of them one by one.

Hatf-1 /Hatf-1A /Hatf-1B BRBM (Range 70-100km,Warhead Payload 500 kg)

Development History :
Hatf-1 was developed by SUPARCO and was first tested in March,1989.By that time SUPARCO had achieved significant expertise,because it had been developing and launching Solid-fueled sounding rockets since the 1970s.Hatf-1 had a poor accuracy(400-500 m CEP),with a very simple INS and a range of 70 km.

Origins :
It was based on the French Dauphin Sounding Rocket.But contrary to Dauphin,Hatf-1 was an Artillery Rocket launched at an angle.Notable differences between the two systems include:

Aerodynamic tail fins on Hatf-1
Altitude of 50km approx (150 km of Dauphin)
500 kg payload (150 kg of Dauphin)
1500 kg launch weight (1132 kg of Dauphin)
Length 6.0m (6.21m of Dauphin)

However,the diameter of both systems was same,i.e. 0.56m.

French Dauphin Sounding Rocket:

Pakistani Hatf-1 Ballistic Missile:

What Pakistan did :
In two years,Hatf-1 underwent an upgrade.The upgraded version was named Hatf-1A.It had an increased range of 100 km with increased accuracy.
Later on,another upgrade was made to Hatf-1A.This time,its accuracy was further improved by adding an advanced INS which was made from the experienced gained during the development of other projects.Thus the CEP was decreased to 10-15 m.It was tested in 2000,and was designated Hatf-1B as a Guided Ballistic Missile.
As of now,all previous Hatf-1 versions have been completely replaced by Hatf-1B.

So,Hatf-1 is this much Pakistani :

1. Modified aerodynamic (chopped) tail fins.
2. Locally developed launch rail supported on a towed platform.
3. Powerful Motor installed on Hatf-1A,increasing its range by 30 km.
4. A simple INS integrated on Hatf-1A,reducing the CEP to 100 m.
5. An advanced INS integrated on Hatf-1B,further reducing its CEP to 15 m.

In effect,Pakistan transformed a sounding rocket into a Guided Ballistic Missile.

Hatf-2 Shadoz SRBM (Range 300 km,Warhead Payload 500 kg) "Cancelled"

Development History :
Initially,Hatf-2 had the name of "Shadoz".It was developed by SUPARCO and was tested in 1989.
Its accuracy was poor,relative to the newer Abdali.

Origins :
The first Hatf-2 was a two-stage version of the Hatf-1.It was based on the two stage French Sounding Rocket Eridan.It bore somewhat the same relative differences from Eridan,as Hatf-1 did from Dauphen.
Later,the project was terminated,in favor of the more advanced M-11 missiles.

French Eridan Sounding Rocket:

Pakistani Hatf-2 Shadoz Ballistic Missile:

What Pakistan did :
It is clear that Hatf-2 Shadoz was heavily based on Eridan.But,it was this much Pakistani :

1. Modified aerodynamic (chopped) tail and second stage fins.
2. Locally developed launch rail supported on a towed platform.
3. A simple INS installed,giving a CEP of ~200 m.

French Dragon (background),Centaure (middle) and Belier (foreground) Sounding Rockets

Note : Though the Centaure and Belier appear similar to preious Hatf-I and II,they were smaller in dimensions.

Diagram of Initial Pakistani Hatf-1,Hatf-2,Hatf-3 SRBMS

Hatf-2 Abdali SRBM (Range 180 km,Warhead Payload 500 kg)

Development History :
This system is advanced,modern and has a new design than the previous missiles in the series (regarding origins).Development was initiated by NDC around 1997-8,and continued by SUPARCO.The system was first tested in 2002.

Origins :
It does not resembles any foreign missile system in dimensions and the technologies used.
The design incorporates technologies from Hatf-1 and Hatf-3 Ghaznavi missiles.It can be termed as the hybrid of the two systems.

What Pakistan did :
Over the decade,it was upgraded again and again.The latest version has a CEP of 25m approx (by using a modern INS which is assisted by satellite guidance),drastically shortened launch rail and probably fold-able tail fins.

Hatf-2 Abdali SRBM (2007)

Hatf-2 Abdali SRBM (2011)

So,Hatf-2 Abdali is this much Pakistani :

1. Indigenous airframe design.
2. Locally developed solid-fueled propulsion system.
3. Locally developed shortened launch rail.
4. Local INS,giving a CEP of ~25 m.

Overall,an indigenous missile with technologies incorporated from newer (larger) missile systems.
Quoting the Think Tank.

Hatf-3 Ghaznavi SRBM (Range 290 km,Warhead Payload 500 kg [Total 600 kg])

Development History :
Pakistan Army had a wide gap of local missile capabilities,with Hatf-1 having 100 km range and Shaheen-I having 700 km range,because Hatf-2 and 3 were cancelled.Therefore,around 1997-8,NDC (NESCOM) started the development of the Ghaznavi missile,with Abdali being developed in parallel by SUPARCO.The system was first tested in May,2002.

Origins :
In early 1990s,China provided Pakistan with 30-40 M-11 (DF-11) SRBMs,to help it strengthen its Armed forces.These missiles had a range of ~300 km,with a payload of 500 kg and a CEP of 500-600 m.

In appearance and capabilities,Ghaznavi remarkably resembles M-11.In the 1990s,Pakistan also procured critical equipment and machinery for developing missiles locally.Initially,it was decided to mass-produce the M-11s with similar capabilities.Later on,it was decided to make an advanced version of M-11,equipped with modern technologies.

Chinese DF-11A (CSS-7 Mod 2),an advanced version of DF-11/M-11

Pakistani Hatf-3 Ghaznavi (IDEAS,2008)

What Pakistan did :
The local version,tested as late as 2002,had a better solid-fueled motor downgraded from Shaheen-1.Pakistan moved ahead of China,and inducted the aero-spike in the design,which enhanced the performance of the missile in dense atmosphere,enabling it to follow a depressed ballistic trajectory.Later on,China also inducted the aero-spike,in later versions of CSS-7 Mod 2 (DF-11A).Yet another major modification was made,and a locally developed advanced INS was installed,giving the missile a CEP of <50m (As stated by Chairman NESCOM) by aiding the warhead vehicle with a precise Post-separation Attitude Correction System.

Pakistani Hatf-3 Ghaznavi (Azm-e-Nau 3 exercise,2010)

Although Ghaznavi is an off-shoot of M-11 (which itself was an advanced version of Scud-B),induction of indigenous technologies show that Pakistan had the capability of designing SRBMs.But since it was really short on time,Pakistan chose M-11 as a platform and instead did R&D on improving it, according to the modern requirements of Pakistan Army.No doubt,Ghaznavi is the most advanced missile of the two systems, DF-11 (CSS-7) and Scud-B.

So,Hatf-3 Ghaznavi is this much Pakistani :

1. Introduction of the drag-reducing aero-spike on the warhead cone.
2. Locally developed advanced INS,giving a CEP of ~50 m, assisted by
3. Locally developed Post-separation Attitude Correction System.

In effect,indigenously developed Warhead Assembly mounted on "license-produced" missile motors.

Hatf-4 Shaheen-1 SRBM (Range 800 km,Warhead Payload 600 kg [Total 700 kg])

Development History :
Pakistan Army required a longer range SRBM,other than the Hatf-2 and 3 to strike a bit deep inside Indian territory, because of the lessons learned from Iran-Iraq War.Hence,development of Shaheen-1 started around 1993 by newly formed NDC.The system was first tested in April,1999.Development for Shaheen-1 was given more priority than Abdali and Ghaznavi because of its psychological impact,therefore Ghaznavi and Abdali appeared late.

Origins :
According to several Western (US) analysts,Shaheen-1 is a locally produced version of M-9 (DF-15).Others suggest it to be a bigger version of the M-11 (DF-11) missile.However,this is not entirely correct.

Shaheen-1 does not resembles that much to M-9 (DF-15) ,neither in appearance (shape/dimensions) nor in capabilities.
Shaheen-1 is 2.9 m longer and carries 200 kg heavier payload to 150 km more distance than the M-9 (DF-15). Furthermore,Shaheen-I has a launch weight of 9500 kg as compared to 6200 kg of DF-15.

Chinese DF-15 (M-9)

Pakistani Shaheen-1 (IDEAS,2008)

What Pakistan did :
Shaheen-1 has incorporated technologies which were locally developed by extensively studying the M-11 missile and its components.The same facilities set up by the help of China to make M-11 type missiles were given the task to develop Shaheen-1.Some very critical components were bought from China,and the first version of Shaheen-1 was ready by 1999.

Pakistani Shaheen-1 (The black patches near the small stabilizing fins may be antennae intended to service very accurate satellite navigation systems : RD Fisher)

Further development :
Shaheen-1 V1 (version 1) used only Post-separation Attitude Correction System,which correct the trajectory of the Re-entry Vehicle (ReV) immediately after termination of boost phase.Therefore its accuracy was relatively poor,and lied in the same range as of DF-15 (300-500 m).
However,in early 2000s,NDC began development of a modern version,version 2.The Shaheen-1 V2 was more accurate,giving a CEP of <90 m.The new version included Terminal Correction System which corrected the warhead's trajectory in terminal phase by using thrusters mounted in the warhead assembly.Also included was an improved design for the ReV,which enabled it to re-enter the atmosphere at higher speeds.

Shaheen-1 V1 (1999)

Shaheen-1 V2 (Azm-e-Nau 3 exercise,2010) {zoom to see the changed shape of ReV cone}

It can be assumed that though Shaheen-1 has incorporated technologies from M-11 and M-9,still it cannot be termed as an M-9 copy,because it is far more advanced than the M-9.Rather,it is a highly improved and modified version of M-9.

So,it is this much Pakistani :

1. Locally developed, much powerful missile motor giving more range and payload capacity.
2. Locally developed Post-separation Attitude Correction System.
3. Indigenously developed Terminal Correction System.Both are assisted by
4. Indigenously developed Satellite guidance system,which also corrects the errors developing in INS during flight.

Overall,a locally developed advanced missile using the M-11/M-9 as a base.
Why Pakistan is always worried about India
First take care of your war in west where you has lost 10000 soldier and 40000 civilians
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