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TLP 'Long March' to Islamabad - October 22, 2021

This is what i was saying that you cant negotiate with these terrorists and Khawarijis of TLP. Every time you accept their demand these scums will change their goal post. Before they were demanding to expel ambassador now they want to close french embassy. Only way forward for Pakistan is to deal with these khawarijis now and here otherwise Pakistan has no future. Clearly someone is pumping lot of money to these khawarijis.
This is becoming a joke you can't have a state within a state, unfortunately these people need to be dealt with iron hand.

As I said before these TLP people are monsters.
These traitors will disguise themselves as your soft spot. They know your weakness.

Luckily for you I don't have this weakness. I see past their facade.
Just my two cents:

In a society like Pakistan, it's understandable that there are many factions, base on ethnics, tribes, religions, provinces. Pakistan was founded on the legacy of Indus Valley & British rule, there are lots of landlords, tribes, tycoons, religious leaders who kept their huge influence on Pakistan political agenda.

I observed that there are 2 major factors sabotage Pakistan development:
  • Outside threat: India
  • Inside threat: The fifth column and sectarianism

Outside threat consumed a lot of resource of Pakistan, creates chaos, instability. Pakistan Military is dealing with it, China helps. But inside threat is more fatal.

TLP is strengthening far-right political faction, which will create more instability. The current PTI, PPP and PML-N doctrine has some secular characters, those parties fight mainly for interest. While TLP share little spectrum with all other parties that it will fight to death, TLP is fighting for interest and religion.

Major powers around the world dislike Sharia rules, they prefer rule of secular law. This is well known.

If Pakistanis choose to be ruled by Sharia, good luck to Pakistan. Just get prepared for more international pressures.

A recent case is China and Vietnam. Major western power after WW2 dislike communism. CCP won the civil war and took the power. China was isolated by the West camp after WW2, and isolated by the West camp and Soviet camp since 1960s. But CCP did know how to defend China long term national interest, and made it.
Vietnam fought 2 decades with France and US, followed by a decade of borders conflicts with China. Today, Vietnam is doing well.

TLP is a loose organization, indiscipline. I only see religious fevers, while I don't foresee TLP has a plan how to build Pakistan and make Pakistan succeed.
When govts fail to act on people's demands, then small boils become cancers.
Right wing saying Pakistan is not Religious enough.
Left Wing says Pakistan is not Secular enough.

This Right Left Faultline is clearly way too much fragile and must not be ignored in Pakistan.

Public is way too much radicle. There can be no reconciliation between Religious extremists and Seculars. We should Either become a Saudi Arabia or a Turkey (Whatever public wants) and stop being sissy apologetics to both ideologies. Beat the hell out of other side and make a stable Country.

Other wise there is no hope for Pakistan.

My Neutral opinnion.
Instead of holding violent protests all over the country why don't these TLP guys pick up book on French history or traditions and find some French raw nerve. They can use that info and post it all over the social media feeds of French politicians and celebrities. They hurt us by Blaspheming against Islam, it's only logical to return the favour by mocking something they hold dear.

Expelling the French ambassador won't achieve anything. I am pretty sure he will gladly leave and take up another assignment given half a chance. The French already have recalled ambassadors from countries far important than Pakistan
for last many months indian farmers are rounding up their capital yet Modi govt is a stone un turned, if issues would resolves through violence in future we will see all political parties will hire people to dictate govt through similar mobs everyday, on the other hand govt should also act sensibly before making commitments whether they can keep them are not. yeh inajam hota hay buzdar jaisay CM kay haath machiss dainay ka poray jangal ko aag lagta phirta hay

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