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TLP 'Long March' to Islamabad - October 22, 2021

You know this country is doomed when the state is on the negotiating table with terrorists just because they are Punjabis & they make up their vote bank

Which politcal party's protest ever met with live munition or faced a ban from the get go ? Take your ethnic insecurities else where, may as well ask qouta for not being able to compete with- ---------.
I support both TLP and punjab police.:pop:

You gonna love it when the trickle down effect reaches interior sindh
We should Either become a Saudi Arabia or a Turkey (Whatever public wants)
Saudi survives on oil and American weapons, while Turkey took on Western powers and turned itself equal to European powers. :undecided:
at some level it feels like the choice has already been made, but the seculars are unrelenting. in the army, in the universities. I don't know how they survive, but I really have deep respect for them.
Nah they more like Punjabi TTP

Zibago you cannot have different yard sticks for ( pml ppp pti) and right wing parties enjoying genuine public support. These people are the white man's blue eyed sufi with zero act of militancy any where in the world. Initiate a dialogue with them , don't just push sufis against the wall .
Government has decided to deploy Rangers and not to address demands of these scumbags.

Only if I.k had shown the same resolve when arranging safe exit for a convict. #ruleoflaw
Only if I.k had shown the same resolve when arranging safe exit for a convict. #ruleoflaw
Convicts left overs are carrying out almost daily marches and protests.....wonder how many Police became victims or property got damaged.
Most of these so called saviours of Islam probably don't even know the second Kalma.
Most of these so called saviours of Islam probably don't even know the second Kalma.

I.k prolly know about the second kalima but he still deals in sood and helps convicts escape out of country
People are idiots
Kartey dhartey know how to deal with things

This gonna backfire immensely. A gradual indoctrination might help as the other side is extremely charged enjoying ground support. No wonder the police and rangers couldn't disperse them in lahore
You gonna love it when the trickle down effect reaches interior sindh

We'll see. But at this moment punjab police seems to be giving them a tough time. If after coming to power TLP blows up heera mandi and destroys ranjeet singh statue at Lahore fort, they'll have my phul sapport.
We'll see. But at this moment punjab police seems to be giving them a tough time. If after coming to power TLP blows up heera mandi and destroys ranjeet singh statue at Lahore fort, they'll have my phul sapport.

I take it as affirmative.
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