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Tit-for-tat: Sri Lanka considers nuclear deal with Pakistan

You don't even read about your reactors , do you ??

The reactors in kushab produce 50 MWt , i.e, thermal power . Although not for power production , if these reactors are used for power production , after the conversion electrical power will be only a third of thermal power . Hence in actual terms , the power produced will be less than 20MWe , i.e electric power .

For comparison , A Russian VVER which produces 1500MWe actually produces about 4500MWt .

50mw is the output isnt it? also those reactors were completed in 96... as im not in the field... il suggest @Secur @nuclearpak to explain abt it.
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50mw is the output isnt it? also those reactors were completed in 96... as im not in the field... il suggest @Secur @nuclearpak to explain abt it.

I am neither in the field .

Yes , 50MWt .

The Khushab Nuclear Complex was conceived and planned by the chairman of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) Munir Ahmad Khan who began work on the 50 MWt Khushab-I reactor and heavy water plant in 1986.
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Is this some satire ?? I am not sure if Pakistan has civilian nuclear technology. Pakistan itself it seeking it from China !

hahaha well to me pak-sino civil nukes tech isnt more than a show off to us-indo. cuz they dont really have to do any pact and make it public. but yeah you can keep thinking :)
50mw is the output isnt it? also those reactors were completed in 96... as im not in the field... il suggest @Secur @nuclearpak to explain abt it.

Well that is pure speculation , since the resultant electric power obtained from the reactors depend on a number of variables , the most important being efficiency . The data regarding its important parameters is of course not available in the public domain . But what I have studied and in my personal opinion , the loss cant be that huge .
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Well that is pure speculation , since the resultant electric power obtained from the reactors depend on a number of variables , the most important being efficiency . The data regarding its important parameters is of course not available in the public domain . But what I have studied and in my personal opinion , the loss cant be that huge .

Can you explain it a bit more ?? Are you talking about this particular reactor or in general ??
Can you explain it a bit more ?? Are you talking about this particular reactor or in general ??

Well I was talking in general there , since there's not much data that I can find on the reactor in question and hence the confusion . Losing a third of the thermal energy during conversion would mean an extremely inefficient design . What did you have in mind ?
Well I was talking in general there , since there's not much data that I can find on the reactor in question and hence the confusion . Losing a third of the thermal energy during conversion would mean an extremely inefficient design . What did you have in mind ?

From what I have read , the efficiency is usually in the 30s . For general and easy calculation , they take it to be a third .

Nuclear Reactors | Nuclear Power Plant | Nuclear Reactor Technology
Bottom line is that Pakistan doen't have any proven technology for commercial nuclear power plants. If they had, they would have first built a few for themselves, instead of of making tall claims about making nuclear pacts with other countries.
Many ignorants who are finger away from google, they have time for argument, but not for google. Civilian nuke tech doesn't mean only reactors, it also means, nuke medicines, enrollment of studentsi n nuclear physics etc etc.

Nuclear medicine in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thank you come again haters, this is one of many things that just falls under "civilian nuke tech technology"

We started that back in the 50s with our Apsara reactor
indigenous manufacture of 300-megawatt commercial nuclear power plants to meet growing energy needs, reliable official sources have said.
Pakistan has decided to embark on the

They said Pakistan decided to go for indigenous manufacture of commercial nuclear power plants because of the poor response of the United States and the Nuclear Supplier Group to requests for help in the civilian nuclear energy program on the pattern of the 2004 India-U.S. nuclear deal.

''We have taken many steps and more are on the anvil to start indigenous manufacture of 300-MW pressurized water reactor,'' the sources said.

They pointed out that an Engineering and Design Organization has been set up to design and develop a standard for indigenous nuclear power plants and privatization of the Chinese-aided Heavy Mechanical Complex, or HMC, was reversed by the government when it was pointed out that Pakistan was capable of manufacturing components for nuclear power plants.

HMC can manufacture several key components of thermal power plants which could also be used in the nuclear power plants and Pakistan has also set up HMC-3 exclusively to contribute in the indigenous nuclear power plants.

Official sources pointed out that Pakistan's ''Energy Security Plan'' envisaged 8,500 MW of nuclear energy by 2030, which would require setting up 22 nuclear power plants of 300-mw capacity if the target is to be met.

''Sites for eight nuclear power plants have already been selected,''
the official said and indicated that a consortium of private and public industrial units would be set up to undertake manufacture of the nuclear power plants.

Pakistan has set up a 300-MW nuclear power plant at Chashma (Chashnupp-1) in the Mianwali district in southern Punjab with Chinese assistance and a second plant is under construction at the same site.

]Although Chashnupp-1 and 2 were turnkey contracts, Pakistan contributed up to 30 percent of their components, which could be increased to 70 percent.

''No country can manufacture a nuclear power plant 100 percent all by itself. We cannot produce reactor shells, several pumps and the pressure vessels for which we will have to develop additional capacity or enter into a licensing agreement,'' an official said.

Pakistan has already commissioned a 50-MW indigenous heavy water reactor at Khushab that is yielding plutonium for the nuclear weapons program.

Two additional reactors of same capacity are believed to be under construction at the same site.

hope you get the point
So everything you have is borrowed technology from Canada and the US.

So what are you bragging about ?

what are you talking about ? everything is Indigenous of India just like military stuff :oops:
In tht case india is also going to US for civil nuclear deal? what do you make of that?

let me educate you guys,We are pretty much advanced in Nuclear research

in case of Nuclear reactors,wealready have plutonium based Fast breeder reactors(500 MWe),we have been operating fast breeder reactors since 1985,(and china is working on a 25 MW experimental reactor,understand how advanced it is for now)

We are considered as world leaders in thorium reactor technology,We also have designed worlds safest nuclear reactor,Advanced heavy water reactor(300 MWe)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_heavy_water_reactor and advanced Thorium breeder reactor (600MWe)

India unveils 'world's safest nuclear reactor'

August 25, 2005 14:24 IST

India unveiled before the international commuity Thursday its revolutionary design of 'A Thorium Breeder Reactor' that can produce 600 MW of electricity for two years 'with no refuelling and practically no control manoeuvres.'

Designed by scientists of the Mumbai-based Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, the ATBR is claimed to be far more economical and safer than any power reactor in the world.

Most significantly for India, ATBR does not require natural or enriched uranium which the country is finding difficult to import. It uses thorium -- which India has in plenty -- and only requires plutonium as 'seed' to ignite the reactor core initially.

Eventually, the ATBR can run entirely with thorium and fissile uranium-233 bred inside the reactor (or obtained externally by converting fertile thorium into fissile Uranium-233 by neutron bombardment).

BARC scientists V Jagannathan and Usha Pal revealed the ATBR design in their paper presented at the week-long 'international conference on emerging nuclear energy systems' in Brussels. The design has been in the making for over seven years.

According to the scientists, the ATBR while annually consuming 880 kg of plutonium for energy production from 'seed' rods, converts 1,100 kg of thorium into fissionable uranium-233. This diffrential gain in fissile formation makes ATBR a kind of thorium breeder.

The uniqueness of the ATBR design is that there is almost a perfect 'balance' between fissile depletion and production that allows in-bred U-233 to take part in energy generation thereby extending the core life to two years.

This does not happen in the present day power reactors because fissile depletion takes place much faster than production of new fissile ones.

BARC scientists say that "the ATBR with plutonium feed can be regarded as plutonium incinerator and it produces the intrinsically proliferation resistant U-233 for sustenance of the future reactor programme."

They say that long fuel cycle length of two years with no external absorber management or control manoeuvres "does not exist in any operating reactor."

The ATBR annually requires 2.2 tonnes of plutonium as 'seed'. Althouth India has facilities to recover plutonium by reprocessing spent fuel, it requires plutonium for its Fast Breeder Reactor programme as well. Nuclear analysts say that it may be possible for India to obtain plutonium from friendly countries wanting to dismantle their weapons or dispose of their stockpiled plutonium.
World's safest N-reactor by India

And we were able to build a miniature reactor for INS Arihant :D

And about research,well we build our first tokamak back in 1989,it was a 1.2 Tesla device,we currently have a 3 T device,from 2005
We have been invited to the ITER project(and we are a member of it),and we are building a prototype Fusion reactor now
Bottom line is that Pakistan doen't have any proven technology for commercial nuclear power plants. If they had, they would have first built a few for themselves, instead of of making tall claims about making nuclear pacts with other countries.

23rd June 2012 1800hrs, history has been made in the Nuclear Power Plant Operations of Pakistan. 211 days of continuous operation of Chashma Nuclear Power Plant Unit-1 has beaten the record of 210 days of continuous operation of one of the Indian Nuclear Power Plant. The comparison between Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) of both the countries is not so simple.

First of all it is necessary to understand the meaning of “Continuous Operation” of a Power Plant. By continuous operation we mean the duration of plant operation without being tripped or shut down for maintenance purposes. It is the skill of the operator which prevents the plant from tripping in a severe transient and to prevent the plant from shut down outages due to maintenance purposes by keeping process parameters in control.

India posses 20 NPPs which are in operation whereas Pakistan own just 3 NPPs out of which 1 NPP KANUPP is working on its extended life with reduced power and another NPP CHASNUPP Unit-2 has just been commissioned last year. So out of 3 NPPs only one is capable of making or breaking records. It is the war between 20 Indian NPPs vs 1 Pakistani NPP.

Secondly Indian NPPs are provided by CANADA and Pakistani NPP is provided by China. The quality of I&C equipments, valves, controllers and pumps etc of CANADA are far better than Chinese.


Despite of all these draw backs it’s the SKILL of our operators that keeps UNIT-1 running. Most of you are also angry with WAPDA but I also want to appreciate their role in this great achievement. The truth is WAPDA/NPCC is the best load management company in the world. They give you what they can.

CHASNUPP Unit-1 is still in continuous operation and MASHALLAH it has completed 213 days till now and I wish that it will also complete 300 days of continuous operation. Another interesting fact is that Pakistani NPP operators are considered as the best Operators in following the SAFETY CULTURE by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and World Association of Nuclear Operators WANO.

Pakistan is just short of few buck$ .. nothing else if SL has money .. Pakistan can lend her a helping hand by expertise and man power... :pakistan:
Srilanka will never wanna be against India. If it does, India then may try to implement the sethusamudra project in a very fast way, which will reduce the travel distance between the western and eastern coasts of peninsular India by about 350 nautical miles (758 km or 30 hours), then no ships won't like to circle Srilanka, which will certainly have an impact in the Srilankan economy since the usage of the Colombo port will be reduced considerably.

China may build ports in Srilanka, but still private players(merchant ships) don't like to travel extra 30hrs, coz they have a lot more to gain in this(fuel,time,etc). But anyway India is going to implement this project completely, which has a bigger role in the economy of southern India.
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