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Tirupati temple sells hair, gets Rs61.72 crore

most of them goes into wigs and fake hairs women tie in their 'choti'.many of it find its ntrance into pakistan markets too.

Vatican is exclusive declared christian country. Jerusalem is not exclusive for christian alone.So how can tirumala be declared as exclusive for hindus alone when india is not a declared hindu country.

I did not gave example of Jesusalem . Jerusalem is holy for all the abrahamanic religions ( Jew, Christian and Islam) . With Tirumala there is no such case .

If Indian COnsitution can provide privilege to minorities b giving them assured , jobs , seats in college so defining a place for hindus should not be a problem . Although Indian Constitution don't forbid anyone to go there and propagate their religions but all the sane religion sellers know to stay out of such places or expect Backlash . What do you think will happen when someone goes to mecca and medina and starts preaching Buddhism or Christianity ??

You kafir-
There was no need for you to compare to Muslims anything-

Stay on topic-
Hair loving boy-

I know Facts Hurt you so Much . Now go cry yourself to sleep . There was need to compare so i compared . If you find it wrong report the post instead of whining in the thread .
why hindus are against propagating other religions on tirumala hills?Its against the values of secularism and constitution.

I think the hills are owned by the Trust which is the sole governing authority.

they decide the rules
It is not much differeent from other trusts or societies
Like Waqf Board or SGPC are governing authortiees which sets the rules on its properties

India is a secular country because the Governement does not doiscriminate b/w religions

But Trusts are non-governmental

Similarly , trusts of schools decide upon the rules etc etc
Housing Socities decide upon rulses on its property

It has got nothing to do with religion but more to do with rules and regulations of private bodies/trusts that manages the propoerties
I know Facts Hurt you so Much . Now go cry yourself to sleep . There was need to compare so i compared . If you find it wrong report the post instead of whining in the thread .

Whinning?- it all started when you started whinning troll-
It feels like you have no reason of your own- every resoning and rationale of your pathetic logics are related and depends on somethings Muslims do- Thats a sign of a desperate looser- with no common sense or knowledge at all-
If A is happening in somewhere- does not justify it should happen in B-
Instead be original and give reasons that are original-
I am sure Tirupati temple people will give your answer a massive facepalm-
I did not gave example of Jesusalem . Jerusalem is holy for all the abrahamanic religions ( Jew, Christian and Islam) . With Tirumala there is no such case .

If Indian COnsitution can provide privilege to minorities b giving them assured , jobs , seats in college so defining a place for hindus should not be a problem . Although Indian Constitution don't forbid anyone to go there and propagate their religions but all the sane religion sellers know to stay out of such places or expect Backlash . What do you think will happen when someone goes to mecca and medina and starts preaching Buddhism or Christianity ??
Reservations etc are not exclusive to minorities 80% i of hindus get reservations seats,jobs etc. And as for tirumala TTD dont allow missionaries to step foot on the hills unless they sign the document they believe in the venkateshwara.its totally against secularism and its religious discrimination for not allowing the muslims and christians to build their place of worship in tirumala town.

I know Facts Hurt you so Much . Now go cry yourself to sleep . There was need to compare so i compared . If you find it wrong report the post instead of whining in the thread .[/QUOTE]

I did not gave example of Jesusalem . Jerusalem is holy for all the abrahamanic religions ( Jew, Christian and Islam) . With Tirumala there is no such case .

If Indian COnsitution can provide privilege to minorities b giving them assured , jobs , seats in college so defining a place for hindus should not be a problem . Although Indian Constitution don't forbid anyone to go there and propagate their religions but all the sane religion sellers know to stay out of such places or expect Backlash . What do you think will happen when someone goes to mecca and medina and starts preaching Buddhism or Christianity ??
Reservations etc are not exclusive to minorities 80% i of hindus get reservations seats,jobs etc. And as for tirumala TTD dont allow missionaries to step foot on the hills unless they sign the document they believe in the venkateshwara.its totally against secularism and its religious discrimination for not allowing the muslims and christians to build their place of worship in tirumala town.

I know Facts Hurt you so Much . Now go cry yourself to sleep . There was need to compare so i compared . If you find it wrong report the post instead of whining in the thread .[/QUOTE]

I think the hills are owned by the Trust which is the sole governing authority.

they decide the rules
It is not much differeent from other trusts or societies
Like Waqf Board or SGPC are governing authortiees which sets the rules on its properties

India is a secular country because the Governement does not doiscriminate b/w religions

But Trusts are non-governmental

Similarly , trusts of schools decide upon the rules etc etc
Housing Socities decide upon rulses on its property

It has got nothing to do with religion but more to do with rules and regulations of private bodies/trusts that manages the propoerties
how can a trust be allowed to own a whole town?
Better than Muslims who just not allow "kafirs" in Mecca and Medina
macca madina is declared islamic.rather whole KSA is declared islamic.so they can do it.in case of india you declare it as secular and act as hindutvadi ....sheer hypocrisy i must say.either declare india as hindu country otherwise dont do this nautanki of fake secularism when u act totally opposite to it.

She is indian- :lol:-
Isnt it amazing that it has to be well travelled and informed pakistani to know about small obscure town of tirupati- tirumala .Isnt it amazing?

I have no idea about the origins of Tirupathi or its trusts

Maybe internet can help
Internet dont tell everything.

Holy Hair of Prophet Muhammad SAW In Sunni Markaz Al Hind | Islamic Photo Gallery & Videos




Holy Hair Controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Everybody are behind the hair ????????
Isnt it amazing that it has to be well travelled and informed pakistani to know about small obscure town of tirupati- tirumala .Isnt it amazing?

:D- You are my favorite indian- you talk logic- :smitten:-
macca madina is declared islamic.rather whole KSA is declared islamic.so they can do it.in case of india you declare it as secular and act as hindutvadi ....sheer hypocrisy i must say.either declare india as hindu country otherwise dont do this nautanki of fake secularism when u act totally opposite to it.

u gonna stop us ?

Representing pakistan ,flaunting the Indian flag , trying to act sincerer.:rofl:

I would rather take lessons in not being a hypocrite from Hillary Clinton than a 2 bit trash like u.:whistle:

Isnt it amazing that it has to be well travelled and informed pakistani to know about small obscure town of tirupati- tirumala .Isnt it amazing?

All it take is one really obsessed little twerp mix in a little google and....wait for it....... shazam we have ur crony a$$
u gonna stop us ?

Representing pakistan ,flaunting the Indian flag , trying to act sincerer.:rofl:

I would rather take lessons in not being a hypocrite from Hillary Clinton than a 2 bit trash like u.:whistle:

its amazing how you guys dissown someone who does not agree with you-
its an amazing indian trait-
macca madina is declared islamic.rather whole KSA is declared islamic.so they can do it.in case of india you declare it as secular and act as hindutvadi ....sheer hypocrisy i must say.either declare india as hindu country otherwise dont do this nautanki of fake secularism when u act totally opposite to it.

Isnt it amazing that it has to be well travelled and informed pakistani to know about small obscure town of tirupati- tirumala .Isnt it amazing?

Internet dont tell everything.
:cry: baby :cry:.if u think thats hypocrisy .so no one give $hit what do u think about india .
macca madina is declared islamic.rather whole KSA is declared islamic.so they can do it.in case of india you declare it as secular and act as hindutvadi ....sheer hypocrisy i must say.either declare india as hindu country otherwise dont do this nautanki of fake secularism when u act totally opposite to it.

Isnt it amazing that it has to be well travelled and informed pakistani to know about small obscure town of tirupati- tirumala .Isnt it amazing?

Internet dont tell everything.

Once more, rather than writing stuffs on Hindu country etc etc.. i would suggest you study on the origins of Tirupathi and its trusts..

I gave you the concept of secularity and trusts which are private..

Internet tells you everything and you can look for information on land ownerships of trusts etc etc..

I may own a whole city and impose my rules on it..It has nothing to do with religion

Do not drag religion into everything..
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