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tipu sultan ancestors were pakistani

Pakistan is just 70 years old

Lmao did the land just spring into existence in 1947?

And Pakistan itself was literally just made as a state for the Muslims of British India. Therefore, the history of Muslims in what used to be British India is pretty much ours (especially the ones from north India, since most Pakistanis are pretty similar to the Muslims of that region).

and Islam is 1400 years old

Monotheism is much older, and Islam is just an extension of that.
Then don't bother barking in the first place.

I said my say. You planning to do anything about it, or just passing the time of day?

Yes. At least more than what you put down. Sindhu, and Hindu, were the names of the river and the people, not jst the river. When it came to the country, it was Hind. The Greeks pronounced it 'ind, and that's how the name became Indika.

Remember Megasthenes, and whom he visited, and where?
You said history of Pakistan not history of land ..... again just FYI
Lmao did the land just spring into existence in 1947?

And Pakistan itself was literally just made as a state for the Muslims of British India. Therefore, the history of Muslims in what used to be British India is pretty much ours (especially the ones from north India, since most Pakistanis are pretty similar to the Muslims of that region).

Monotheism is much older, and Islam is just an extension of that.
@Joe Shearer @Nilgiri see now they are getting angry :woot:...... google Bharat and you will come to know about it’s meaning as you called me Bharati..... we were different names in different eras google jambudweep also if you want to go bit more in history....

Just FYI we have enough history of our own we don’t need to claim some one to be our own

We tend to have elder names like Bharat after certain (foundation to larger cultural psyche) dynasties. China is another one that comes to mind (given what their named emperor did to unify the disparate forces in quite a permanent way)....though the Chinese themselves prefer "Middle Kingdom" officially.

The attitudes/complexes of newer entities/definitions/revisionists seeking to define/prove themselves can be excused. I do enjoy a chuckle from time to time.
What do you think he was? Hindu?

Indians believe that Hitler and Trump are Hindu. Subsequently, they worship them. :lol:






Sindhu, and Hindu, were the names of the river and the people, not jst the river. When it came to the country, it was Hind. The Greeks pronounced it 'ind, and that's how the name became Indika.

But ultimately, it is derived from the river. So why keep it?
Here comes the "Bharat" masturbators. How "Bharat" is a 50,000 year old civilization and what not. Extremely laughable. Their only proof are some historically inaccurate and fantasy Vedic books.

50,000? Don't be ridiculous. Humanity came out of Africa about 40,000 years ago.
Hate to contradict you but General Malik had a good plan and never got to execute it. It remained a plan. Another general executed his own plan brilliantly, and was victorious.

No, I'm not giving you the name. Ask Sam Goldwyn.

Well according to many former Pakistani army/airforce officers (Read my uncles and dad:P), General Akhtar Hussain Malik was close to dislodging Indian forces in Ankhur region?

I know he was changed by Ayub and replaced by one of his poodles, which caused a delay in the offensive and allowed the Indians to regroup.

Excuse my ignorance, but can you elaborate further on Sam Goldwyn? When I google the name, it comes up with some Hollywood producer.
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