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Tipu Sultan a monarch, not freedom fighter, observes Karnataka High Court

Tip Sultan was not a freedom fighter. Congress is playing the communal politics.
it seems indian courts also have nothing to do like ours. aj do so sal bad tipu sultan yad a gia hay.

Have you heard of PIL ?

The courts have to adjudicate when one is filed. Evidently, you havent read post No 1. Had you read it , it may have come to your attention that the Court is aksing the State Govt for its POV as to why they have given a Freedom Fighter label to a man .

Is there any harm in this ?

Only a Sangh Parivar minded judge/s can give this type of decision even though the history is very much wide open in front of him/them.

Decision ?

Read my comments above AND post No 1. Do you see a decision in it ?

LOL spineless Pussies who were slaves for 1000 years are talking to beat their masters Hypocrisy at his best

Slaves ..Masters .. 1000 years !!

Is this what is taught in your nation ?
thing is they are are a very confused nation who dont really have any idea about there history and specially the people who live in whats now called pakistan

tey are the direct decendents of people who wrote rig veda to most of the upnishads and the biggest hindu warriors and sages were punjab like raja porus to bappa rawal to raja dahir and from sage panini to many unknon techers /gurus of takshishla university

they are so confused people that they can make billons from properly managing three sites like hinglaj bhawani in balochistan , sharda peeth in AJK and katashjraj in punjab province alone but they dont do it rather thre pride stops them

if you take out islam from an kurd, arab , persian or turk you still have a proud and self respecting kurd , arab, persian or turk but what about muslims of sub continent who find it funny making fun in beltteling ther own ancesstors and singing praises for the marauderws who looted raped and burnt and masacerred there own ancestors and converted them but instead of having pride in what they are they want to be what the are not .... how low can you get .... :coffee:

Islam gave them something Hinduism miserably failed at, Justice, Respect & Equality. Something the Indian Dalit does not have to date.
All handy work of zia aul haq , changed pakistan to hate mongering nation where children are taught to hate hindu and india and all framed lies taught on name of historical facts.
Did Gen Zia write this as well ?

Maratha soldiers.jpg
Paste legetimate sources not extracts from your text books of madarsa
thing is they trust western invaders more than there own people to them marathas are worse invaders as they were hindus than british or portugese when they forget what portugese did in goa to convert hindus and muslims to chorstanity in that part of india(even british got foot hold in india as mughals and all muslims nawabs sided with british to stop marathas at any cost and as per british text the real power in 1857 era resided with martahas not mughals )
thing is they trust western invaders more than there own people to them marathas are worse invaders as they were hindus than british or portuguese when they forget what portugese did in goa to convert hindus and muslims to christianity in that part of india
Their parents were first one to convert and hence surviving muslim populace of pakistan , they share many surnames with punjabi indians like malik , gill ,randhawa ,virk.
There is nothing incorrect about this observation. He was a monarch defending his kingdom (the strategic decisions he made were questionable) and essentially was not fighting for freedom as he himself was the ruler of a kingdom.

One can call him a representative of India's resistance against the invasion by the EiC, but freedom fighter is not the term.

A freedom fighter is one that fights against an occupying force for "freedom" to rule themselves.
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