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Tipu Sultan a monarch, not freedom fighter, observes Karnataka High Court

Only because he was a muslim,
If he was a hindu, he would have been considered a god.

It's nothing else just utter hatred of Islam.

A pretty bigoted thing to say.

If what you just stated is correct, can you point to a Hindu monarch who is considered a 'god'?

What Bhuran Wani has to do with Tipu Sultan ? Completely irrelevant connection.

As far as decision is concerned, well it clearly depicts the state the India is under Modi. Same mind set also believes that Taj Mahal was actually a temple and Shah Jahan just renovated it into what is now stands as Taj Mahal. Same mentality was also behind the demolition of Babri Masjid. In short, this mentality is highly anti-muslim which just reflects in the court's decision.

How do you connect the religiously one-sided attitude of a political party with the observation of a court? Is it your argument that anything that you, personally, do not approve of then becomes part of an over-arching mindset? Your opinion on a matter is sufficient to decide what it is?

That's why we call it belief, NOT history. The real history may not we as we want it to be.

You Indians have mixed up the two. You write history as you want to see it. There was a time Hindus revered Tipu. Now you hate him.

The right wing will continue churning out history and you'll find more reasons to hate him. This all started with British divide&rule literature.

Difficult to understand what you are trying to say. The historical circumstances surrounding Hazrat Mohammed are well-documented, both in Muslim history and historiography, and in non-Muslim history and historiography. The historical circumstances surrounding Jesus Christ are reasonably well-documented, both in Christian history and historiography, and in non-Christian history and historiography. These are historical figures, So is Tipu. Where is the controversy? What mixing up do you see?

If you are referring to negative views of Tipu, there are negative views of everybody, including the two religious figures mentioned. So what does that have to do with a Hindu view of history? And why do you shift between 'you Indians' and 'Hindus'? do you think that the two are the same?

The right wing may or may not churn out history. Whatever is churned out by whoever does not become canonical until it has stood the test of time. They can continue to churn out their stuff; only their blind, fanatic fans, and observers like you - adjectives are superfluous - are impressed. As for the British divide and rule literature, it is well understood to be part of colonial historiography, and is read, with caution, as such.

Please leave historians to their pursuits, and concentrate on not getting befuddled by entering areas that are not your strengths.
There have been so many anti-muslim judgements lately it feels like Indian Muslims may turn into separatists by the end of Modi's term. The worst part is judiciary is not even an inch behind in this discrimination.

What an amazing opinion. So now a refusal to make a plaster saint of an admittedly ambiguous ruler, who did much for his own people, but used sadistic methods of punishment, and was quite barbaric in his treatment of people in places that he wanted to conquer, is instant proof of the religious bias of a court.

Good going, but don't be disappointed if the objective and religiously neutral don't join you.
All kings conquer neighboring territories and kill people opposing them. That was the norm.

Why did Asoka attack Kalinga and killed millions? Oriya people must hate him, no? Great king, my foot.
Don't see the hypocrisy?

No, nobody but you sees the 'hypocrisy'.

It was what Asoka did as a result of his repentance after seeing the effects of his war with Kalinga that made him great, not his conduct before or during the war.

There was no similar repentance on Tipu's part. Quite the contrary. He took a decidedly communal view of his attempts to conquer parts of Kerala.

Perhaps that may not be very clear to a pre-determined point of view like yours.

Majority Hindus voted for this genocidal maniac. Bet it includes people from judiciary as well.

On the contrary.

Your ignorance is breath-taking, but presumably that is inspired by your need to paint all things happening in India as black and communalist, bringing India down to a comfortable level of parity. Quite understandable.

A Hindu judge is Hindu first; justice is secondary. They let the Italian marines go so BJP can boast about joining MTCR.

What a half-baked statement. Apparently going into detail is a painful exercise for you. Especially when avoiding that allows a breath-taking drama to be conducted.

Tipu sultan was no doubt a great warrior but calling him terrorist or freedom fighter is totally different. it all depend in which respect you are saying this. If he fought against invading forces? yes he did. Did he surrendered? No, he fought till his last breath. Did he ordered mass execution of minorities? to be very honest i dont have a clue. but if he did then why have you been celebrating his day for past so many years.
Is this situation changing just because of religion if yes then this is gonna be very dangerous for those Muslims living there?

Sensible questions.

I wouldn't describe his worse acts as mass execution of minorities.

When he punished businessmen, as it happened, many of them belonged to the Hindu community; it is traditional for certain groups to be engaged in trade, then and also now. That left a bad taste in many mouths, especially the peculiarly sadistic way in which they were executed, for faults that cannot be rated as capital offences.

Second, when he sought to conquer Kerala, he encountered very stiff resistance, and reacted with vicious and relentless repression. In that case, too, the bulk of those suffered were Hindus; if I remember correctly, they were exclusively Hindus. That, too, does not endear him much to the descendants or to the closely akin of those who suffered. It was a neighbouring state at that, and one presently in the grip of increasing communal strife.

The situation is changiing not because of religion, but because of the efforts of one political party to try to correct what they see as an unnecessary appeasement of Muslims, and the efforts of the other to hold on to those earlier public practices all the more strongly to show that they didn't care, and that they believed the public practices, including glorification of Tipu, as reasonable honour to a patriotic king.

The judges felt that a king is never anything but patriotic; singling him out and honouring him is to ascribe motives that did not go beyond his personal self-interest.

Difficult to come to a conclusion. I myself feel that he was cruel and vindictive; so were other kings of the time. He was obdurate against the British; most others, including the greatest representative of the Muslim community in the Deccan, were busy allying themselves with the British, and joined them in finishing off Tipu. He tried to link up with the French revolutionaries, and his efforts may have been one the strands behind Napoleon's expedition to Egypt; nobody else thought of such fundamental changes in the rules of the game.

Perhaps the judges are right; he doesn't deserve any special treatment, but he should be recognised as a king who fought the British. That is the fact of it. We need to stop there and not interpret that fact in the light of today's quarrels.

And, no, Muslims are not in danger. Not yet. Uncomfortable, perhaps, in danger, no.

There was no India and Pakistan when he was alive and Pakistan (subcontinent Muslims) does have their say for any event happened pre-partition.

Pakistanis does have their say for any event/story which happened pre-partition especially if there is Muslim connection. Now here India may declare him as monarch while at the same time Pakistan may declare him as hero. Just like Allama Iqbal who died before Pakistan came into being but still we consider him as our national hero/poet.

You have a point, but not in the Muslim and Hindu division; in the claiming as a common heritage all who came before partition, including, let me remind you, Asoka.

There have been so many anti-muslim judgements lately it feels like Indian Muslims may turn into separatists by the end of Modi's term. The worst part is judiciary is not even an inch behind in this discrimination.

I find this an obtuse and ill-informed opinion, which is mischievous and nothing more.

I'm not contesting that. I'm just saying IF (hypothetically) Tipu won - the outcome would have been better for all of us, not just for Deccan region. A deferred colonialism maybe, or none at all in our region.

That is certainly a possibility.

Unfortunately, you are determined to see everything through communally tinted lenses. Otherwise you might have paused to consider that the people Tipu attacked stopped the Dutch in their tracks, defeated them at land and in the sea, and drove them off to the Dutch East Indies. What Tipu might well have done, and that is a good point, these Nairs did actually achieve. Not against the British, but an equally formidable opponent who had just finished thrashing the Royal Navy and whose admirals carried a broom tied to their mast as a signal that they had 'swept' the Narrow Sea, the English Channel.

Why should I see him do something:o:. I'm glad I didn't see that. Always asking for proof of something that has already happened:lol:. Typical. And I have seen the destroyed places myself. If you want picture proof's then I will provide them. Please don't ask for video evidence:rofl:

That is a brilliantly bad reason for NOT giving proof.
Have you read the fairy tales of Maha Bharat you wouldn't be talking like this,the guys who cheat lie and betrayed their own are your heroes Raam who ditched his wife due to false allegation is your GOD But your villain Ravan fought for his sister

So what is your point. Hindus see history for what it is, as is.

One should not speak about things which one does not have any clue about.
Waiting for taj mahal to become a idol worshiping center, there seems to be systematic effort to rid India of its Muslim past.
Waiting for taj mahal to become a idol worshiping center, there seems to be systematic effort to rid India of its Muslim past.
There is no muslim past which is welcome to people in majority here , muslims were invaders , looters and illegal occupants , most of whom were defeated and ousted from india by marathas and sikhs by 1760 before british took advantage of weakened un united factions and spread their empire.

Tipu if not defeated by british would have been annihilated by either marathas or other southern kingdoms.
There is no muslim past which is welcome to people in majority here , muslims were invaders , looters and illegal occupants , most of whom were defeated and ousted from india by marathas and sikhs by 1760 before british took advantage of weakened un united factions and spread their empire.

Tipu if not defeated by british would have been annihilated by either marathas or other southern kingdoms.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.
What an amazing opinion. So now a refusal to make a plaster saint of an admittedly ambiguous ruler, who did much for his own people, but used sadistic methods of punishment, and was quite barbaric in his treatment of people in places that he wanted to conquer, is instant proof of the religious bias of a court.

Good going, but don't be disappointed if the objective and religiously neutral don't join you.
I find this an obtuse and ill-informed opinion, which is mischievous and nothing more.

The fact that you had to reply twice to my single post tells me you value my opinion and there must be some truth to it.
Only a Sangh Parivar minded judge/s can give this type of decision even though the history is very much wide open in front of him/them.
There is no muslim past which is welcome to people in majority here , muslims were invaders , looters and illegal occupants , most of whom were defeated and ousted from india by marathas and sikhs by 1760 before british took advantage of weakened un united factions and spread their empire.

Tipu if not defeated by british would have been annihilated by either marathas or other southern kingdoms.
LOL spineless Pussies who were slaves for 1000 years are talking to beat their masters Hypocrisy at his best
LOL spineless Pussies who were slaves for 1000 years are talking to beat their masters Hypocrisy at his best
look who is calling us spine less pussies lolzz

we are the ones who left our homes and went through relegous prosecution but did not change our relegion but instead kept paying racist txes like jazia and those whoes ancestoirs were looted , raped and killed and converted are now calling us spineless pussies when we still are speaking the same language as our ancesstors and praying to the same gods.... (the pot is calling the kettle black)funny na :sarcastic:
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