I am a south India & contrary to the pdf and some media channels portraying, South & North people don't hate each other.
The comments you see in media are made by political parties like Commies to play to their galleries.
In truth, South Indian Hindus are more rabid in their Hindu beliefs than North. Some of these guys should come to my place and try, forget cutting a cow, if they have guts, they should scratch it, none of them would have made 10 steps alive after that.
The richest Temple in the world with the largest properties, Bhakths & donations is in deep south.
Few bozos want you to believe Tamil Nadu is somehow anti-bramhin or anti-Hindu. Yet, they had a bramhin, deeply Hindu Female in jaya who ruled them for more than 2 decades.
When rhetoric & playing to galleries happens, facts get lost.
Is that so. Swmay a Tamil guy using a Tamil word is open to YOUR interpretation.
It's obvious you are not a Tamil. If trolling is what you are looking, carry on though,