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Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras, Balochs, Turkmen, Pashtuns all lived together before British India and with no doubt can live together again.

There has never been peace between Tajik,Uzbek , Hazara and Pashtun and afghanistan has forever been in a state of civil war

For the Tajik , Ahmad Shah Masood is Hero ... afghan pashtun cant stand him .. lol why ? because its all about etnicity in afghanistan

say after me .... Long live Ahmad Shah Masood! that alone with bust your claim that all is hunky dory between Tajiks, Uzbek, Hazara and Pashtun
Aahum Aahum, Fox bat sahib,

For international border (about 90% +) there is no dispute between Pakistan and India. Our dispute is mainly in Kashmir, where both India and Pakistan agreed to call it "Line of control" or LOC, and not an IB or International border.

There are specific UN rulings about this.

I am not getting into who is right or wrong in Kashmir.

Just wanted to make sure we differentiate between IB and LOC.

In case of Pak-Afghan border, it has always been an IB since 1947.

Indians should be the last group to spread confusion about the borders. Haven't we ALL paid a HUGE price for such actions?

Thank you.

Sir ji.. That's exactly my point.. One prickly issue lays waste years and decades of effort.. Jar, Joru aur Jameen principles apply here too.. And you are right. Both our nations have paid a huge price for the mistake of the British in not handling the partition right.. I just hope a similar situation does not pop up on the durand line issue..

indian occupied kashmir is disputed territory , FATA and KPK are not

FATA may have lawlessness ( which gives indian and afghani goons a window to make trouble for Pakistan ) but disputed is certainly is not.

The definition of dispute is "A stand of one party which is not agreeable to the other". Afghans dont seem to be agreeable to Pakistan's stand on Durand line.. While this dispute is hugely different from the Kashmir Dispute, nonetheless, dispute it is... Better for both Pakistan and Afghanistan if it gets settled ASAP
Pakistan should take over Pashtun areas of Afghanistan because Pakistan has more Pushtuns than Afghanistan.
The definition of dispute is "A stand of one party which is not agreeable to the other". Afghans dont seem to be agreeable to Pakistan's stand on Durand line.. While this dispute is hugely different from the Kashmir Dispute, nonetheless, dispute it is... Better for both Pakistan and Afghanistan if it gets settled ASAP

Their leaders agreed to the Durand line themselves and ratified it too again and again ... Just because a new puppet leader comes out just to try to make a non issue , issue doesn't changes things ... The question I must ask is " What is the dispute ? " ... Going by this logic , we can easily claim the Wakhan corridor ...
Ḥashshāshīn;3536501 said:
Pakistan should take over Pashtun areas of Afghanistan because Pakistan has more Pushtuns than Afghanistan.

Pakistan should also take over baloch areas of Iran because Pakistan has more Balochs than Iran?. Try your badmashi on iran instead of Afghanistan and see the outcome.
fence the border and shut the transit trade line then afghanis will realize whats peace, or PA should take afghan pushtoons in confidence to join Pak.

Why every Pakistani is so greedy for Pashtun areas of Afghanistan and want to devour it?. Leave Afghanistan alone, there should be no more interference from Pakistan.
We should send our army to librate afghanistan from corrupt politicians like karzai and afghans will live happy with our pashtoons.

But the question is would you be happy if few millions Afghans settle in your Karachi and turn urduspeakers into a minority?
Afghan Pushtoon areas should unite with Pakistan because there are more Pushtoon people in Pakistan than Afghanistan. Besides, the rest of Afghanistan ( Hazaras, Uzbeks and Tajiks) cannot get along with Pushtoons anymore and instead of permanantly infighting between these groups, it may be preferable for the Pushtoons to separate and join Pakistan.
Afghan Pushtoon areas should unite with Pakistan because there are more Pushtoon people in Pakistan than Afghanistan. Besides, the rest of Afghanistan ( Hazaras, Uzbeks and Tajiks) cannot get along with Pushtoons anymore and instead of permanantly infighting between these groups, it may be preferable for the Pushtoons to separate and join Pakistan.

Pakistan has more Punjabi than India, has more Baloch than Iran, has more Sindhi than India, has more Pashtuns than Afghanistan why just not over take all these countries?
Pakistan has more Punjabi than India, has more Baloch than Iran, has more Sindhi than India, has more Pashtuns than Afghanistan why just not over take all these countries?

because pashtun is the majority in afghanistan while punjabi and baloch arnt in countries you mentioned

Pakistan should also take over baloch areas of Iran because Pakistan has more Balochs than Iran?. Try your badmashi on iran instead of Afghanistan and see the outcome.

but the iranans havent been miscreats to us like afghans have, have you ever heard of iran being used as proxy of india?? i think not
because pashtun is the majority in afghanistan while punjabi and baloch arnt in countries you mentioned

And why because Afghanistan is the birth place and home of Pashtuns! whether you guys accept or not every Pashtun is an Afghan.
Lol quite laughable logic your army can't go to FATA and BLA controlled areas to liberate those poor people! you guys have corrupt politicians in quite large numbers why don't they(PA) liberate themselves and other Pakistani people from them?

@nuclear fanboys: Pakistan having nuclear weapons is like a poor man drives a BMW borrowing it's cost of driving from others! any stupid move will bring disastrous outcomes in Pakistan as well and will eventually give us the right to buy chemical/biological weapons from our 'friends'!

Nevertheless, the two countries haven't solved the issue since 1947 and it will be a waste of time discussing a solution for it here in PDF.

Actually Afghanistan should be beware of Pakistan's nuclear badmashi. Pakistan is such an irresponsible country that it can actually launch nuclear missiles against Afghanistan. In my opinion Afghanistan should accept durand line as a permanent international border, as loy afghanistan talks irritates and alienate non-pashtun Afghans , moreover Pakistani Pashtuns have lost their sense of being Afghan and are integrated into Pakistan.
My dream is stable, prosperous and strong Afghanistan , the first step towards it is accepting durand line and making friendship with Pakistan.
Afghan Pushtoon areas should unite with Pakistan because there are more Pushtoon people in Pakistan than Afghanistan. Besides, the rest of Afghanistan ( Hazaras, Uzbeks and Tajiks) cannot get along with Pushtoons anymore and instead of permanantly infighting between these groups, it may be preferable for the Pushtoons to separate and join Pakistan.

We pakistani pashtuns of KPK call Afghanistan birth place of pashtuns and call it motherland of Pashtuns as all ethnic Afghan tribes of present day kpk have migrated from Afghanistan few centuries ago....it doesnt matter if KPK is more densely populated......Afghanisan is a country which is representive of pashtun nation and preserve its culture , history, language, traditions, literature, music etc.......We pakistani pashtuns might become irfan pathans in a century or two..
Actually Afghanistan should be beware of Pakistan's nuclear badmashi. Pakistan is such an irresponsible country that it can actually launch nuclear missiles against Afghanistan. In my opinion Afghanistan should accept durand line as a permanent international border, as loy afghanistan talks irritates and alienate non-pashtun Afghans , moreover Pakistani Pashtuns have lost their sense of being Afghan and are integrated into Pakistan.
My dream is stable, prosperous and strong Afghanistan , the first step towards it is accepting durand line and making friendship with Pakistan.

In simple words Pakistan is a frustrated country! as discussed Durand line was just a line declaring political and military influence between Afghans and British raj not any border! it will be very difficult for Afghans to accept a line as a border especially to those hundreds of tribes who do not accept neither Afghan/Pakistani government as their rulers!

From the day this matter has risen by US man our media has put an exclusive coverage to this, everyone from Hazaras to Pashtuns are telling Karzai that public is with you on the matter of Durand line what else Karzai needs?

We also want stable Pakistan with no terrorism and separatist movements, with the stand Pakistani establishment has taken against us, it has also hurt Pakistan badly and will continue to hurt.

I am quit sure if a solution is not put on table by both countries there will be a 100% interference by a third country who will only think about it's own benefit.

there are more pashtuns in pakistan than afghanistan

That's because Pakistan didn't existed when they were called Afghans.
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