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Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

Nope Afghans aren't like that they try to enhance their literature no matter if it''s Dari or Pashto.

I have never seen anyone who speaks completely Urdu!

what's the national language of Pakistan? if pakhtoons of Pakistan uses urdu in their pashto than whats the great deal?

Why luffy pakhtoon is emphasizing so much afghan relation. We the punjabi muhajirs who came from indian punjab never attach ourselves o india anymore. We are proud we are Pakistani mashallah. But we never put our indian punjab connection first it is always un-necessary for us.

those who put afghan identity first, is rightfully asked to leave the Pakistani state please. Pakistan gave them an identity and if still they put their ancestors identity first, then they should go where there ancestors lived. Exploit pakistani resources to live and advance your life and put afgan identity first... Wah kaya logic hay!
So he is a kaffir if he is an ANP supporter or a god damn traitor to his country?

Don't make up B.S i never said anything about.

ANP is the most unpopular party right now in Pakistan and BTW Most Pashtuns living in KPK don't like it also. They have chosen PTI and PML-N as their favourites...
Dude what is so hard about reading or writing Pashto ? Its written in the Urdu Nastaliq script...isn't it ? I can read & write Punjabi despite no one teaching me to do so nor was it spoken fluently in my home ! I'm sure any Pashtun who can read & write Urdu & can speak Pashto would be able to read & write Pastho !

And yes...I dunno about the writing part but they could read it hence how some of them were able to post Pashto poems & couplets or just plain quotes on FB & some of them had books on Pashto poetry too. My Bhabi, for example, gave me her Ameer Hamza Shinwari's collection on Pashto poetry & translated some of them for me before getting me another book which used to have an English Translation written underneath the Pashto one.
Pashto reading and writing is different than urdu..... and i think more worknis needed to preserve thos lamg.... just like other provinces can have their lang in school kpk should do the same..... pashto must be comp in pashto majority are and hindko in hindko majority are .....
what's the national language of Pakistan? if pakhtoons of Pakistan uses urdu in their pashto than whats the great deal?

Why luffy pakhtoon is emphasizing so much afghan relation. We the punjabi muhajirs who came from indian punjab never attach ourselves o india anymore. We are proud we are Pakistani mashallah. But we never put our indian punjab connection first it is always secondard and in most cases un-necessary for us

those who put afghan identity first, is rightfully asked to leave the Pakistani state please. Pakistan gave them an identity and if still they put their ancestors identity first, then they should go where there ancestors lived. Exploit pakistani resources to live and advance your life and put afgan identity first... Wah kaya logic hay!

I can't take your reply serious as muhajirs/odds have difficult relations with Pakhtuns in different areas of Pakistan! and for your kind information there is a big difference between Punjabi and Pakhtun ethnicity, culture and even religion!
Pashto literature is one of the hardest in the region, it's grammar is as hard as Russian! in Punjab schools students gets to learn Punjabi literature, in Sindh schools students learn Sindhi literature but there is no Pashto literature or Pashto history which can be found in schools in Peshawar! that's because every search you do about Pashto it ends up with 'Afghan' word!

Today most of Pakhtuns in Pakistan can't even talk in Pakhto they mix every word with foreign languages aka English and Urdu; for e.g:

Marra saba ba sa 'time' bar darzo 'university' ta?
'Jee sarey 4 baje' inshallah

1) There is no 'Jee' in Pakhto.
2) Time is called 'Waqt' in Pakhto.
3) University is called 'Pohantoon' in Pakhto.
4) Sarey 4 baje is called 'Salorneem bajo'.

I can give 100s more example, believe it or not Punjabi establishment is totally obsessed with Pakhtuns as Monkey said they have made an alarmed behavior in other Pakistanis if a Pakistani Pakhtun talks about his history he is traitor and he should leave the country so his diseases shouldn't be transmitted to other brain washed Pakhtuns!

Brainwashed only according to you guys ! We can see how our Pashtuns are fiercely proud of where they come from, their language, their customs & their traditions - I've met enough of them & call of them as either my family or friends to know that ! Furthermore every race goes through an evolutionary process & likewise the Pashtuns of Pakistan who have lived in closed proximity with the rest of our races have done so & so have we. You talk about language...in my cousin's family - a Kashmiri married to a Pashtun they use Pashtun loan words in their common speech quite regularly - I picked up 'rora' from him calling him brother-in-law & her cousins as such. Similarly shes started speaking some words of Punjabi & even incorporates some of that when shes taking to her parents. At the same time one would be justified in arguing that it is the right of every individual to evolve however the way he or she likes & if that is the case than would be unjust in saying that they cannot incorporate words of another language in their native tongue; such is true for both Pashto & Punjabi & believe I use more English interspersed with my Urdu than otherwise however that doesn't make me any less proud of where I come from or what are the good things about my people. Additionally because of this close proximity the Pastuns & the Non-Pashtuns would change inevitably as they have - We've got more people wearing the Peshwari Chappal in Punjab & dorning the Swati Cap (or whatever its called that Pashtuns wear...the one that folds up on the ends into a roll) right here in Punjab than anywhere else. You say they've lost their original identity...I say they've moved ahead of you guys & become more One with us as we've become more One with them. But make no mistake they are proud of their heritage, their culture, their language & their people just as we are of our own...its just that we embrace each other as brothers too.

As far the Punjabi Establishment is concerned & who are out to get the Pashtuns & their culture as part of a malicious campaign to subdue them ! Pray tell me why isn't the Punjabi language an official language even at the Punjab Level. I dunno about Pashto but in Sindh you are required to learn Sindhi as part of your matriculation, In Punjab there is no such requirement....baaat kartaa hai Punjabi Literature ? Most of us don't even know about it ! Most of the ethnic Punjabi studying with me weren't even fluent in Punjabi. Had the Punjabi establishment been as racist or obsessed with a particular race as you claim they are then millions of non-ethnic Punjabis (including myself...I'm an ethnic Kashmiri) would not been living here in peace & prosperity as one family in the Province of Punjab. I would be forced to learn the Punjabi Language....you'd hear talks of 'Yeh Hamaraa Tareekhhiii Watan hai...either conform or get the foOk out as many of these other Nationalist do' ! I can't remember a single Punjabi Politician who has ever talked in these terms or given his politics even the slightest ethnic tinge. Even now when they talk about separating Punjab in two ! Have you heard of a single Punjabi Nationalist Party forming or anything close to what the Sindhi Nationalist do in Sindh where they burn Government Infrastructure & the sort ? Care to tell me when was the last time a rally was taken out against the partitioning of Punjab by the Punjabis ? When did a single politician of ours 'used ethno-nationalistic rhetoric' in the context of this partition ? Where was the last Sereiki killed, abused, fired from work by a Punjabi ? When was the last time a Sereiki was forced to learn the Punjabi Language ? Heck even the Pashtuns of Mianwali speak Sereiki & not Punjabi as their mother tongue....had we been racially obsessed we would have at least started at home !
Yeah Pakistanis and Indians have lost the tide to keep their national languages enriched and more usable! in this neighborhood only Afghanistan and Iran has kept their national languages safe and doing stuff to make it more purify.

Urdu and Punjabi are sweet languages - the purer you speak Urdu the more it becomes Persian/Dari.

That's not to say a lot of people do not speak pure Urdu either.

And please don't make the Indian Pakistani comparison. They use more english words than anyone else.
@ Sher Malang:
Whats your ethnicity? Are you a Pashtun?
Liar, United Pakhtoonistan Front (UPF) was formed in New Delhi in June of 1967 under the Chairmanship of Mehr Chand Khanna who was the former minister of finance of NWFP.

yeah right 1967. It was just yesterday.
Pashto reading and writing is different than urdu..... and i think more worknis needed to preserve thos lamg.... just like other provinces can have their lang in school kpk should do the same..... pashto must be comp in pashto majority are and hindko in hindko majority are .....

I was never taught either Koshur (my ancestral tongue) or Punjabi (my province's tongue) in either school or college ! Not even in the University were my friends offered any of those languages unless they specifically opted for a course in them.

More work is indeed required ! None of our languages get their due attention ! When was the last time a Punjabi poet of repute was born out of Punjab ? Off the top of my head I really can't think of many ! The Government doesn't give patronage to these things...to any of these things ! However to say that its because the Punjabi Establishment is out to get the other races despite not giving a wooden nickle about Punjabi itself is moronic to say the least ! Should they be given attention...yes...God yes ! I'd vote for us having 2-3 compulsory languages at the school & the college level drawn from the many languages of Pakistan to bring about greater national cohesion but the absence of that is negligence, corruption & plain stupidity instead of a malicious campaign !

I can't take your reply serious as muhajirs/odds have difficult relations with Pakhtuns in different areas of Pakistan! and for your kind information there is a big difference between Punjabi and Pakhtun ethnicity, culture and even religion!

Rora, Punjabi Mohajir is non identifiable from a Punjabi Native because we are not ethno-nationalist nor are we into 'Our Land' & similar sort of sh*t ! There is a reason why despite having so many Non-ethnic Punjabis here including Urdu Speakers you'd be hard pressed to put forth a single example of ethnic violence in the province of Punjab which has millions of Non-ethnic Punjabis ! Hum looggooon mein hazaaar khamiyaaan hain paaar hummm na tou nasal parasst hain aur na hiii qaum parast - Yeh hamaraii Khooobiii aur yeh hamariii shanakhat ka hisaaa bunnn giyaa hai.
Sher Malang left after i asked him about his ethnicity.... :rofl:

Don't know what ethnicity he belongs to but I think he is some kind of a warlord. How many Afghans living in Afghanistan have access to the internet really... :laugh:
I can't take your reply serious as muhajirs/odds have difficult relations with Pakhtuns in different areas of Pakistan! and for your kind information there is a big difference between Punjabi and Pakhtun ethnicity, culture and even religion!

despite of big differences, we have a common identity. They wore shalwar kameez, punjabi wore shalwar kameez. Pakhtoon follow islam, punjabi follow islam. They eat what Punjabi's eat. So as Allah said in Quran. surah Hujrat,,, we have divided you in different tribes, creeds and casts so you can understand each other better.

So sher malang. I can't take your reply serious. Because your afghani bais can't make you think straight.
Sher Malang left after i asked him about his ethnicity. :rofl:

Don't know what ethnicity he belongs to but I think he is some kind of a warlord. How many Afghans living in Afghanistan have access to the internet really... :laugh:

Buttt you should have backed me up ! Toouu bhii tou Punjabi of Kashmiri descent hai ! Punjab was been having a dig at aur touuu Boneless Handi leineii nikal giyaaa ! :hitwall:
Buttt you should have backed me up ! Toouu bhii tou Punjabi of Kashmiri descent hai ! Punjab was been having a dig at aur touuu Boneless Handi leineii nikal giyaaa ! :hitwall:

Next time karonga. Bus main abee aya hon... :)

Kuch kanay say damag kam karta hain... :lol:
Hammad Bhai...rora, aaap hii kuch boool do ! Tell them why you & us are One family & how we haven't brainwashed you or something !
You my dear dear dear poster may not have "met" an Afghan,

Plenty in US an even more on the internet.

But the basis on which Indians and Afghanistanis challenge our Western border is what?

Old maps and historical claims?

First of all I find your assertion that Indians are as much bothered or need to be bothered about the Durand Line as much as the Afghan is ridiculous.

Secondly, the basis is the same as China getting "back" Hong Kong from British. As far as I know the present day KPK was given on a lease to by AA Rahman to the brits for a century and the Afghans are wanting it back once the lease period is over. This apart from the fact the "referendum" itself was boycotted by the majority of the Pastuns and even then the vote to join Pakistan was slight 50.2%.

FYI! Just see one of the map posted here by an Afghanistani.

So if a poor and pathetic nill, zero, shunni, 'kuntree' under the gora boots like Afghanistan can dig out the old maps, who can stop others from digging out their own old maps?


by your principle, Biharis (the top member of BIMARU states) like Lallu Parsad can easily claim Afghanistan under Mouriya empire.

Off course we'll all have another laugh at the Lallu, but we know he doesn't mind.

Similarly the Lullu Parsads on our West are digging up old maps of their choice.

But Indians dont do that right ? Because Chandragupta or Ashoka did not lease out Afghanistan for 100 years to some ruler like Amir Abdul Rahman did. So apples and oranges.

I agree that Afghanistan is in absolutely no f'ing position to militarily, financially or diplomatically challenge and wrest away KPK from Pakistan but that does not take away the legality of their demand just like Pakistan believes it does not take away the legality of its demand for Kashmir even though its in no f'ing position militarily, financially or diplomatically to wrest Kashmir from India.

And no offence, regarding the question "what stops others from digging out their own old maps"..what map do you have to pull out ? Afghans have that of Ahmad Shah Abdali...Pakistan ?

We should perhaps laugh at these Lullus as well. And if they insist, we should tell Indians and Afghanistanis that OK, we don't recognize the durand line as border, and from now on, we are setting up our border posts in Jalalabad. Let's see how Indians and their poodle Afghanistanis jump through the roof.


Fauji, why do you think Indians will jump through the roof if and when Pak sets up posts in Jalalabad ? As I said Durand is a Pak-Afghan issue. Dont bring in India inside it. When the claim further develops and it comes from Attock to Wagah, then we will deal with it.
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