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Time to review law of the sea

what greek mythologies? the least greek legend is more credible than what is being debated here. That was the point.
The whole 'discovery' thing cannot stand today nor can we regress to it.

and the creditability based on what, older greek mythologies? this thread is debating about Chinese claim over south china sea, if the discovery thing doesnt stand alone, then UK should have no rights on Falkland, and greek should give up any territory disputs with turky and Macedonia``
Ethnically-Turkish squatters in China's Xinjiang are illegal trespassers. Since the Han Dynasty in 60 BCE (i.e. Before Current Era), which is 2,071 years ago, Xinjiang has belonged to China. All nations of the world recognize Xinjiang as indisputable sovereign Chinese territory.

Xinjiang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Xinjiang was previously known as Xiyu (西域) or Qurighar (Uyghur name), meaning Western Region, under the Han Dynasty, which drove the Xiongnu empire out of the region in 60 BCE. This was in an effort to secure the profitable Silk Road.[2] The name "Xinjiang", which literally means "New Frontier" or "New Border", was given during the Qing Dynasty.[3]"
And you seems to have a lack of reasoning skill. If there can be a consensus on reverting sovereignty rights based upon discovery, there can be a consensus on changing that treaty about the Moon. But just as there will be no consensus on changing that outer space treaty, there will be no consensus on reverting sovereignty rights based upon discovery alone. It will create a legal hell for everyone and will result in unnecessary wars.

Do you really think I did not anticipate your rebuttal with that outer space treaty? Do you have any idea how common is that knowledge? Guess not.

well said china's theory can bring an economic chaos disrupting in a very important strategical international trade hub zone creating a tense atmosphere there important important stakeholders like India, malaysia,vietnam, the philippines,south korea,taiwan , japan & even russia & we cant let that happen the U.S NATO & EURO must not let these important countries rights get violated by china othwise it will be an economical & strategical suicide there is a time for diplomacy but some times
provocative projections like these must be answerd with provocative "Power" projections
We already know Vietnamese and Filipinos are opportunists trying to steal Chinese oil from 2,000-year-old Chinese territory. Why is the U.S. helping a bunch of thieves?

The real issue between China and the United States is the freedom of navigation for warships. The United States likes to sail its thermonuclear-armed aircraft carriers up to other countries' shores and implicitly threaten them.

China is insisting on its 2,000-year-old sovereignty over the South China Sea and its islands, because it is determined to keep U.S. thermonuclear weapons away from the southern flank of China. China will continue to build a massive navy until it pushes the U.S. away from its southern shores and the South China Sea. The showdown will occur in fifteen to twenty years.

We have formerly seen this type of Cold War tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. The United States had insisted on basing nuclear weapons in Turkey. In response, the Soviet Union retaliated by installing nuclear weapons on Cuba. This led to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

China's position is "stop threatening us with your nuclear-armed weapons." The U.S. position is "we threaten you whenever we like." This problem isn't going away.
Hey Martian

you might wanna pass your 'discovery' thing by your turkish friends here in the forum, because by your reasoning not only the Med but almost half of europe and perhaps even China and India would belong to the Greeks for having 'discovered' them first.
I bet the turks would't take so kind to your ...claims to put it nicely ...

you are too china friendly to understand when you crossed the line into the ridiculous in this forum.

while we are at it, why not simply find out who were the most ancient tribes and give them rule on everything..not just the sea ...
how about that?


In short the world should belong to Africans
Ethnically-Turkish squatters in China's Xinjiang are illegal trespassers. Since the Han Dynasty in 60 BCE (i.e. Before Current Era), which is 2,071 years ago, Xinjiang has belonged to China. All nations of the world recognize Xinjiang as indisputable sovereign Chinese territory.

Xinjiang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Xinjiang was previously known as Xiyu (西域) or Qurighar (Uyghur name), meaning Western Region, under the Han Dynasty, which drove the Xiongnu empire out of the region in 60 BCE. This was in an effort to secure the profitable Silk Road.[2] The name "Xinjiang", which literally means "New Frontier" or "New Border", was given during the Qing Dynasty.[3]"

What does it means "illegal trespassers", the existence of "white people with lightish hair" they are there long time before Xin, Qin Shi Huang unitified China. I's means Turkish "discovered" the land first.
What does it means "illegal trespassers", the existence of "white people with lightish hair" they are there long time before Xin, Qin Shi Huang unitified China. I's means Turkish "discovered" the land first.

No. The oldest written records belong to China's Han Dynasty. China is a continuous civilization and maintains its 2,071-year-old claim. A few nomads walking through doesn't count. They represent no government. They are merely nomadic individuals, who were lost, and unimportant in exerting a claim over a vast territory. Only governments can make such claims.

The Han Dynasty represented the Chinese people and we have claimed it as our land for 2,071 years. Every country in the world recognizes this Chinese ownership and sovereignty. I will not repeat myself a second time.
No. The oldest written records belong to China's Han Dynasty. China is a continuous civilization and maintains its 2,071-year-old claim. A few nomads walking through doesn't count. They represent no government. They are merely nomadic individuals, who were lost, and unimportant in exerting a claim over a vast territory. Only governments can make such claims.

The Han Dynasty represented the Chinese people and we have claimed it as our land for 2,071 years. Every country in the world recognizes this Chinese ownership and sovereignty. I will not repeat myself a second time.
If that is true then there would be no need for China to trot out the argument that we should abandon UNCLOS. You can repeat that lie all you want but the only people who will believe it are Chinese. Not 'the world'.
What's wrong with you people? How hard is it to understand a simple concept?

If a group of my friends and I wander into Xinjiang, it doesn't mean anything. It only means we are squatters on a piece of land.

However, if my group of friends and I are appointed by the Han Dynasty government to explore and claim Xinjiang then the territory has been claimed for all Chinese people in perpetuity.

Can you comprehend the difference?
What's wrong with you people? How hard is it to understand a simple concept?

If a group of my friends and I wander into Xinjiang, it doesn't mean anything. It only means we are squatters on a piece of land.

However, if my group of friends and I are appointed by the Han Dynasty government to explore and claim Xinjiang then the territory has been claimed for all Chinese people in perpetuity.

Can you comprehend the difference?
Good, then China should give up Taiwan because China signed away Taiwan in perpetuity. The point here is that we have moved away from that simplistic view.
No. The oldest written records belong to China's Han Dynasty. China is a continuous civilization and maintains its 2,071-year-old claim. A few nomads walking through doesn't count. They represent no government. They are merely nomadic individuals, who were lost, and unimportant in exerting a claim over a vast territory. Only governments can make such claims.

The Han Dynasty represented the Chinese people and we have claimed it as our land for 2,071 years. Every country in the world recognizes this Chinese ownership and sovereignty. I will not repeat myself a second time.

I copy and past for you:

Xiongnu Empire
Main article: Xiongnu

The Tarim Basin in the 3rd century CE.
Traversed by the Northern Silk Road,[16] Western Regions or Xinjiang is the Chinese name for the Tarim and Dzungaria regions of what is now northwest China. At the beginning of the Han Dynasty (206 BCE – CE 220), the region was subservient to the Xiongnu, a powerful nomadic people based in modern Mongolia.

The Land was controlled by Xiongnu.
In case of Turkish don't claim Xinjiang (they could do that base on sugestion discovery should evident to claim), Mongolia could claim it be course their ancestors discovered it and controlled Xinjiang first, before Han Dynasty.
I copy and past for you:

Xiongnu Empire
Main article: Xiongnu

The Tarim Basin in the 3rd century CE.
Traversed by the Northern Silk Road,[16] Western Regions or Xinjiang is the Chinese name for the Tarim and Dzungaria regions of what is now northwest China. At the beginning of the Han Dynasty (206 BCE – CE 220), the region was subservient to the Xiongnu, a powerful nomadic people based in modern Mongolia.

The Land was controlled by Xiongnu.
In case of Turkish don't claim Xinjiang (they could do that base on sugestion discovery should evident to claim), Mongolia could claim it be course their ancestors discovered it and controlled Xinjiang first, before Han Dynasty.

They lost a war over two thousand years ago. They don't exist anymore. What's your point?

By the way, in case you Vietnamese get any funny ideas about starting a war by contesting 2,000-year-old Chinese territory in the South China Sea, try to remember that national boundaries are redrawn after a war.

If you try to steal Chinese territory through force of arms or illegal encroachment, the CCP may decide to send the Vietnamese state down the same road of oblivion as the extinct Xiongnu nomads. Chew on that for a while.

In 2008, the Russo-Georgian War lasted one week from August 7th to August 16th. Russia extracted 20% of Georgian territory (e.g. Abkhazia and South Ossetia) as payment for the one-week war, which was initiated by Georgia.

Similarly, China should also annex 20% of Vietnamese territory as a downpayment for any Vietnamese aggression (e.g. the current illegal occupation of some Chinese South China Sea islands comes to mind).
By the way, in case you Vietnamese get any funny ideas about starting a war by contesting 2,000-year-old Chinese territory in the South China Sea, try to remember that national boundaries are redrawn after a war.

If you try to steal Chinese territory through force of arms or illegal encroachment, the CCP may decide to send the Vietnamese state down the same road of oblivion as the extinct Xiongnu nomads. Chew on that for a while.

Who steal whose lands, dude :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You guys still can't prove that you had claimed those islands for more than 100 years :rofl: :rofl:
They lost a war over two thousand years ago. They don't exist anymore. What's your point?

By the way, in case you Vietnamese get any funny ideas about starting a war by contesting 2,000-year-old Chinese territory in the South China Sea, try to remember that national boundaries are redrawn after a war.

If you try to steal Chinese territory through force of arms or illegal encroachment, the CCP may decide to send the Vietnamese state down the same road of oblivion as the extinct Xiongnu nomads. Chew on that for a while.

In 2008, the Russo-Georgian War lasted one week from August 7th to August 16th. Russia extracted 20% of Georgian territory (e.g. Abkhazia and South Ossetia) as payment for the one-week war, which was initiated by Georgia.

Similarly, China should also annex 20% of Vietnamese territory as a downpayment for any Vietnamese aggression (e.g. the current illegal occupation of some Chinese South China Sea islands comes to mind).

You are totally idiot When you mentioned collapsing of UdSSR in your post. It's correct when China is breaking down like UdSSR, Uijgur people could declare independent like Georgian.:rofl:
Bravo...Ex post facto laws can be used to gain as well as to punish in this case. China have effectively lost the current legal arguments for taking the Paracels and Spratlys, is too military weak to take them by force and too politically alone to gain moral support so is now trying to enact ex post facto laws.

The Chinese captured the Paracels from your motherland during the last war 30 years ago...

Gambit old man, even now, China and Taiwan have control over the largest islands of the Spratlys while the Philippines control the longest chains.

Your communist Vietnam home has huge claims but minimal control.

You have lost all of your Vietnamese credibility (not that Vietnam is credible) on the South China Sea issue.
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