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Time to open Souther front to crush Talibanic menace

Sadly that's true.

If Afghanistan was a woman, her story of being raped would be even sadder to see that most rape attacks on this beautiful woman were done by Afghans themselves. Others just took few turns (relatively speaking).

Kabul and Kandhar saw most of the destruction at the hands of Afghan warlords long after Russians had departed.

Even now, Afghans are destroying and bombing what others are building. Looks like Afghans have become sickened to the core and now gone on self-destructive madness.

The only way to get Afghans out of this suicidal trends, Pakistan must open up Southern front against Talibanic bubonic plague.


What rubbish you talk..... it was the taliban that bought law and order to afghanistan.
Before taliban was in power there was rampant crime,once thery took power there was peace.
Go learn some history.
You want me to believe talibans have a chance against Americans.may i remind you these are the same americans that nuked japan not once but twice to win the war against japan.
so please spare me this B.S that taliban can attack them and disppappear in crowds.and to save few civilians life americans wont take a chase.
they have the will the weapons and the manpower to make taliban part of dust in a matter of hours.
thats why iam asking you why dont they?.

The same reason they did not nuke vietnam.

Now kindly answer my question please.

No...... you answer your own question
. .

Collin Powell made a statement,' if you break it , you own it'. The problem with the neo-cons was that they didnot have the comprehension to understand what Powell was saying. Same thing true with most other americans as well.

You see americans have no idea what to do once you conquer a nation. They didnot know and niether they understood that they would have a law and order situation---subjugated nattions---nations defeated in a war look upto the conquerer to provide safety to public---police protection---protection and preservation of national heritage items---stop loot and plunder decisively---.

I swear to allah---as if the american had take a course of ' STUPID 101 ' when it came handling issues after the defeat of taliban and and Saddam or maybe they were following the footsteps of the grand dragon. It is great what the americans have---and if you people know what is to come and what is in the pipeline in future technology, it would be totally mind boggling and beyond comprehension what the americans have achieved. But then if you see the other picture of corporate america-----.

You see, a great belief that corporate america has is 'I believe mentallity'---once you start believing in it, accordingly the reality fades away. Once all the decision making jobs were taken over by the'do you believe', then they went and looked for subordinates who would say ' I believe '. Once this group was in place---the pump up sessions--the I believe sessions---I trust in the system sessions came into place. The people who said 'I dissent' were weeded out---now, when there was no opposition----it suddenly became a success story---the nay sayers were gone---the yes men and women were in----. Contd
Funny that folks like Mr. Mastan would give lectures to Americans.

Oh Baba they have a long history of conquest and a place in the group of super powers.

At some level their methods are very similar to Arabs, Turks, Mughals etc. However they are not like the mad Afghan warlords who never understood the value of a stable government.

American's biggest achievements start at home. They have established a system to run the country, and a system to innovate in every sphere of life.

Only then they have gone outside the country to extend their control on global resources.

Afghans on the other hand do not have a clue about running a government. For the last 500 years or more, they have been ruled by one despot after another.

Same thing is true with the Talibanic bubonic plague. This plague is typical of Afghan traditional way of thanking those who help them. They are like snakes who will bite the same hand that feeds them.

This plague has utterly destroyed Kabul, Kandhar, and Jalalabad. Now the same disease is trying to destroy Kohat, Bannu, and Sawat.

We must stop this plague, and attack the source aka southern Afghanistan. Until we do that, we will be in danger of getting this highly infectious disease.

Time to open up the Southern front against this Afghani plague and hit the belly of this tribal beast.


Collin Powell made a statement,' if you break it , you own it'. The problem with the neo-cons was that they didnot have the comprehension to understand what Powell was saying. Same thing true with most other americans as well.

You see americans have no idea what to do once you conquer a nation. They didnot know and niether they understood that they would have a law and order situation---subjugated nattions---nations defeated in a war look upto the conquerer to provide safety to public---police protection---protection and preservation of national heritage items---stop loot and plunder decisively---.

I swear to allah---as if the american had take a course of ' STUPID 101 ' when it came handling issues after the defeat of taliban and and Saddam or maybe they were following the footsteps of the grand dragon. It is great what the americans have---and if you people know what is to come and what is in the pipeline in future technology, it would be totally mind boggling and beyond comprehension what the americans have achieved. But then if you see the other picture of corporate america-----.

You see, a great belief that corporate america has is 'I believe mentallity'---once you start believing in it, accordingly the reality fades away. Once all the decision making jobs were taken over by the'do you believe', then they went and looked for subordinates who would say ' I believe '. Once this group was in place---the pump up sessions--the I believe sessions---I trust in the system sessions came into place. The people who said 'I dissent' were weeded out---now, when there was no opposition----it suddenly became a success story---the nay sayers were gone---the yes men and women were in----. Contd
Hi Antibol,

Americans are the sole super power---and indeed they have many a conquest under their belts, but there is a big difference between their previous wars and victories and the present issue.

Sir, I don't mind having a discussion with you, but if you want to respond to a post, then you need to read into my post a little deeper. I am saying exactly what you are saying---but my words are different. We are not talking about their achievements in their home ground, japan, germany or so korea---but this is afghanistan---the graveyard of foreign armies. Rules of engagements are different.

The problem with this war is that it is being run by the americans on the standards of their own making. This here is neither a battlefield in europe, nor is it that of the japans. This is afghanistan---this is iraq----war, warfare, tactics, gamesmanship, conquest takes on a different form and shape in the mountains and passes of afghanistan and sands of iraq. Many an army have met their demise at the hands of these stone age tribes of afghanistan.

For the americans to fall into the same trap that the russians fell into---it is due to pure arrogance, lack of respect for the enemy, not being prepared rather not wanting to be prepared, total disregard of the strategic analysis and conclusion of the results of the defeat f the russians, a lack of understanding and recognizing the psyche of the afghan warrior.

America didnot fight this war with a cool head---but they started this war in anger with religious zealots in control. Afghanistan---where battles may range at altitudes above 10 thousand feet, americans didnot even have troops ready to fight even at 7500 feet to 10 thousand feet of altitude. Talk about taking down al qaeda.

Now when I am talking about the americans here---it is the administration I am addressing and not the general populace.
Hi Antibol,

......-but this is afghanistan---the graveyard of foreign armies. Rules of engagements are different.

Dear Mastan,

Afghanistan is primarily a graveyard of poor Afghans. Millions have lost everything and hundreds and thousands have given the ultimate by losing their life.

This is no time for empty bravado. Afghans utterly lack introspection, and that's why they are being penetrated by every foreign army possible.

I could start for a few centuries back, but allow me to talk about the recent past.

Afghans boast that they defeated Commie Ruskies. Well that may be partially true for the period of 1979-1985, and then from 1986-1989.

What happened between 1985 and 1986 is that Afghans conveniently ignore. Before I add more info for the two years, it is better to see the difference in Commie tactics before 1985 and after that year.

Before 1985, Commies brought in mostly Muslim troops from CIS in large numbers and subjected them to long convoys snaking through hilly highways of Afghanistan. The result was disastrous for the poorly trained CIS conscripts. Commies were committing a classic mistake in a mountainous region by slow-moving long convoys. These were easy picks for the rag-tag militia.

However 1985 saw the change in Soviet tactics. This time they deployed elite air-cavalry and virtually wiped out the Afghan resistance.

Finally the helicopter-borne forces have countered the natural defenses of Afghanistan. Air power in fact turned the Afghan mountain advantage to an utter disadvantage. When Ruskie elite troops pummeled a small Afghan group in one valley, the next valley was helpless to come help their Jihadi brethren.

Ruskie air cavalry was only countered when ISI, and CIA came up with effective counter measures.

Still the Ruskie losses were minimal (less than 15,000) in the 10 year long war.

Americans have learned from this and that's why we haven't see long American convoys snaking through Afghan hills. Americans are using air cavalry and Taliban are having difficult time to repeat their performance against Ruskies.

Sure Afghanistan will not be a peaceful place. But that's bad for Afghanis themselves. They will remain pathetic tribals with daily whooping by every Dick, Tom, and Harry.

You Sir however will continue singing that mythical songs about equally mythical Afghan bravery. The brave Afghans who just got conquered by a small 16,000 strong American troops.
. .
Hi Antibol,

You have taken my comments into a different direction. I am not talking about bravado--or non-chalant attitudes. I am talking about something different. I am talking about how the americans acted---knowing very well what they were going to face and how corporate and yes minister mentality made them hit a brick wall.

I read my last post again---two times as a matter of fact----to see what made you react in the way you did-------I am addressing the american tactics, policies and about their failures----you are on a different wave length. Maybe you wanted to write what you wanted to--and that is okay by me----but don't run the steam roller over me.

You started a good thread---that is why I added to your reputation, but this discussion is going out of control.

You are getting disrespectful in your last sentence. Let us not get carried away.
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