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Time to open Souther front to crush Talibanic menace

The plan is crazy and will only inflame the tribes who are loyal to Pakistan. There has never been an outright deceleration of war by the Taliban on Pakistan and in actual fact their leadership has called for no conflict with the Pakistan army as it plays into the hands of hostile powers. Whilst Karzai is making peace overtures to the Taliban even Mullah Omar under the eyes of the Americans why should we do the complete opposite?

The ones who carrying out the attacks we see are Al Qaeda affiliated outfits who have local help in the form of Batullah Meshud, who even the tribal elders of the Meshud tribe cannot control. It is these people we need to take down along with the foreign scum that are heavily entrenched in the tribal areas.
The plan is crazy and will only inflame the tribes who are loyal to Pakistan. There has never been an outright deceleration of war by the Taliban on Pakistan and in actual fact their leadership has called for no conflict with the Pakistan army as it plays into the hands of hostile powers. Whilst Karzai is making peace overtures to the Taliban even Mullah Omar under the eyes of the Americans why should we do the complete opposite?

The ones who carrying out the attacks we see are Al Qaeda affiliated outfits who have local help in the form of Batullah Meshud, who even the tribal elders of the Meshud tribe cannot control. It is these people we need to take down along with the foreign scum that are heavily entrenched in the tribal areas.

Waz that is what i am saying we should attack them.
They had never attacked us directly not they had ever called for attacks inside Pakistan.
The one we need to root-out are Al-Qaeda members who are the real culprits and we are doing that.
And about Abdullah Mehsud well the day he came into the range he would be eliminated like anything.

Secondly his role is very dubious, he is even termed working for CIA, and Mossad.
His name is also mentioned in Lal Masjid episode and at the bottom of it the killing of Chines which is again blamed on US and RAW colleboration.
So you can see where all the threads are combining.
Waz that is what i am saying we should attack them.
The one we need to root-out are Al-Qaeda members who are the real culprits and we are doing that.
And about Abdullah Mehsud well the day he came into the range he would be eliminated like anything.

I agree with you wholeheartedly.
What will you do if the taliban take there offensive into the heartlands of pakistan?
You must be dreaming if you think the pak army can defeat the afghan freedom fighters.
NATO with all there power is getting hammered by the taliban and the same thing is happening to the pak army in waziristan.
The same way pakistan has unilaterally scrapped the agreement jinnah had with the tribals they can do the same and call unification with there pushtoon brothers in afghanistan.
Fits into the american plan break the muslim nations into smaller states.

Ha ha ha i hate to tell ya mate if Nato really wanted to crush Taliban there is no way bunch of rag tag mullahs have a chance in hell.

There is a simple way to finishing these little wars Follow the money.

Your not fighting a standing army like the germans but a guerilla army that will melt away once attacked in large numbers only to regroup later and start killing the invading army.

without the money they can regroup all they like they cant fight with it if they cant buy it.question u should ask your self why isnt the flow of money is being killed by americans.
This doesn't really concern me or my country but your post really amused me. Are you really saying that a handful of Taliban fighters can "take the offensive into the heartland of Pakistan" and the Pak army will be powerless to stop them?? I admit the taliban are a difficult bunch to fight in their own backyard--> afghanistan and the areas of pakistan bordering it where they have support from the local populace and they know the area inside out.But inside the pakistani heartland as you put it, they'll be sh1tting in their pants if faced with an assault from the Pak army.

When i say "take the offensive into the heartland of Pakistan" you must understand i am talking about bombings,assassination and other forms of "asymmetric warfare" or "terrorism"...which ever label takes your fancy.
Every military force in the world is effective only until their supply lines are intact. Once you cut the supply lines, the mightiest and bravest armies crumble like a badly made cookie.

Talibanic power is depending on logistics from the South and East. Once you cut these supply lines, Talibanic tiger will be meowing like a little pussy cat..

What logistics are you talking about?
There are no "fixed" supply lines that are supposed to be feeding and arming the taliban,there are "fluid" supply lines that are flexible and will just change with the need of the moment.
Even if pakistan was able to seal the border with afghanistan, there are enough weapons in afghanistan for the taliban to carry on fighting for the next hundred years.
Your theory about pak army invading the south is doomed to failure.

Let's do this analysis in dispassionate way. If you bring emotions into scientific analysis, the results will almost always be incorrect.

1. Russians lost because of two reasons:

1a. Russians could not cut off Muj supply lines from Pakistan...

The russians with all there power could not cut the supply lines but somehow the pakistan army is going to cut the supply lines to the taliban.....even though there is no fixed supply line to cut.

If it was not for the training of Pakistan and weapons (stingers) from Americans, Afghan Jihad was kapoot in 1986....

The stingers hastened the retreat of the russians,there where being bled dry by the constant attacks on there army by the mujahid and would have retreated sooner or later.
The afghans where fighting the russians before the PAK/US started helping them and would have carried on fighting with or without PAK/US help.
This does not mean i do not acknowledge that the PAK/US helped the afghans a lot and if it was not for there help that the afghans would have not been able to inflict heavy losses on the russians.

2. British may have lost some battles, but they won the wars against Afghanis in every way. Here is how.

Afghanistan was mostly ruled by British installed mayors of Kabul. All the way from Shoojah to Zahir. Yes there were few interruptions but Afghans have been ruled by the "approved mayor". Just look at Karazai (2007)these day. There is no difference between him and Shoojah (1838). Here is 200 years of Afghan history for you.....

The same way Karazai "rules" afghanistan is the same way the British installed mayors of Kabul "ruled" afghanistan in there time......

* British successfully created a border aptly called "Durand line". Remember only victors draw the new maps and not the losers......

If my history is correct was the "Durand line" not drawn up after the british army was kicked out of afghanistan.
Remember sometimes borders are drawn up to stop further warfare.

* 3. Rag-tag militias may be a bit more difficult to control as compared to the standing armies. But the militias can also be subdued. However the techniques to defeat them are different. Invention of airborne cavalry (helicopters) have practically eliminated the strong points of guerrilla tactics ......

It worked really good during the vietnam war....

* However the use of air-cavalry is only 40 years old so many armies in the world including Pakistani army are still fine tuning the effective use of airborne troops. ......

If the US army with there pioneering use of air-cavalry have been defeated by the vietnamese and are on the verge of defeat in iraq what should the pak army "fine tune"?

* BTW cavalry is only one part of the game of chess. The other important factor is to deny and eliminate the supply lines of Talibanic menace. And that can only be done by attacking them from both North and South...

We need to reconize that the karzai and NATO are the enemy and not the taliban.
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Then why don't they......

You want me to believe talibans have a chance against Americans.may i remind you these are the same americans that nuked japan not once but twice to win the war against japan.
so please spare me this B.S that taliban can attack them and disppappear in crowds.and to save few civilians life americans wont take a chase.
they have the will the weapons and the manpower to make taliban part of dust in a matter of hours.
thats why iam asking you why dont they?

Read my question again.
Ha ha ha i hate to tell ya mate if Nato really wanted to crush Taliban there is no way bunch of rag tag mullahs have a chance in hell..

Now kindly answer my question please.
We need to reconize that the karzai and NATO are the enemy and not the taliban.

Look, Al Q, the foreign fighters, the Taliban etc, are a bigger enemy than karzai. NATO isn't going to attack Pakistan, the Islamists are and have done. The Pakistani Taliban are protecting some of these Al Q Islaamists (perhaps for money), and these "Taliban" are the biggest enemy by association.
. .

If america would have played its hand in a proper manner, pakistan would have struck the arab, chechen and uzbeks fighters real hard right from the moment when the realized that these foreign fighters would cause problems.

We are paying a very heavy price for this 'our islamic brothers' choice. Except for religion, we have nothing in common with these people. Niether our language, nor are social, cultural and humanistic values are similiar.

These were homeless people, no land, no nation, no identity, nowhere to go. Some of them ran away from persecution, some volunteered---bottomline is that pakistan was not their nation and niether was afghanistan.

So, when the time came to lay down their arms for peace, they were clueless as what to do. They only believed in death-----and as it was not their motherland---they had no compassion for those who wanted peace in their homes. And the fools that some of us pakistanis are----we become brothers of every Ayman, Laden or anybody else---and we pledged to them to be a part and parcel of their nefarious designs and games.

A nation where there were no suicide bombers---a pathan / afghan who fought a war with some of dignity and honour, lost it all when they got involved with these foreign forces. Cutting throats of the opponents and loping off their heads is an inhuman act---way beneath the dignity and honour of a pathan and afghans----committing suicide bombings and killing indiscriminately---is not the act os the sons and daughters of pakistanis and afghanis----but rather the sick ideolgy of the foreign fighters, hiding behind the facade of religion, heavens and beautiful girls in heaven for these boys.
. .
The russians with all there power could not cut the supply lines but somehow the pakistan army is going to cut the supply lines to the taliban.....even though there is no fixed supply line to cut.

Russians did cut supply lines, but still couldnt win coz pakistan annd USA were constantly reinforcing the supply lines. There is no one here to bail out the taliban this time.

The stingers hastened the retreat of the russians,there where being bled dry by the constant attacks on there army by the mujahid and would have retreated sooner or later.
The afghans where fighting the russians before the PAK/US started helping them and would have carried on fighting with or without PAK/US help.
This does not mean i do not acknowledge that the PAK/US helped the afghans a lot and if it was not for there help that the afghans would have not been able to inflict heavy losses on the russians.

The Soviets didnt suffer as many casualities as Americans did in vietnam. If you take a look at the casuality figures (26000), the mujahideen suffered between ten to twenty time the casualities the soviets suffered. The soviets bailed out mainly coz the soviet govt couldnt afford to fund the war anymore.

If the US army with there pioneering use of air-cavalry have been defeated by the vietnamese and are on the verge of defeat in iraq what should the pak army "fine tune"?

The vietnamese had excellent air defence systems they recieved from the soviets. The talibans best air defence is to fire rpgs at helicopters and hope they hit.

We need to reconize that the karzai and NATO are the enemy and not the taliban.

Taliban is not the enemy? Check up the number of people taliban killed in afghanistan before the US invasion of 2001. The taliban were turning the country into a medieval fiefdom.

I honestly fail to see why you support the taliban dabong. please care to explain.

The americans have been eqaully destructive in afghanistan than the russians---you know why---because of their arrogance, cowboy attitude and making the same mistakes that the russians made. Seemingly, they never learnt from the russian mistakes----you people know why----after the cold war ended----the americans let go of all its south asian analysts---there were no foot soldiers of the angencies---americans started to look down at the pakistanis and the afghans, because they had found a new love.

The russians killed innocent---the americans killed innocent. The russians slaughtered the local populace---the americans were not far behind.

My kids need the computer.

The americans have been eqaully destructive in afghanistan than the russians---you know why---because of their arrogance, cowboy attitude and making the same mistakes that the russians made. Seemingly, they never learnt from the russian mistakes----you people know why----after the cold war ended----the americans let go of all its south asian analysts---there were no foot soldiers of the angencies---americans started to look down at the pakistanis and the afghans, because they had found a new love.

The russians killed innocent---the americans killed innocent. The russians slaughtered the local populace---the americans were not far behind.

My kids need the computer.

Sadly that's true.

If Afghanistan was a woman, her story of being raped would be even sadder to see that most rape attacks on this beautiful woman were done by Afghans themselves. Others just took few turns (relatively speaking).

Kabul and Kandhar saw most of the destruction at the hands of Afghan warlords long after Russians had departed.

Even now, Afghans are destroying and bombing what others are building. Looks like Afghans have become sickened to the core and now gone on self-destructive madness.

The only way to get Afghans out of this suicidal trends, Pakistan must open up Southern front against Talibanic bubonic plague.

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