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Time to Hang Sarbajit Singh ?

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We have to prove India's terrorist activities. If we hang him, we will be no different from India. ISI should keep him alive and in fact keep him in a good way. We must show ourselves as mature and use this case as an excuse to create good image in the world.

Good image by keeping a convicted terrorist alive, who is munching parathas everyday on tax payers cash and not serving justice to the victims ? - Brilliant!
Aeronaut yaar plz control have some mercy on me ye 3rd post aj apne mera delete kia ha:blink:
LOL... you crack me up sometimes, dude! :D

1: Kasab was on a death row and there were thousands before him but Manmohan chose him to pull off a political stunt.
2: Sarabajit had 23 years to prove his innocence with access to lawyers and human rights activists but he couldn't with 5 Failed mercy pleas.
3: Sarabajits body bag in Dehli will prove the point that India sends terrorists in Pakistan.
4: Justice will be served to the victims of his terrorist activities, who are impatiently waiting for last 23 years.
5: Manmohan will get a message about "looking tough" on Pakistan to his fast losing right wing extremist vote bank going to modi [India's new savior]

Aeronaut yaar plz control have some mercy on me ye 3rd post aj apne mera delete kia ha:blink:

Don't post off -topic - don't feed off topic. They are trying to de-rail the thread which won't happen.
1: Kasab was on a death row and there were thousands before him but Manmohan chose him to pull off a political stunt.
2: Sarabajit had 23 years to prove his innocence with access to lawyers and human rights activists but he couldn't with 5 Failed mercy pleas.
3: Sarabajits body bag in Dehli will prove the point that India sends terrorists in Pakistan.
4: Justice will be served to the victims of his terrorist activities, who are impatiently waiting for last 23 years.
5: Manmohan will get a message about "looking tough" on Pakistan to his fast losing right wing extremist vote bank going to modi [India's new savior]

Agreed... Kasab's hanging was optimized for a bang at the ballet-box!
Agreed... Kasab's hanging was optimized for a bang at the ballet-box!

Sarabajit should see God, perhaps Kasab is impatient to play with him in Jahanum open tennis tennis tournamentwith him in hell.
@ aeronaut, lets see if your government has the giblets to do as you propose.
Pakistanis want to revenge Ghazi Kasab's death :lol:

No no, we want to "learn" from India and "copy" its actions. India is already begging for mercy on Sarabajit, they have realized that they just pulled of the handle on sarabajit by hanging Kasab hence, killing any possibility of a prisoner swap after Pakistan had completed its investigation[It was a proposed plan]. But, no Congress had to "look tough" on Pakistan for next elections.

The moment i read Kasab has been hung, first thought that came to my mind was "Poor Sarabajit".
Jaunty, Kassab was an aresehole... no one is saying that he was some nice dude..... then why the sensationalist punch-line? :blink:

Sorry should have been specific-- "Some Pakistanis"
Good image by keeping a convicted terrorist alive, who is munching parathas everyday on tax payers cash and not serving justice to the victims ? - Brilliant!

yaar btw why did you close my islamic golden age thread ? Was it because of 1 guy ? :hitwall:
I have said it before and will say it again, prolonging death sentences is a normal strategy that Govts use when they are not sure whether the person charged is guilty, but have already given a verdict they feel might be faulty.

Pak is playing the safe option here.

1.They cant release Srabjit even if he is innocent because it will be a big international shame if word gets out they kept an innocent man in prison for 23 years.

2. They can't hang him, probably because there are doubts whether he was involved in whatever activities their LET and Taliban actually did, which they claim Sarabjit did. They are simply scapegoating him. Got to say, for a so called high end terrorist, Pak Govt sure doesnt like to talk about him much, if you compare that to Indian Govt's stance on Kasab.

3. They cannot overturn the death penalty, because there will be international outrage over how an innocent man was given the death sentence to begin with

So what happens? Pakistan will just make him die to death in his prison, and make sure not much media coverage is given to him and the case, just like they have been for the last 23 years.
Sorry should have been specific-- "Some Pakistanis"

Its, all right dude i am used to with Indians making blanket statements. [i, have fun when my Indian friends get drunk and they show their real "not very nice face" to me which i choose to let go just because they are drunk-]
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