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Time to Hang Sarbajit Singh ?

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5th plea of mercy has been rejected - his neck can click any time now.

after 23 years in prison , already serving a life term, this is basic retaliatory rhetoric, portraying pakistani solidarity behind the perpetrator of 26/11,
I have said it before and will say it again, prolonging death sentences is a normal strategy that Govts use when they are not sure whether the person charged is guilty.

Pak is playing the safe option here.

1.They cant release Srabjit even if he is innocent because it will be a big international shame if word gets out they kept an innocent man in prison for 23 years.

2. They can't hang him, probably because there are doubts whether he was involved in whatever activities their LET and Taliban actually did, which they claim Sarabjit did. They are simply scapegoating him. Got to say, for a so called high end terrorist, Pak Govt sure doesnt like to talk about him much, if you compare that to Indian Govt's stance on Kasab.

3. They cannot overturn the death penalty, because there will be international outrage over how an innocent man was given the death sentence to begin with

So what happens? Pakistan will just make him die to death in his prison, and make sure not much media coverage is given to him and the case, just like they have been for the last 23 years.

Nice and slow, - 5th mercy plea has been rejected. Your conspiracy theories will come down with a bang, the moment his neck clicks.
No no, we want to "learn" from India and "copy" its actions. India is already begging for mercy on Sarabajit, they have realized that they just pulled of the handle on sarabajit by hanging Kasab hence, killing any possibility of a prisoner swap after Pakistan had completed its investigation[It was a proposed plan]. But, no Congress had to "look tough" on Pakistan for next elections.

The moment i read Kasab has been hung, first thought that came to my mind was "Poor Sarabajit".

There was zero chance of swapping Kasab, congress/bjp/communist doesn't matter. The point is both cases are completely different and should be treated as such. If Sarabjit was involved in espionage against your country, it's up to you what you do with him, but Kasab's case has absolutely nothing to do with it. You are just being childish.
PM - me about that if you have more material to post, i can re-open that, had to shut it for a cool down period.

i can't contact you because i dont have 10,000 posts...
It would be nice if could please re-open it. Thanks.
I have said it before and will say it again, prolonging death sentences is a normal strategy that Govts use when they are not sure whether the person charged is guilty, but have already given a verdict they feel might be faulty.

Pak is playing the safe option here.

1.They cant release Srabjit even if he is innocent because it will be a big international shame if word gets out they kept an innocent man in prison for 23 years.

2. They can't hang him, probably because there are doubts whether he was involved in whatever activities their LET and Taliban actually did, which they claim Sarabjit did. They are simply scapegoating him. Got to say, for a so called high end terrorist, Pak Govt sure doesnt like to talk about him much, if you compare that to Indian Govt's stance on Kasab.

3. They cannot overturn the death penalty, because there will be international outrage over how an innocent man was given the death sentence to begin with

So what happens? Pakistan will just make him die to death in his prison, and make sure not much media coverage is given to him and the case, just like they have been for the last 23 years.

learn your facts first, it's helpful

Singh himself confessed to his crimes
There was zero chance of swapping Kasab, congress/bjp/communist doesn't matter.

You have ZERO authority to say that, prisoner swap has been done before and could have been done again. US and Russia do it routinely, its a practice recognized internationally.

The point is both cases are completely different and should be treated as such. If Sarabjit was involved in espionage against your country, it's up to you what you do with him,

Espionage? - Dude you are more ignorant than i, thought you haven't noticed in last 7 pages of this thread that he killed 14 Pakistanis by exploding bombs in two different cities?

but the Kasab's case has absolutely nothing to do with you.

It, does because your ****** govt has been bitching about "Pakistan exporting terror" and never cooperated with our investigation teams, never allowed them to interview Kasab. Now they have hanged him to pull of an election stunt, hence killing any chances of Pakistani inquiry being ever completed on independent evidence.

You are just being childish.

You are being an idiot.

Confessed to spying. Never confessed to any charges of manslaughter...

Killing 14 Pakistanis in 2 terrorist attacks.

i can't contact you because i dont have 10,000 posts...
It would be nice if could please re-open it. Thanks.

Will be done...

after 23 years in prison , already serving a life term, this is basic retaliatory rhetoric, portraying pakistani solidarity behind the perpetrator of 26/11,

And your solidarity behind Sarbajit speaks the same.
He has been in prison for 23 years!!! 23 years!

If you think that Kasab could have been swapped, you are living in a fool's paradise.

I, never said i "THINK" or "Want" - all said is that there was a "possibility" which doesn't exist anymore, means your own govt tied the death rope around Sarabajit's neck by two more clicks, all that is needed is someone to pull the handle which can happen any moment.

that doesnt makes him innocent:butcher:

In, fact he means that he has been in prison for 23 years, his soul should be free of his unholy existence now.
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23 years of solitary confinement in prison!

"Shaukat Salim, a key witness in the case against Sarabjit, was caught on tape retracting his statement on April 26, 2008. Salim's father and other relatives were killed in the attack. Although In court and he had said that Sarabjit was the one who had planted the bomb. But later on he accepted that he had made the statements implicating Sarabjit under pressure from the Pakistani police."

"Pakistani human rights activist Ansar Burney had claimed that none of the four FIRs lodged in regard to the bombings contained Sarabjit’s name or his description. Sarabjit was arrested on the night of Aug 30, 1990, at Kasur Border for illegally crossing the India-Pakistani border. But after eight days, the police implicated him in the terrorist bombings."

"Burney also pointed out that a single magistrate had recorded the statements of the witnesses in all the four cases, one in Faislabad and three in Lahore. In spite of fact that the cases were lodged in four different police stations and two different districts. He said four different magistrates should have recorded the statements. None of the statements recorded in front of the magistrate was taken under oath. Sarabjit was also not been presented in an identity parade in front of a magistrate. Rather he was brought in front of witnesses, in the absence of a magistrate, and the police informed the witnesses that he was the culprit. "

"The trial was conducted in English - Mr Singh does not speak or understand English - and an interpreter was not provided. There are other serious questions over the fairness of his trial, including allegations that he was tortured in custody and forced to confess" She held that Sarabjit's trial was fast tracked and the main witness has repeatedly changed his version of events."

And the moderator of this forum championing the cause for his hanging, and warning to other members, pointing out any shortfalls in the system will lead to a "off topic infraction"
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