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Time To Accept That Talks, Agreements Will Not Compel China To Change: US NSA About Territorial Aggression At LAC

Let them play the Taiwan card. This would not go down well with China and that's the red line.

They are already selling F16 block 72 to Taiwan which are more than enough capable to smoke your J20 in the sky with AMARAAM D.... so actually they have already crossed your so called red line....

They are signing deals with Taiwan like a separate country and showing your one China policy a dustbin....

Red line hah :lol::lol::lol:
Well considering you have never won a war against India. I won't call it a very successful campaign.

Why do you need Chinese..to get Kashmir from India ..can't you do it on your own?
So why do you show Pakistan Occupied Kashmir in your maps? Because we captured it in 48. In 65 we captured more land destroyed more tanks and planes etc. than India. We even captured your two star general’s staff jeep. He is the one who wanted to have peg in the Lahore gymkhana. In Kargil, the war was fought on your land and when you intruded into ours you lost two jets, total of 4. I will stay quiet about 2019 as lot has been said. Don’t talk about East Pakistan, we were 60 thousand against a unfriendly population of a 100 million. I don’t know what definition of victory you guys use.
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So why do you show Pakistan Occupied Kashmir in your maps? Because we captured it in 48. In 65 we captured more land destroyed more tanks and planes etc. than India. We even captured your two star general’s staff jeep. He is the one who wanted to have peg in the Lahore gymkhana. In Kargil, the war was fought on your land and when you intruded into ours you lost two jets, total of 4. I will stay quiet about 2019 as lot has been said. Don’t talk about East Pakistan, we were 60 thousand against a unfriendly population of a 100 million. I don’t know what definition of victory you guys use.

1. Well you captured it from Dogras. Once India entered the war..Pakistan only lost land...right from Srinagar ..all the way back to present day LOC.

Now Pakistan issued a new map showing Indian Kashmir as part of Pakistan. A much larger area than Po.K....does that mean ..you accept ..we hold on to much a larger part of, what you consider as your country than vice versa. The land which by India was won in 1948 war.

2. In 1965, it was Pakistan which lost more land ..men and tanks.

3. Kargil war started when Pakistan came and occupied around 140 unmanned Indian peaks in winters.
At the end of war ..after loosing so many men.. suffering international humiliation.. Pakistan holds but 1.

India lost 1 aircraft and 1 helicopter to Pakistani fire . 1 aircraft was lost to engine flame out ..had nothing to do with Pakistan. I do not know where did you get this 4 number from?

Both these aircrafts were lost on the first day of air operations. After that for next 1.5 months IAF bombed Pakistani army positions day and night without any losses and killing hundreds of Pakistani soldiers in these attacks, like the one on Muthadhalo supply base.

4. Ok we will not talk about 1971 war. Your signed surrender agreement is all, that counts

So exactly which war did Pakistan win?
They are already selling F16 block 72 to Taiwan which are more than enough capable to smoke your J20 in the sky with AMARAAM D.... so actually they have already crossed your so called red line....

They are signing deals with Taiwan like a separate country and showing your one China policy a dustbin....

Red line hah :lol::lol::lol:
Nah J 20 is not as weak as your mki which got smoked by PAF amraam C
India can’t take a loss of two fighter jets or 20 troops, and Pompeo is asking for a pomp from India!!!! Kargalar bile guler - even crows* will laugh.....

*No wonder the IAF killed a crow during the 02-26 strike
US national security advisor has spoken about how China attempted to take control of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with India by force as a move of territorial aggression. He emphasized that the time has come to accept Beijing is not going to change its ways with dialogue and agreements.

India and China have been in a five-month-long border standoff in eastern Ladakh which has led to a strained equation between both the countries. Several high-level diplomatic and military talks have been held to resolve the border row. However, despite certain assurances situation has seen little to no change.

“CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) territorial aggression is also apparent on its Indian border where China has attempted to seize control of the Line of Actual Control by force,” US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien said in a remark on China early this week in Utah.

The 3,488-km-long Line of Actual Control (LAC) is at the centre of the issue. While China asserts authority over Arunachal Pradesh as part of southern Tibet, India opposes it.

The Chinese territorial aggression is also true in the Taiwan Strait where the PLA (People’s Liberation Army) Navy and Air Force continue to conduct threatening military drills, O’Brien said.

“Beijing’s signature international development programme, One Belt One Road (OBOR), involves impoverished companies taking on opaque and unsustainable Chinese loans to pay Chinese firms employing Chinese labourers to build their infrastructure,” he added.

The national security advisor pointed out how many of these projects are unnecessary, shoddily built and are "white elephants".

"And now these countries’ dependence on the Chinese debt leaves their sovereignty eroded and with no choice but to hue to the party’s line on UN votes or any other issue that the Chinese Communist Party considers a red line," he said.

O’Brien further noted that other international aid efforts by China include selling surveillance systems and similar tools of repression to "pariah regimes" around the world, including Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro.

"The time has come to accept that dialogue and agreements will not persuade or compel the People’s Republic of China to change. There’s nothing to be gained from looking the other way or turning the other cheek. We’ve been doing that for too long," he said.

The Advisor stressed that the US must stand up to China and protect the American people.

"We must promote American prosperity, practice peace through strength and advance American influence in the world," he said,

Talking about several efforts made internationally to corner China, he spoke about how countries are challenging the so-called dragon in terms of technology especially with respect to 5G technology and ban on Huawei.

"Carriers like Jio in India, Telstra in Australia, SK and KT in South Korea, NTT in Japan, and others have prohibited the use of Huawei equipment in their networks. The Trump administration is investigating and prosecuting the economic espionage aggressively," he said.

O’Brien stated that even though the US competes with China, it does welcome cooperation where their interests align.

"The US has a deep and abiding respect for the Chinese people and enjoys longstanding ties to that country, including our alliance in World War II," O’Brien said.

If the US thinks this is a fait accompli, then it is time for India to accept this too. Move on and just accept the 1000 square kilometers of territory being lost.
Well considering you have never won a war against India. I won't call it a very successful campaign.

Why do you need Chinese..to get Kashmir from India ..can't you do it on your own?

Which country was so insecure of its losses to the other that it imposed a 15 million dollar fine and imprisonment for not showing a government issued map?
Well, if you are same people and DNA then why the **** wants to attack them. Let them live independently and maintain good relationships.
High IQ people have no choice. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: CCP gives damn about your feeling of tongue, same culture, same DNA.disbande

Nehru trusted china. Communist party backstabbed his trust.
Wait, WHAT!!!???
The same people should be disbanded, while different people should be tied to the front of a jeep and forced to live together? Well, you know what I mean.
If this isn't the IQ of a monkey, I don't know what is. hahaha... This guy wins PDF clown award.
LOGIC 101 FOR YOU. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Thanks for the entertainment. While you're at it, stop at a doctor. You need help immediately. :lol: :lol: :lol:
They are already selling F16 block 72 to Taiwan which are more than enough capable to smoke your J20 in the sky with AMARAAM D.... so actually they have already crossed your so called red line....

They are signing deals with Taiwan like a separate country and showing your one China policy a dustbin....

Red line hah :lol::lol::lol:
You surprise me. :lol::lol::lol:
Actual intellegence. :D
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If the US thinks this is a fait accompli, then it is time for India to accept this too. Move on and just accept the 1000 square kilometers of territory being lost.

What you did on the North Bank of Pangang Tso ..we did to you on the South Bank Pangang Tso.

Here is the situation, as it stand now.

On North bank of Pangang Tso
China considers all area up to finger 2 as it's own. India considers all area uptill Finger 8 as its own.

Similarly on South Bank of Pangang Tso. China considers, all area which corresponds to finger 2 as it's own. And India considers, all area which corresponds to Finger 8, as its own.

Before the start of this conflict..India had permanent base on North bank right at the tip of Finger 4 and China had permanent base on Finger 8.

Indian and Chinese border patrols use to patrol the area between Finger 4 and Finger 8.

In may 2020..Chinese troops came and occupied area till finger 4 on North Bank of Pangang Tso. They could not proceed further, as Indian army has permanent posts at base of finger 4 on the North bank.

After multiple rounds of negotiations, Chinese troops refused to budge and go back to their original positions on Finger 8.

On the night of Aug 30, Indian army occupied 36 heights on the South Bank of Pangang Tso..right uptill the area which corresponds to Finger 8 (on the North Bank). This prevents movement of Chinese troops on South Bank in the area which China considers as its own.

Or don't you wonder, why China was so pissed after Aug 30, threatened multiple times with full scale war.. blamed India for escalation of the conflict.
Wait, WHAT!!!???
The same people should be disbanded, while different people should be tied to the front of a jeep and forced to live together? Well, you know what I mean.
If this isn't the IQ of a monkey, I don't know what is. hahaha... This guy wins PDF clown award.
LOGIC 101 FOR YOU. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Thanks for the entertainment. While you're at it, stop at a doctor. You need help immediately. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You surprise me. :lol::lol::lol:
Actual intellegence. :D
What about HongKong? What ever may be your opinion or feeling. No one gives damn about it. You have to live with that.
The US regime cant wait to sacrifice their "allies" for some cheap headlines and entertainment on TV 😂

US to India: We wish to shed blood, tears and treasure while fighting China down to the last Indian.

India to US: We also wish for you to shed blood, tears and treasure (all make in India please) down to the last American.
They are already selling F16 block 72 to Taiwan which are more than enough capable to smoke your J20 in the sky with AMARAAM D.... so actually they have already crossed your so called red line....

They are signing deals with Taiwan like a separate country and showing your one China policy a dustbin....

Red line hah :lol::lol::lol:
Taiwan isn't going to pick a fight with China. The US could sell the F-22 to Taiwan, but it's only going to be for self-defense, and the Chinese don't seem interested in starting a war with Taiwan to get it back either, given that their focus is still on economic growth and development.

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