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Time Is Up: Millions Of Afghan Refugees In Iran, Pakistan Fear Return To Ba

Tbh, Pushtuns have always scared the $hit out of me... Especially when I read such posts of Hyperion, where Pakistan is just a dot in his history, his tribe used to plunder villages, etc...
LeT is a non-existent organization that was banned under the previous regime.

no need to bring up this entity
not needed
Some one else will take the place, I do not think India will be left alone no matter what happens, your country has been raised on the basis of Hating India and its ways,,

Remember you can only push us so hard, we have learned to live with that.
Please stop writing sentences and show me when and where it was done. Also, since the court has been provided the 'evidence' what happened to the case? Im sure I would not have missed a news where a Pakistani court has convicted an organization for supporting TTP and BLA.. Get a life or get proof.. simple!

"Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was stunned when Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Reza Gilani handed him a dossier containing photographs of Brahamdagh Bugti and other terrorists meeting Indian agents not only in Afghanistan but also during their visits to India and the names of the Indian officials who met them. This was part of more evidence about India’s involvement in recruiting, training, financing and arming terrorists in Afghanistan and sending them to Pakistan. India’s links to the attack on the Sri Lanka cricket team in Lahore and other high profile terrorism cases have been established, shocking even Indian’s many advocates in Washington. Mr. Gilani gave this surprise to the Indians behind closed doors. Now India fears that Pakistan would use this meeting to expose Indian connections with two anti-Pakistan terrorist leaders and their foreign-funded terror armies: Brahamdagh Bugti and his BLA [Balochistan Liberation Army] and Baitullah Mehsud’s Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, both being supported from bases in US-controlled Afghanistan."


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Also, pray tell me why has Pakistan not gone to the UN with the proof?

I am not the official spokesperson for the Government and am not intimately aware of their strategies, however I would say that Pakistan most probably wants to normalize relations with both India and USA and that is why they have not taken up the matter with UN.

The bolded words are amusing!

Truth often is, to those who can not change it despite deep desires.

Well I could say in the same emotion for the GOP to take all the Kashmiris who want to be a part of Pakistan, but I dint say that.. One can only argue with a sensible person cant we.

We would love to welcome all refugees from Kashmir and even the rest of Kashmir that you have under illegal occupation. That is if that's what GoI wants. And you are correct, one can only argue with a sensible person, otherwise it is only a one sided ***** slapping of facts :). I hope I am not overwhelming you!

any country who supported Taliban during its rule in Afghanistan should take the responsiblity of these displaced afghans. they are partly responsible for this tragic displacement of afghans.

i know one of them was pakistan. which are others?

Actually, the country that supported invading of Afghanistan in the 1970's by Soviet Union are to blame more then anybody else. They were the real culprits behind continuous destabilization and destruction of Afghanistan. Had they not supported invasion, had an invasion not occurred then there would have been no need for Talibaan or any Mujahideen in the first place.

So if you really want some one to blame, blame the allies of Soviet Union. One is India, which are the others?

Well then the probability of Pakistani nukes falling into the wrong hands will increase many fold. Also, it would increase the probability of Taliban rule in Pakistan.They rule FATA anyways.

Or perhaps the Nukes are already in the wrong hands, hands that shake at the very though of using them instead of hands with iron resolve to defend Pakistan with all means necessary.

one more difference
the group pakistan supported were terrorists (which btw are killing you nowadays)

i'm sorry for you mate

Sour grapes.....much?

Tbh, Pushtuns have always scared the $hit out of me... Especially when I read such posts of Hyperion, where Pakistan is just a dot in his history, his tribe used to plunder villages, etc...

Well it is because while the rest of us were building civilizations and culture and cities, they were nomads, living in cave after cave and moving from area to area for looting and plundering. It is always a lot more viable, financially & militarily, to invade cities then it is to invade caves and mountains with nothing to benefit in return. In the end, we were able to create bigger and better cities, better lives while they are still living in caves & mud houses and still involved in looting, plundering and drugs. This is the butter truth.
afgahn should leave now..
they are not paying taxes yet freely availing education,health and services..
infact we are spending probably billions just to support them
"Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was stunned when Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Reza Gilani handed him a dossier containing photographs of Brahamdagh Bugti and other terrorists meeting Indian agents not only in Afghanistan but also during their visits to India and the names of the Indian officials who met them. This was part of more evidence about India’s involvement in recruiting, training, financing and arming terrorists in Afghanistan and sending them to Pakistan. India’s links to the attack on the Sri Lanka cricket team in Lahore and other high profile terrorism cases have been established, shocking even Indian’s many advocates in Washington. Mr. Gilani gave this surprise to the Indians behind closed doors. Now India fears that Pakistan would use this meeting to expose Indian connections with two anti-Pakistan terrorist leaders and their foreign-funded terror armies: Brahamdagh Bugti and his BLA [Balochistan Liberation Army] and Baitullah Mehsud’s Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, both being supported from bases in US-controlled Afghanistan."


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Or just a simple Google Search

First two are blogs and the third is that a mainstream news site? do you consider it a news site? .. and this is you quality of proof? How very poor mate!

I am not the official spokesperson for the Government and am not intimately aware of their strategies, however I would say that Pakistan most probably wants to normalize relations with both India and USA and that is why they have not taken up the matter with UN.
According to the item they are giving a tit for tat and want normal relations at the same time.. are you gone crazy? It is simple, the claimed proof do not stand in the ICJ also, otherwise every other day Pakistan would have run to ICJ and UN.

I suggest when you are not aware it is better to shut the trap sometimes..

Truth often is, to those who can not change it despite deep desires.
I dont want to change anything, nothing has changed either.. my post is still there for all to see..

We would love to welcome all refugees from Kashmir and even the rest of Kashmir that you have under illegal occupation. That is if that's what GoI wants. And you are correct, one can only argue with a sensible person, otherwise it is only a one sided ***** slapping of facts :). I hope I am not overwhelming you!
You are overwhelming me with blogs mate, i dont call them facts maybe your intellect allows you to consider blogs as facts and you think yourself as sensible.. GOI does not want to either give you Kashmiriis nor the land which you guys are more interested in under the subterfuge. I was merely pointing out the idiotic logic which you had displayed with the help of an example.
I understand your point brother, but tell me. Who pays their taxes in Pakistan? :rofl:
pakistanis do pay 2 trillion of taxes...though i do know that politicans and business coparate class doesnt.

in 10 years americans even havnt built a single industry or a hospital..
hell the russians were far better

even today hospitals are full of afghns and atleast 1/3 of patients are afghns..when i ask them they say, there are no hospitals what can they do..?
First two are blogs and the third is that a mainstream news site? do you consider it a news site? .. and this is you quality of proof? How very poor mate!

The third was actually link to google results which you never bothered to check, read this link from Dawn.com, mainstream Media. Honestly mate, I do not blame you because you have nowhere to hide. No sane Indian can deny the activities of RAW in Afghanistan are anti Pakistan. Simple.

According to the item they are giving a tit for tat and want normal relations at the same time.. are you gone crazy? It is simple, the claimed proof do not stand in the ICJ also, otherwise every other day Pakistan would have run to ICJ and UN.

With the same reason, why did not India take matter of attack on Indian parliament or Ajmal Kasab incident despite stating they have undeniable evidence!

I suggest when you are not aware it is better to shut the trap sometimes..

I have also learned it's better to shut the trap when arguing with certain Indians as they lack the ability to understand simple things.

I dont want to change anything, nothing has changed either.. my post is still there for all to see..

The post is, however the base to that post is quite literally opposed to your dreams.

You are overwhelming me with blogs mate, i dont call them facts maybe your intellect allows you to consider blogs as facts and you think yourself as sensible.. GOI does not want to either give you Kashmiriis nor the land which you guys are more interested in under the subterfuge. I was merely pointing out the idiotic logic which you had displayed with the help of an example.

You mean my logic of sending Afghans back was idiotic? Or was it the acceptance of your suggestion to accept Kashmiris? To a normal Pakistan, neither is idiotic, nor any is unthinkable.
The third was actually link to google results which you never bothered to check, read this link from Dawn.com, mainstream Media. Honestly mate, I do not blame you because you have nowhere to hide. No sane Indian can deny the activities of RAW in Afghanistan are anti Pakistan. Simple.

Oh dear, even the mainstream media says that the proof is given, who verified the proof, you?

how is it so difficult to understand that your proof is just BS..

With the same reason, why did not India take matter of attack on Indian parliament or Ajmal Kasab incident despite stating they have undeniable evidence!

Hahaha, now now we know how ignorant you are, dude we went to UN got a ban on JUD, do you think the ban was put just because your Army thought that they got too much money and they felt bad not getting a cut?

I have also learned it's better to shut the trap when arguing with certain Indians as they lack the ability to understand simple things.
read the point above..

The post is, however the base to that post is quite literally opposed to your dreams.
What, did you just brain fart?

You mean my logic of sending Afghans back was idiotic? Or was it the acceptance of your suggestion to accept Kashmiris? To a normal Pakistan, neither is idiotic, nor any is unthinkable.
No your stupid comment which you yourself do not remember
That's actually one hell of an idea. they want to help, help by keeping some of the displaced, or perhaps all of them .

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/u-s-de...-pakistan-fear-return-ba-5.html#ixzz1yX9e1wlu

Coupled with intelligence your memory is also very sharp, nice.
Afghans should be sent back asap, all trade with them closed, Afghan Transit cargo should be taxed inside pakistan, tax collected from the trade good should be transferred to Afghanistan, this way the smuggling would be checked and Pakistan will be saved from the billions its loosing on yearly basis.

With Afghans gone, lot of improvement will come in Pakistan.

Afghans should go and take the affairs of their country in their own hands and make a future themselves.

I understand the sentiment behind your post but hate to tell you that the situation is quite to the contrary. The reasons are multiple and all compelling. Lets first examine the factors.
Firstly our own inept Government which will never be able to get its act together to dispatch these people back home. Their transportation will cost Billions and this money we dont have. Even if we managed to get our act together, some bugger in the security apparatus will take a bribe and let them stay. If this were not to happen, on fearing deprotation the refugees will scatter all over PAKISTAN, SO GOOD LUCK FINDING THEM!! secondly from a humanitairian point of view it would tentamount ot a total disaster if you sent them back. Ther is very little food, and most of these people have no means to earn a living. Sending them back would cause the Afghan Government even to block the borders and not allow them back as it would cause a famine in Afghanistan. From international relations perspective also it would give the country a very bad name. For this reaosn it is quite likely that we will not get rid of them so easily.
Personally I think that Afghans born in Pakistan should be given citizenship and all other migrants should be given the choice to become Pakistani citizen and renounce Afghan citizenship or be sent back home.
Of course this deal would not be available to criminals and all of them should be deported immediately.
Give them temporary visa and give them jobs... if they proves themselves then good , they can be given citizenship ...
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