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Time for China to toughen up on insincere India

If you read Global Times, you will know who is moaning.. cut the slack and ask China to grow a pair else you Pakistanies can give them a pair.... You mean to say China is incapable of handling a country that doesn't have balls...
Yeah, show me one picture like this that Indian kill PLA, than China will scare of Indian.:sniper:
INDIAN CAPTURED Header_3170876_1.1.jpg
Yeah, show me one picture like this that Indian kill PLA, than China will scare of Indian.:sniper:
View attachment 674322
So you didn't see vedio of Chinese army crying. If you want, I can post that.. Don't be selectively dear.. On ground, mighty Great wall army is waiting when India will move back... So pls grow a pair,else Pak will ditch you. They are having full hopes on you to fight India, China can't dissapoint it's Partner.
So you didn't see vedio of Chinese army crying. If you want, I can post that.. Don't be selectively dear.. On ground, mighty Great wall army is waiting when India will move back... So pls grow a pair,else Pak will ditch you. They are having full hopes on you to fight India, China can't dissapoint it's Partner.
You can post as many as you want but I can insure you it isn't as attractive as the one I post.:p: :omghaha:
Yeah, that's what is puzzling for us all. China is acting very timidly against Indian belligerence. India has been occupying Southern Tibet for so long now. In Ladakh, Indians tried to choke Chinese neck by cutting off CPEC route. Indians also planned to attack China and occupy Aksai Chin. Chinese actions so far are insufficient to say the least. Just occupying thin strips of land along the defunct LAC means nothing in strategic terms. Indians can still establish military basies there in the border areas (in Ladakh and elsewhere) and station the US/Israeli troops in those bases. Then attacking those bases and dislodging American troops will be deemed as an attack on the US. Indian northern border needs to be pushed back all the way back to Indian Punjab.

I was surprised at the non-existent Chinese reaction on Indian mischief of using Tibetans (in other words, Chinese rebels) for attacking Chinese forces (i.e. Chinese bloodshed on both sides). I expected Chinese blood on the boil for this extremely grave Indian offense and mischief against Chinese people. At the minimum what China could do was start actively supporting the ongoing insurgencies in seven NE sister states in Indian union. Since not much time is left for such an effort to bear the immediate results in the short term, Chinese should have occupied the Indian Siliguri neck to cut off the seven sister states from Indian union. That way, Chinese can get rid of their ever lingering issue of Southern Tibet and Ladakh and remove any threat to the CPEC once and for all. Consistent Indian mischief, offense, and aggression needs to be punished.
India is being instigated to fight China which will weaken both and this advantages it's competitors who come across as friends, feeding Indians with weapons and Nazi doctrines. Indians are too dumb to see through this and are being led off the cliff with the UNSC seat as the carrot. A war with China and Pakistan will lead to the destruction of India and induce a calamity of refugees which will change India forever.
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Xi will teach Modi a lesson that Modi will never forget.

Wait for the October surprise from China.
Yeah, that's what is puzzling for us all. China is acting very timidly against Indian belligerence. India has been occupying Southern Tibet for so long now. In Ladakh, Indians tried to choke Chinese neck by cutting off CPEC route. Indians also planned to attack China and occupy Aksai Chin. Chinese actions so far are insufficient to say the least. Just occupying thin strips of land along the defunct LAC means nothing in strategic terms. Indians can still establish military basies there in the border areas (in Ladakh and elsewhere) and station the US/Israeli troops in those bases. Then attacking those bases and dislodging American troops will be deemed as an attack on the US. Indian northern border needs to be pushed back all the way back to Indian Punjab.

I was surprised at the non-existent Chinese reaction on Indian mischief of using Tibetans (in other words, Chinese rebels) for attacking Chinese forces (i.e. Chinese bloodshed on both sides). I expected Chinese blood on the boil for this extremely grave Indian offense and mischief against Chinese people. At the minimum what China could do was start actively supporting the ongoing insurgencies in seven NE sister states in Indian union. Since not much time is left for such an effort to bear the immediate results in the short term, Chinese should have occupied the Indian Siliguri neck to cut off the seven sister states from Indian union. That way, Chinese can get rid of their ever lingering issue of Southern Tibet and Ladakh and remove any threat to the CPEC once and for all. Consistent Indian mischief, offense, and aggression needs to be punished.

Because China's initiative to start a war will make desperate Indians join the US without reservation.But if India proves that they have chosen the US, it will lead to a war that will make India desperate.

India's recent retreat suggests they have not lost their senses.China is also happy to focus attention on the real threat.

On the other hand, India has to repair its relationship with China before China and the US are reconciled, otherwise China will start to solve India's problems then.

Now the Indian media overhype has blocked Modi's retreat.Mr Modi has had to be careful to cool things down.Go forward and he will be hit by China.Retreat and he will lose domestic support.
Xi will teach Modi a lesson that Modi will never forget.

Wait for the October surprise from China.
Hey Half man, if you know that in Oct China will give surprise, then it is not called surprise half man
If you read Global Times, you will know who is moaning.. cut the slack and ask China to grow a pair else you Pakistanies can give them a pair.... You mean to say China is incapable of handling a country that doesn't have balls...

I don't know about the slack, but they have cut 1000 sq Kms of territory from your bharat mata , conquered the land, after clubbing to death your Indian soldiers as if they are no more then maggots.

What else you want? Are you not entertained?
So you didn't see vedio of Chinese army crying. If you want, I can post that.. Don't be selectively dear.. On ground, mighty Great wall army is waiting when India will move back... So pls grow a pair,else Pak will ditch you. They are having full hopes on you to fight India, China can't dissapoint it's Partner.
Save Water.

So easily CLOBBERED TO DEATH by the Chinese at Galwan.
Hahaha. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Why Indians Have Low Muscle Mass 33.jpg


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