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Tillerson urges India to seek rapprochement with Pakistan

There are areas where perhaps even India can take some steps of rapprochement on issues with Pakistan to improve the stability within Pakistan and remove some of the reasons why they deal with these unstable elements inside their own country,” he said.

What does he mean by that
may be RSS ?
Both pakistan and India have to realise that America will never be the friend or protector of either country. They just see us tools to be used.

Tester I travelled to the UK. Sat next to two Indian from Mumbai. Really wonderful people. Nothing like the genetic crap we get on PDF. We chatted like old friends and exchanged views on our respected countries, food, cricket etc.
India's foreign policy is decided in the corridors of the State Department in Washington DC. Whites dictate, Hindus execute. So this call for rapprochement is a great sign for stability in South Asia.

Yeah sure whatever you say, I'm sure a country whose foreign policy is controlled by Washington D.C. would refuse to sanction Russia, continually co-operate with Russia and would have good relations with Iran.
Massive Victory for India as US accepted the new Afghanistan policy is not linked to Kashmir and no change in already pro India US stance on Kashmir.
Thank you God-Emperor Trump.
You people worship and make everything god, don't you. sad

Both pakistan and India have to realise that America will never be the friend or protector of either country. They just see us tools to be used.

Tester I travelled to the UK. Sat next to two Indian from Mumbai. Really wonderful people. Nothing like the genetic crap we get on PDF. We chatted like old friends and exchanged views on our respected countries, food, cricket etc.
People behave differently than when on the internet.
Massive Victory for India as US accepted the new Afghanistan policy is not linked to Kashmir and no change in already pro India US stance on Kashmir.
Thank you God-Emperor Trump.

Haha. Massive victory for India? The only thing that has happened is that the "Do More" demand has now shifted from Pakistan to India.
Pakistanis trying to find One positive from a sea of negatives

If Pakistan stops supporting terrorism in India ; we will be happy to proceed on the
path of peace

and forget about Kashmir
Tillerson message is clear ,, its about Kashmir uprising . And now US want Indian man and material support in some of the issues ...

yup tell us what is india's role in Afghanistan ?
Its worrisome for NATO, that India is fighting its personal war through Afghanistan inside Pakistan, Baluchistan and then Pakistan also doing counter strike inside Afghanistan on Indian interest. Which is hurting NATO and Afghan security.
There are areas where perhaps even India can take some steps of rapprochement on issues with Pakistan to improve the stability within Pakistan and remove some of the reasons why they deal with these unstable elements inside their own country,” he said.

What does he mean by that
It means US acknowledging India's involvement in terrorism in Pakistan but wordings are too indirect to give a clear message ...
see these indians were licking the boots yesterday the same boots kicking them today hope they learn from Pakistan mistakes and dont go on bed with trump....ohhh sorry its already too late modi has already spent several nights in amrica.

when these idiots (americans) knew who is pushing Pakistan to support afghan taliban its simple indian sponsored terrorism in Pakistan, then? were they waiting for Pakistan to kick their *** after this idiotic policy by idiot trump then they bark on india?
Haha. Massive victory for India? The only thing that has happened is that the "Do More" demand has now shifted from Pakistan to India.
Only do more demand is with Pakistan.
Despite Pakistani day dreams of US Afghan policy getting linked with Kashmir, Tillerson speech just got those dreams BTFO.
The days of talking because someone said are over,India will have good relations with Pakistan when they stop arming the terrorists in Kashmir .
Next year are Pakistan's elections and in 2019 India's election...so talks are out of question for next two years. Moreover, I don't think India will talk to Pakistan now given the situation in Kashmir and present circumstances.
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