Sorry, but almost everythng you wrote in your first paragraph doesnt mean shit. Mexico, very large part of it is a poor country, highly underdevolept, with almost no acces to the riches of Mexico City. I mean for God sake 1000s of Mexican dont put them self at the mercy of kartel koyoties to lead em acroos US border to do shit jobs there if they had plenty to eat in Mexico.
As I see it Turkey has big plans for the Americas, Mexico is one of the cuntries of high interest for Turkey espansion there, which is no suprise considering its gheographical position, its population size and conomic potential. Firts sign of turkish intent and ambition to make headway in Mexico was of course first ever visit of Mexican president to Turkey few years back. So there's interest from both sides. TIKA as goverment agency almost certanly has his role to play in this diplomatic mission re Mexico. Mexico also donated few milions to Turkey for their syrian refugee program..
Last but not least such activities are not bound just by historial connection and thnigs like that, but are also used to pave the way as a means of good faith to new international partnerships in countries and region where in this instance Turkey is the new kid in the block. And Mexico with its fore mentionet potential is prime candidate.
Turkey is making slow but steady inroads to Americas. Bolivias just asked for permition to open its first ambasy in Ankara. And I must say its a briliant strategy, considering USA unpopular standing in the region in recent times.
As for Bosnia, TIKA is indeeed doing good work here. I have no qualms for them going to Mexico and other countries and doing project there instead focusing only on Bosnia cause we have deeper historical, cultural, religous etcc bonds. Like, those fuking Turks, insted helping us more, they spend they money in fucking Mexico and stupid shit like tht. Cause I Undertand the bigger picture.
If you indeed want for Turkey to become global player with influences accros the globe, this is one of the ways how its achived. Its really an old "trick", used by every big power for past century and a half.
Indeed, I am openminded, but more importantly, I studied this sorta shit of international relations. ANd kinda know how this shit works.