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Tibet issue

No one is stating that Tibet is not an autonomous region of China.

Maybe comprehension of the English language is what is causing some to not understand.

The issue is Tibatans are Tibetans are not Hans neither are Uyghurs.

It is the attempt to Sinicise these two distinctly different people into Hans is what is being discussed.

---------- Post added at 11:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 PM ----------

Old tricks again. First claim that Khantate is not part of China's histroy then arguing that it doesn't count if Tibet joined China during that time.
It is funny these guys can't read Characters but try to re-write China's history.

No tricks, but facts.

Uncomfortable facts that cannot be refuted are obfuscated or passed off as 'tricks'!
Chinese is more of a nation united by culture and common values instead of genetic or blood reasons. Sinicization is a processing that never stops happening over the past 30 centuries, whether you like it or not or with or without an 'attempting'. It is happening and will not stop.

Just look at the Manchus. They were the ruling ethic hundreds years ago but even the emperor soon lost the interest and patient to conserve their mother tone only decades after they set up in Beijing.

Or maybe the indian can be educated with their own example, the Khanate which concured india before the British. How would Akbar thinks of himself, an Indian or Mongol?
No one is stating that Tibet is not an autonomous region of China.

Maybe comprehension of the English language is what is causing some to not understand.

The issue is Tibatans are Tibetans are not Hans neither are Uyghurs.

It is the attempt to Sinicise these two distinctly different people into Hans is what is being discussed.

---------- Post added at 11:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 PM ----------

No tricks, but facts.

Uncomfortable facts that cannot be refuted are obfuscated or passed off as 'tricks'!

No one claimed there are absolutely no difference between Tibetan and Han, but we are still brothers in blood.

And no one forcing Tibetans to be sinicized, some are willing to be sinicized, while some other can stay with their primitive way of life.

Same with the Manchus, they are willing to adopt the Han customs because they believe the Han culture is more advanced.
I guess the most uncomfortable fact for you is that Tibet is part of China so you just blind your eyes. Is that too high a price by the way?
Okay, Tiki Tam Tam, no more tricks! We conquered Tibet and made it part of the Chinese Empire. And those who resisted were butlered like rats. If they are smart they better learn some Mandarin or their life will be just as bad as being ruled by the Dalai Lama.

The overlordship in Tibet is without a doubt Chinese! You've finally convinced me that Tibet is under total submission to Chinese rule.

I guess you win, Tiki Tam Tam :P
Even Koreans in China are putting Korean language 2nd to Chinese. Are you going to joke to say that Koreans are going to go extinct due to Han cultural genocide? :cheesy:

Don't reply too seriously to him. Remember:

U.S. Military Launches Spy Operation Using Fake Online Identities

Tibet was part of China for over 700 years, from Yuan/Ming/Qing Dynasties.

Some of these trolls can argue that Yuan and Qing weren't part of the Chinese history. However, they fail to understand that without the resources from the Han Chinese, no way that the Qing Dynasty can conquer a vast chunk of land about 13 million km^2.

Without the resources left by the Ming Dynasty, the Manchus would stay in the corner of the Northeast Asia, no way they can control a such vast territory.

All the lands conquered by the Mongols and the Manchus were the results of exploiting the Han Chinese and using our resources. How today China's 9.6 million km^2 of territory has nothing to do with the Han Chinese?
Its not that China is worried about getting into a war with anyone, but they would rather not let this Tibet issue get any bigger. Giving more autonomy will certainly increase separatists tendencies. China has lot of other important things to worry about.

That is a valid concern.
I think you are trifle at sixes and sevens in your interpretation of script meaning it is one language.

Devanagiri is used for many Indian languages, but it does not mean that those languages are same and can be understood by all those who use the Devnagiri script.

Turkey uses the Roman Script and I daresay the Romans and their descendants understand Turkish!

Therefore, it is requires no elaboration that your contention that script means the same language is fallacious! and ingenuous obfuscation to befool.

Please just allow me a brief sidetrack just for this post mods. I'm trying to explain something important, thanks.



Your examples are totally inaccurate in describing the chinese script.

Devanagiri and Roman Script are alphabetical - meaning that the meaning of the words written with them are based on how they are pronounced, therefore the same set of characters can be used to spell out completely different languages, and thus they are mutually incomprehensible.

With chinese characters it's the other way around. The meaning of the words were embedded and described fully by the characters themselves, and pronounced differently in different languages/dialects. The chinese character system is pictoral, this is the writing system first standardised by the first emperor of unified china.

So if say love is pronounced differently in cantonese and mandarin, both people can still understand the written word because meaning is embedded in the word itself. (just like how an indian would read the character '8' and comprehend exactly the same meaning as a chinese reading '8')

Devanagiri script spelling of 8 would be different in different languages because it is dependent on how 8 is pronounced in different languages
Chinese characters are completely independent on how the concepts/words are pronounced. This is why you need thousands of different characters to describe just as many different concepts. Think about egyptian hieroglyphs and why modern day people can still work out their rough meanings without any idea of how ancient egyptian language is pronounced.

Simplified chinese is not a new language system. It is a simplification of traditional chinese characters. Only complex characters are simplified and alot of characters are the same in both sets of characters.
It is an one to one translation between simplified chinese and traditional chinese. If you take traditional chinese and google translate it to simplified chinese, 100% accuracy is assured and no meaning is lost because it simply do a one to one character replacement. (roughly like translating between arabic numerals and roman numerals but even closer)

The fact that simplified chinese were introduced had absolutely nothing to do with assimilation - traditional chinese already performs everything that simplified chinese can. And if assimilation is in mind then why are we allowing tibetan scripts, mongol scripts and urghur scripts (and languages) to continue to be used today?

Is it surprising that people in china speaking different languages can communicate in written chinese? No. Before end of WWII, official documents of Japan were written completely in Kangi, a near strait borrowing of chinese characters, despite the fact the japanese pronounciation were very different. A chinese commander on battlefield can straight off read captured japanese documents.

Hiragana and Katagana are alphabetical, and they were used to describe the pronounciation of Kangi characters which were themselves pictoral.


I cannot begin to think that, if you are a mod on an indian forum, what sort of perceptions about china and chinese were other people led to by you. Is it any wonder that some indians jump into this forum with some very biased views about china and chinese?
It is sad that the world turns a blind eye to the Tibetan issue - as China continues to illegally occupy Tibet.
just ignor ray he is nothing but a chinese basher, why are we discuss the issue with indian troll here , the matter is chinese iternal affairs nothing to do with india.
just ignor ray he is nothing but a chinese basher, why are we discuss the issue with indian troll here , the matter is chinese iternal affairs nothing to do with india.

Because His Holiness the Dalai Lama resides in India and we have so many Tibetan refugees in India.
Your examples are totally inaccurate in describe the chinese script.

Devanagiri and Roman Script are alphabetical - meaning that the meaning of the words written with them are based on how they are pronounced, therefore the same set of characters can be used to spell out completely different languages, and thus they are mutually incomprehensible.

With chinese characters it's the other way around. The meaning of the words were embedded and described fully by the characters themselves, and pronounced differently in different languages/dialects. The chinese character system is pictoral, this is the writing system first standardised by the first emperor of unified china.

So if say love is pronounced differently in cantonese and mandarin, both people can still understand the written word because meaning is embedded in the word itself. (just like how an indian would read the character '8' and comprehend exactly the same meaning as a chinese reading '8')

Excellent post. :tup:

Unfortunately, Ray is not sincere in learning about China or Chinese concepts. Which is why he keeps making these factual errors.

He only absorbs information, that confirms his already preconceived bias.

It is not an honest debate, it is just pseudo-intellectualism.
Excellent post. :tup:

Unfortunately, Ray is not sincere in learning about China or Chinese concepts. Which is why he keeps making these factual errors.

He only absorbs information, that confirms his already preconceived bias.

It is not an honest debate, it is just pseudo-intellectualism.

If I can't convince him there is nothing else to do. But other people should not be misled. That post would be useful for others too.
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