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Three members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards shot dead in Northwest Iran near the border of Iraq

IRGC promised to retaliate.
بیانیه سپاه درباره حمله تروریستی پیرانشهر - مشرق نیوز

lol sunshine!! yr lying im not! This is clearly not what yr Solaimani had said, we both know thats NOT true!

U had killed our 11 unarmed troops in Makran! yr Naseri had to pay the prize and look he has ran away to America now.....Our ISI chief isnt sacked nor have ran away he has just recently been transferred and he hasnt ran away to America or GCC either!

We had talked about this here in the forum, i guess u also posted on that thread if im not wrong! This Naseri was making u attack Pakistan on 27 feb. night when we were engaged with India on our eastern borders.....Irani Farsi forums were saying also that Iran is about to launch a ballistic Missile attack on Pakistan.

This is why Pakistan had send our Railways minister on Early march i think on march 2 to Iran......He threatened in straight words that i Iran attacks Pakistan we will do the same or worst to it what we did to India!

Then when our 11 unarmed Troops were assassinated(wwhich Pakistan for the first time officially blamed Iran for) just before our PM's visit, our PM then had talk to Irani leadership and Supreme Leader in straight words and the ISI Chief there who had gone with him to Iran gave all the proofs of that General along with his pictures with Indians and his intercepted phone calls along with tons of other evidence.

This is why he was swiftly removed and now we both can see, he has ran away to America/GCC for whom he was working for and was destroying our relations!

This is the REAL reason why our border is Calm since our PM's visit. we have been telling u that we had nothing to do with PakIran border tensions it was west who was doing it through Afghanistan/Gulf. And Now that General's sacking and then his subsequent running away from Iran with those important documents is a testimony of that fact!
Truth is that this border tensions were being done by west on both sides and Ali Nasiri his indian contacts(who is a strategic partner of both US and Israel) is for the world to see.


Meanwhile Pakistan has also done a lot quietly to dismantle the Anti Iran network on our side as well in recent months....We have just arrested the biggest financier of Anti Shia and Iran terrorist group Sipah e Sahaba and Jundullah, Rana Sana Ullah! he is a politician and runs a big drugs smuggling business too.View attachment 568538


This is why Border remains calm since a few months on both sides! Now Iran must also do its side of bargain on Kulbhushan Yadav network which is Indian terrorist network of Baloch Insurgents operated through Chabahar.

You may also lack in depth knowledge of PakIran relations, in terms of ground realities and what agreements and understands we have with both Countries and Governments.
PressTV-Iran's Soleimani: Saudis seek to destroy Pakistan
In fact in his speech, General Suleimani had a very soft tone, other IRGC commanders weren't this gentle and directly blamed Pakistan for terrorist attack in Iran.

LOL, Fleeing Iranian general! you guys officially live in a delusion.
First of all, his name was Nasiri, secondly he is in Iran at the same position, at the same rumor thread we posted his picture in a conference in Iran few days after your defection fairy tales:
Report: Senior IRGC Officer Flees Iran With Top Secret Intel

The thing is that you admit that just recently Pakistan decided to take care of anti-Iranian terrorist groups, why didn't do it earlier? obviously it was a matter of policy change in Pakistan rather than ability. so brag as much as you like.
IRGC promised to retaliate.
بیانیه سپاه درباره حمله تروریستی پیرانشهر - مشرق نیوز

PressTV-Iran's Soleimani: Saudis seek to destroy Pakistan
In fact in his speech, General Suleimani had a very soft tone, other IRGC commanders weren't this gentle and directly blamed Pakistan for terrorist attack in Iran.

LOL, Fleeing Iranian general! you guys officially live in a delusion.
First of all, his name was Nasiri, secondly he is in Iran at the same position, at the same rumor thread we posted his picture in a conference in Iran few days after your defection fairy tales:
Report: Senior IRGC Officer Flees Iran With Top Secret Intel

The thing is that you admit that just recently Pakistan decided to take care of anti-Iranian terrorist groups, why didn't do it earlier? obviously it was a matter of policy change in Pakistan rather than ability. so brag as much as you like.
:rofl:lol have u even yr own sources to begin with? He has blamed Pakistan for it...it doesnt matter how u read it the reality is he did, even u remember i opened a thread abt a Russian analyst who right after his statement said that Iran is quickly turning into Indian Proxy.

Stop living in delusions! u killed our 11 men! and we had put u in yr place! by making u sack that fool im talking abt the IRGC commander whom Gen Salami has replaced, Im sorry i checked it was Gen Jafary who was sacked not Nasiri. Also those 200 odd CIA agents being arrested in Iran at same time as our PM was visiting was also done after we shared intel. abt them with u. This was the give and take, after sharing of that intel, then yr gen. Jafary was sacked.

Regarding our recent arrests, LOL why should have we done it before sunshine? care to explain? Yr an Indian proxy, entire World has seen and known that with the examples of Kulbhushan Yadav operating from chabahar port. We have seen in ICJ who he is even entire World saw.

Also Uzair Baloch and that Fatemiyoun and Zainabyoun in which yr direct VEVAK is involved!

Now that Rana Sanaullah has gone, now its yr responsibility to dismantle them......We are asking for Rizwan aka Ramesh, the Kulbhushan's business partner in Chabahar and Haji Nasir who was Uzair Baloch's handler.

Rana Sanaullah's arrest is the follow up of agreement/understanding that we reached with iran on our PM visit, in which the intel of CIA agents was shared, then sacking of Jafary and then Sanaullah arrest now Iran will do things abt Kulbhushan Yadav.

@mohsen like i said, u maybe lacking sufficient knowledge.
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:rofl:lol have u even yr own sources to begin with? He has blamed Pakistan for it...it doesnt matter how u read it the reality is he did, even u remember i opened a thread abt a Russian analyst who right after his statement said that Iran is quickly turning into Indian Proxy.

Stop living in delusions! u killed our 11 men! and we had put u in yr place! by making u sack that fool im talking abt the IRGC commander whom Gen Salami has replaced, Im sorry i checked it was Gen Jafary who was sacked not Nasiri. Also those 200 odd CIA agents being arrested in Iran at same time as our PM was visiting was also done after we shared intel. abt them with u. This was the give and take, after sharing of that intel, then yr gen. Jafary was sacked.

Regarding our recent arrests, LOL why should have we done before sunshine? care to explain? Yr an Indian proxy, entire World has seen and known that with the examples of Kulbhushan Yadav operating from chabahar port. We have seen in ICJ who he is even entire World saw.

Also Uzair Baloch and that Fatemiyoun and Zainabyoun in which yr direct VEVAK is involved!

Now that Rana Sanaullah has gone, now its yr responsibility to dismantle them......We are asking for Rizwan aka Ramesh, the Kulbhushan's business partner in Chabahar and Haji Nasir who was Uzair Baloch's handler.

Rana Sanaullah's arrest is the follow up of agreement/understanding that we reached with iran on our PM visit, in which the intel of CIA agents was shared, then sacking of Jafary and then Sanaullah arrest now Iran will do things abt Kulbhushan Yadav.

@mohsen like i said, u maybe lacking sufficient knowledge.
Pakistan changes it's policies, but Iran has been put in place! may god cure you.:crazy:
Pakistan changes it's policies, but Iran has been put in place! may god cure you.:crazy:
and i told u how we did it!!! u probably arnt reading my full posts.

or else what happened to yr gen solaimani at the night of 27 feb?:lol: Pakistan is a big and powerful country, and the world saw what we do with our enemies on 27 feb. and so did yr country and Gen. Solaimani.

That is why no agreement on trade etc was signed on that visit of our PM it was a purely security visit. Even the barter trade agreement has been signed a week ago not on that visit where it was supposed to be signed.

I know dude my posts r sounding crazy to u, but trust me this is what happened....it is just that u lack in dept knowledge about PakIran relations.
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As long as our borders with Pakistan is safe, you can brag as much as you like.
Wont be for long if Iran doesnt fulfill Islamabads demands. You know exactly what I am talking about.

Why you say RIP for dead terrorists?

What's bragging in it? what ever happened on 27th February has cut both Indian army and IRGC down to their size. We all know the tone and actions of both states before that as well.
There is alot of hot air to our west. All it takes is 1 stone for the whole house to fall.
and i told u how we did it!!! u probably didnt read my full post.

or else what happened to yr gen solaimani at the night of 27 feb?:lol: Pakistan is a big and powerful country, and the world saw what we do with our enemies on 27 feb. and so did yr country and Gen. Solaimani.

That is why no agreement on trade etc was signed on that visit of our PM it was a purely security visit. Even the barter trade agreement has been signed a week ago not on that visit where it was supposed to be signed.

I know dude my posts r sounding crazy to u, but trust me this is what happened....it is just that u lack in dept knowledge about PakIran relations.
You are saying Iran killed Pakistani soldiers, then Pakistan neutralized anti-Iranian terrorists and told Iran to shut the **** up!

Excellent, I pray for you!
You are saying Iran killed Pakistani soldiers, then Pakistan neutralized anti-Iranian terrorists and told Iran to shut the **** up!

Excellent, I pray for you!
Dude im repeating again and again u lack in depth knowledge of PakIran relations. This is why my posts r looking crazy to u not because im lying.

didnt Pakistan officially blamed Iran for that? u forgotten again? And it was done to avenge those 27 men of IRGC in which Gen Solaimani and others blamed Pakistan? including Gen Jafary?

Im saying that first Gen Jafary was sacked, then Pakistan did its side of agreement/understanding now its again Iran's turn and then we will follow up with more and vice versa.
So these terrorists crave another round of bombing . the positive thing is as right now we don't have any missile system that need testing we can bomb them using UCAVs for cheap.
well there is unconfirmed report that IRGC is hitting Kurdistan Iraq and hitting them hard for several hours and UCAVs are involved too, again these are unconfirmed reports.

well now its confirmed IRGC is hitting terrorist in Iraq

«حمله توپخانه‌ای سپاه» به برخی از مناطق کردستان عراق


منابع خبری کردستان عراق روز چهارشنبه ۱۹ تیرماه از بمباران توپخانه‌ای برخی مناطق اقلیم کردستان عراق توسط سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی خبر دادند.

وب‌سایت کردی «روداو» به نقل از احسان چلبی، شهردار شهر سیداکان در کردستان عراق، گزارش داد که در جریان این حملات، یک دختر ۱۸ ساله کشته شده و دو نفر از برادران او که ۱۴ و ۲۳ ساله بوده‌‌اند، مجروح شده‌اند.

شهر سیداکان در ۹۰ کیلومتری اربیل، مرکز اقلیم کردستان عراق، قرار دارد.

یک منبع آگاه به هه‌نگاو گفت که گلوله‌باران منطقه توسط توپخانه‌های سپاه همچنان ادامە دارد و هواپیماهای شناسایی ایران بر فراز آسمان منطقە در حال گشت‌زنی هستند.
Iran is able to send hit squads to target separatist groups in Iraq. We know barzani gang is not closing their bases, not taking their guns, they have a safe heaven in Iraqi Kurdish region. Best way for Iran to retaliate is to give the bill to criminal Barzani family.
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