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Threa of Christianity in China.

There are Chinese Christians that are far more loyal to their country then you will ever be. .

The lead article is rather cleaver, I like the way it asks whether capitalism and Christianity go hand in hand, as if the Chinese who have been cultivating the capitalist ethic for thousands of years, suddenly became aware of doing business with the coming of Christian missionaries ---and then it does the same, that is associating Christianity with the idea of the young and "modernity" itself but it's a cleaver little piece - fun read.

The evangelists/missionaries were directly responsible for about 20 million deaths in imperial China.

Taiping Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is a good reason for the Chinese to be wary of these evangelists.
In history, nerely all Chinese are Confucianism, in which some of them are Buddhists, Taoists or follower of other religions, be called "儒(Confucianism)释(Buddhism)道(Taoism)"。
99.9% Chinese(1.3billion) are follower of Confucianism, 100million Chinese are follower of Buddhism, 50-100million follower of Taoism, 25million follower of Christian, 20million follower of Islam。。。。
In history, nerely all Chinese are Confucianism, in which some of them are Buddhists, Taoists or follower of other religions, be called "儒(Confucianism)释(Buddhism)道(Taoism)"。
99.9% Chinese(1.3billion) are follower of Confucianism, 100million Chinese are follower of Buddhism, 50-100million follower of Taoism, 25million follower of Christian, 20million follower of Islam。。。。
99.9%?Are you mad?Most people don't give a sh!t to Confucianism.
For low income countries it's pretty hard to resist Christianity. Most of the wealthy nations are Christian dominant and win over followers from other countries through donations. This is exactly how S.Korea became Christian dominant they're now the second leading nation in spreading Christianity, according to my religion professor.

Who is the leading nation? US?
There are Chinese Christians that are far more loyal to their country then you will ever be. A patriot would never call his fellow country men trators and rats and call for them to be kicked out simply because of their personal beliefs. Mind your own business, unless you want others telling you what you should believe.

Hitler was never Christian, he was an atheist. Furthermore, there are many people that call themselves Christians but do not know a thing about the bible or Christianity.

Here is one thing Christianity teaches, and your racist friend Liaoning can take a page too. 'Be quick to listen and slow to speak'.

Hitler wanted to create a New Christianity by eliminating the Jews. That was the Holocaust!

The Muslims did some help to the Christians in their effort, by declaring a Holy War allied with the Crusarders.

WW2 was a Religious war!
There is a famous temple in Hengshan, Chinese Hunan province, where half construction is Taoism and the other half belongs to Buddism. It's convenient to kowtou to a budda for a better next life in a minute, and then in the next minute pray to a Taoist God of foutune for making more money in this life....;)

All religions survive peacefully in China. Maybe in the future Chinese could create a Pantagon structure for all kinds of prayers (temple/church/mosque). Han Chinese are practical, neutral and multi-god believers. Both the people and the rulers in China don't welcome extreme believers, no matter what it is.
Taoism, Confucius, and Buddhism is the three main religions of China! Say no to western deties from the middle-east.
Taoism, Confucius, and Buddhism is the three main religions of China! Say no to western deties from the middle-east.
That fact contrary to Indonesian-Chinese.

It's very rare to find non-Christian Chinese in here. :unsure:
99.9%?Are you mad?Most people don't give a sh!t to Confucianism.

Most? How did you get that information? Confucius thoughts have ingrained into Majority Han Chinese psyche. Some of people may have negative image of Confucius because of Communist propaganda against him ever since Cultural Revolution, but ordinary Chinese life and values such as filial piety, etc are evidence of how China is still a Confucius nation.

Even people that have been converted into religions still have Confucius believes.

same chinese guy denied that Buddhism a part of china's culture.

Yeah, only those who think Marx and Lenin are some kind of saints! lol Communist Chinese are confusing and self contradictory. On one hand they don't want Western imperialism and domination, on the other hand, they 'worship' Marx. Pity.
That fact contrary to Indonesian-Chinese.

It's very rare to find non-Christian Chinese in here. :unsure:

Senkaku Island will simply be firmly in Japanese hands once China falls into western style individualism (an absolute decadence).
Don't worry about it. China will never become a christian country for sure. History shows different religions trying to influence China. So what? At the end, they are all consumed and show as religions with China characteristics: basically, all modifed according to China's laws and do not interferece with China's law.

Any religions that ever want to challenge the government have been brutally hunted down.

We Chinese will never allow any religion to become a dominant one for sure.
Taoism, Confucius, and Buddhism is the three main religions of China! Say no to western deties from the middle-east.

We should tolerate the Islam practised by Hui and Uighurs. But Christianity is unnecessary.
Hitler was raised a devout Catholic and he made many quotes on his faith to god throughout his life. However trying to use Hitler to paint Christianity in a negative light is uncalled for.

i agree on you,if people say hitler was christian i say so was mother theresa..as far as i know most of muslims love hitler more than germans i believe

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