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"This is no hope of India becoming the next China..."

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It is a reality that CPC is authoritarian. It is a reality that if corruption seeps into an authoritarian regime it leads to collapse; which is what I posted.
Yes, I know what you mean. So I said —— China has been pursuing "dynastic politics" for 5000 years. Don't you understand?
Another reality is that India is a turbulent society, riots and bureaucracy, the retention of a large number of slavery, there are very serious social problems. Bad industrial structure... And the Indians lack of legal knowledge. By the way, India is a low HDI country. Don't you care about the future of India?
Again you are confusing a possibility from prediction. A possibility has an antecedent leading to a consequence. Prediction establishes that antecedent is already there and hence the consequence is inevitable. I never said that current CPC is corrupt enough.

'If the leadership of China get sufficiently corrupt then there is no stopping or altering its course from total annihilation. The cultural and political makeup of the country will ensure a complete collapse. They have shown it during the time of Mao and it can happen again too.'

What you are doing is reading and quoting my one statement out of context. It is in the context of having a possible corrupt leadership. With no checks and balances on CPC outside itself, it will lead to collapse INCASE it gets a corrupt leadership. Mao's stupidities are a historical fact and so is the ruin of China during that time frame. So is the corruption in USSR leading to her collapse.


i give my statements based on what i read- Simple.

u talked so much vehemently- yet in the end, you still have no evidence that the CPC will collapse when its leadership gets 'sufficiently corrupted'. I can also say there's a possibility that India will also go down the pathway of 'annihilation' and regress into a stone age society the moment BJP turn 'sufficiently corrupt' with its people resorting to dwelling in caves and subsisting on plain grass like cows for food.

According to your perfect theory, you can't deny it's a possibility.

The fact that the CPC is still in power today(in fact, it's getting stronger then ever) despite all the turmoil during Mao's or even Deng's time refutes every single sentence of your ludicrous observation, Mr Holy man.
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I guess you may want to practice a bit of reading comprehension. Your 'comment' has nothing to do with my post. I think you were not even able to understand what was written there, were you?
There are much more corruption in India so called democratic nation, the drastic measure from the Indian government demonization policy was a proof Indian is as much corrupt as Chinese. Democracy as thought it could lead India into a developed nation but India democracy failed the Indian by themself remained poor and backward nation. I see no hope for the Indian because democracy was their last hope to transform their society, somehow Indian democracy provided none economy tangible benefit to their populace, majority of Indian population still lived by under 2 dollars a day. Indian democracy proved it could offer slum malnourished Indian nothing but the right to vote.

i give my statements based on what i read.

u talked so much vehemently- yet in the end, you still have no evidence that the CPC will collapse when its leadership gets 'sufficiently corrupted'. I can also say there's a possibility that India will also go down the pathway of 'annihilation' and regress into a stone age society the moment BJP turn 'sufficiently corrupt' with its people resorting to dwelling in caves and subsisting on plain grass like cows for food.

According to your perfect theory, you can't deny it's a possibility.

CPC will or will not collapse but China will collapse in case CPC gets enough corrupt.

As far as BJP goes, if it gets corrupt and unpopular then they will be replaced after 5 years or lesser. The fear of facing public again in 5 years is keeping them in check. This is exactly the reason power in democracy is distributed.
CPC will or will not collapse but China will collapse in case CPC gets enough corrupt.

there u go- you are just repeating yourself and still have no proof that China or the CPC will collapse when its leadership gets 'sufficiently corrupted'.
As far as BJP goes, if it gets corrupt and unpopular then they will be replaced after 5 years or lesser. The fear of facing public again in 5 years is keeping them in check. This is exactly the reason power in democracy is distributed.

There u go too, u just revealed the true undertone in your statements:

Cheers to Indian chaoticracy and boos to China's autocracy. lulz.
CPC will or will not collapse but China will collapse in case CPC gets enough corrupt.

As far as BJP goes, if it gets corrupt and unpopular then they will be replaced after 5 years or lesser. The fear of facing public again in 5 years is keeping them in check. This is exactly the reason power in democracy is distributed.
Did India a corruption free nation after many election with different party took control of Indian government in a countless election cycle. India still remained at the very top of a corruption index?
there u go- you are just repeating yourself and still have no proof that China or the CPC will collapse when its leadership gets 'sufficiently corrupted'.

There u go too, u just revealed the true undertone in your statements:

Cheers to Indian chaoticracy and boos to China's autocracy. lulz.

The proof that China will collapse with a corrupt CPC lies in USSR, another authoritarian regime which blew up quite unexpectedly in 1990 and the ruin in China during Mao's stupid regime. Authoritarian regimes in the hand of able leaders like Deng Xiaping produces miracles, which China did in past two or three decades but when they are in the hands of stupid and corrupt leaders such as Kim Jong XX or Mao they lead to absolute collapse.

Did India a corruption free nation after many election with different party took control of Indian government in a countless election cycle. India still remained at the very top of a corruption index?

India is actually better than China when it comes to corruption perception index 2015 also India has been making steady progress there.

However that is not even the point. The point is much simpler. If you concentrate power in the hands of few, you can produce great result if those few are competent and willing to make progress however the same is true the other way round. All the other points you are bringing is actually not even relevant.
India is growing fast, it was unbelievable that India growing faster than China years ago.
so, what is the feeling of the growing,reflected in people's income or living standard?
India is growing fast, it was unbelievable that India growing faster than China years ago.
so, what is the feeling of the growing,reflected in people's income or living standard?

Anecdotally, there is a lot of optimism that I can see. That said, India is/was growing faster only for one or two years. Too early to see its impact at large. On a personal note, I know many members in my family whose income doubled in past year and a half.
Anecdotally, there is a lot of optimism that I can see. That said, India is/was growing faster only for one or two years. Too early to see its impact at large. On a personal note, I know many members in my family whose income doubled in past year and a half.

And then demonetization happened...
Did India a corruption free nation after many election with different party took control of Indian government in a countless election cycle. India still remained at the very top of a corruption index?

India will get rid of democracy if Britain does. Also, if China is a white majority country, India will try to become China. India still only follow its white masters.
And then demonetization happened...

Demonitization is much of a media phenomenon as far as real impact on economy goes. It is actually forcing people to move to card based payments. Heck even my local vegetable vendor now brings a mobile phone based card payment. Villagers have reverted to barter though. I will take a picture tomorrow.

Good thing is that many people are now willing to sell property for a much cheaper price now. India's property market in metros or near metros was over-priced. The fear of government action on such property is forcing individuals to sell these properties quickly.
The proof that China will collapse with a corrupt CPC lies in USSR, another authoritarian regime which blew up quite unexpectedly in 1990 and the ruin in China during Mao's stupid regime. Authoritarian regimes in the hand of able leaders like Deng Xiaping produces miracles, which China did in past two or three decades but when they are in the hands of stupid and corrupt leaders such as Kim Jong XX or Mao they lead to absolute collapse.

India is actually better than China when it comes to corruption perception index 2015 also India has been making steady progress there.

However that is not even the point. The point is much simpler. If you concentrate power in the hands of few, you can produce great result if those few are competent and willing to make progress however the same is true the other way round. All the other points you are bringing is actually not even relevant.


back to post 91

1)Is CPC the ruling party of China today- yes/no?(no grandmother story about other countries pls) just a simple yes or no

2) Has CPC ever been out of power since its founding in 1949 oct 01- yes or no?(no grandfather story about any of its leaders pls)- jsut a simple yes or no.

Yayyayayayayaya Chinese people are stupid to still hang Mao's portrait in TIananmen square and revere him as the founder of Modern China- even though his regime was 'stupid'(according to your viewpoint).

The proof that China will collapse with a corrupt CPC lies in USSR, another authoritarian regime which blew up quite unexpectedly in 1990 and the ruin in China during Mao's stupid regime



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back to post 91

1)Is CPC the ruling party of China today- yes/no?(no grandmother story about other countries pls) just a simple yes or no

2) Has CPC ever been out of power since its founding in 1949 oct 01- yes or no?(no grandfather story about any of its leaders pls)- jsut a simple yes or no.

Yayyayayayayaya Chinese people are stupid to still hang Mao's portrait in TIananmen square and revere him as the founder of Modern China- even though his regime was 'stupid'(according to your viewpoint).




Is Kim Jong Dynesty ruling party in North Korea? Yes!
Did they lost power since etablishment? No

Do North korean Worship Kim Jong XX? Yes

There you go! Lulz!
How did a democratic country such as India have 60 years of Gandhi family rule? This has always puzzled me. Can any Indian members here shed some light on this?
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