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"This is no hope of India becoming the next China..."

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Indians wants to make 'India' of our dreams not China not even US

If you want to make India your dream, than first lift the nightmare out of the majority of Indians that are very poor and in destitute. None of them would be PDF as they have no internet access. They probably can't even read and their kids are not in school. They don't even know that they need education for their kids.

To me, the term democracy is just to keep the status quo. India needs drastic change, even a revolution, to improve the life of its people. Unless some of the posters are correct that the IQ of Indian poor is not up to human average and they will remain perpetually poor, which I don't believe. India need dramatic changes in its culture, government and mind set in order to improve.

Just so that you can understand it, I'll type reeeeaal slow this time.

More political freedom = checks and balances = slower decision making
Upside: No great leap forward, no cultural revolution, no chance of turning up like North Korea
Downside: Projects take place slowly

Not every authoritarian experiment will end up like China - I never said that. China happens to be just one authoritarian experiment that has been successful - there are dozens of other authoritarian countries that are failed/quasi-failed states - North Korea is just one example.

Knowing how spectacularly things can go wrong in an authoritarian regime, I'll prefer a slow, lumbering democracy which moves slowly but moves in the right direction - without any disasters such as the Great Leap Forward or the Cultural Revolution.

The famine that China faced in Mao's time was largely man-made. Read up on it.

The starvation suffered by China back in the time of Mao is just another day in India. That is the Indian dilemma. There are constant starvation caused deaths in India but as Indians are used to it, it become routine.
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Just so that you can understand it, I'll type reeeeaal slow this time.

More political freedom = checks and balances = slower decision making
Upside: No great leap forward, no cultural revolution, no chance of turning up like North Korea
Downside: Projects take place slowly

Not every authoritarian experiment will end up like China - I never said that. China happens to be just one authoritarian experiment that has been successful - there are dozens of other authoritarian countries that are failed/quasi-failed states - North Korea is just one example.

Knowing how spectacularly things can go wrong in an authoritarian regime, I'll prefer a slow, lumbering democracy which moves slowly but moves in the right direction - without any disasters such as the Great Leap Forward or the Cultural Revolution.

The famine that China faced in Mao's time was largely man-made. Read up on it.
u still making excuses for yourself by blaming slower growth on politcal freedom. In that case, champion of democracy US would have been the most least-developed nation s today

With self-deceiving ppl like u, no wonder India remains a poor backward nation
Funny thread, Going by thread, Neither pakistan or chinese thinks India will emulate China NOR Indian want to emulate China..

Question is what are everyone arguing about
The British colonized Indians for almost 200 years. Their response of having white servants shows how deranged they are. These are psychopaths with hatred and inferiority complex like a geek day dreaming of taking revenge on the bully.
What can we do
For in India British are seen as colonial imperialists

In yours as divine liberators whom they cannot let go of :


China is more corrupt than India.

Unlike in China, Indian people are not ready to nod at whatever the government says. And that is a problem to impose authoritarian regime in India
Corruption perception Index is not a good indicator to judge corruption. Its merely perception of Chinese rather than actual facts. For example CCP in media published China is corruption free, many Chinese will be gullible to belive so and no question it, as they cannot

Better indicator of corruption illicit monetary outflows and China's losses from corruption for 9 years in China is $1.3 trillion that is greater than entire losses for India since 1947


Funny thread, Going by thread, Neither pakistan or chinese thinks India will emulate China NOR Indian want to emulate China..

Question is what are everyone arguing about
Some Chinese posters like delusion that India and rest of the planet want to emulate them :lol:
Last 5 yrs China forced fed Indian on PDF full plate of humble pies, they slowly stay away from boosting bout shining India by comparison China as a brutal authoritive communist regime outpace the shining India in economy grown of 12 trillions dollar GDP and India still stuck at 2 trillion GDP in the last 3 yrs. the last 3 yrs China created an equivalent of entire India annual GDP.
What can we do
For in India British are seen as colonial imperialists

In yours as divine liberators whom they cannot let go of :


Corruption perception Index is not a good indicator to judge corruption. Its merely perception of Chinese rather than actual facts. For example CCP in media published China is corruption free, many Chinese will be gullible to belive so and no question it, as they cannot

Better indicator of corruption illicit monetary outflows and China's losses from corruption for 9 years in China is $1.3 trillion that is greater than entire losses for India since 1947


Some Chinese posters like delusion that India and rest of the planet want to emulate them :lol:

France colonized Vietnam and Algeria. Britain colonized Malaysia and South Africa. However, beyond colonization, Britain created India. If you hate them, you hate them because they created you. You know that without the British, India would not exist as a country today.

True that, the world simply does not have enough resources to accommodate 1.5 billion High income individuals.

The other difference is that the Chinese are 90% Han...All from a single homogeneous gene pool adhering and disciplined to follow a single party for ever.

India's variables are off the charts to have a single mode of development like the Chinese.
These are reported rapes. The US, China, and the UK have a higher rate because they tend to report rapes while an Indian bystander/policeman who happens to see such a crime take place would most likely join in. :lol:

It is not like he doesn't know it, but he just has to use whatever available to save their sorry butts. What else can you expect them to come up to defend "the biggest democracy"?
That explains the funny Indians movies of WW2 where Indian fighters use weird martial arts in killing Japanese Imperial army troops.

I guess Japanese atrocities on Indian left us fantasizing revenge on these tormentors from century of humiliation.




30% of Chinese primetime TV consists of Japanese soldiers being implausibly slaughtered

Jake Maxwell Watts
May 17, 2013

World War II would have ended much faster if Japanese soldiers actually died like Shi Zhongpeng, an extra at the Hengdian film studios in Zhejiang who met his end in spectacular style over 200 times last year for Chinese TV. Sadly for Mr Shi, not everybody finds his deaths entertaining.

With modern-day tensions with Japan running high, Chinese audiences have a seemingly bottomless appetite for war—specifically the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945, which provided the subject matter for 70 of the 200 primetime dramas on major TV networks last year. Especially popular are the dramas that resemble B-movie gorefests, featuring Chinese heroes killing an entire company of Japanese soldiers, three arrows at a time, or a lone Chinese soldier ripping a Japanese soldier in two with just his bare hands.

Now China’s television regulator is cracking down on studios after a wave of derision on social networking sites like Weibo, claiming that the war should be treated more seriously.

“The anti-Japan war is a great act of heroism performed by the Chinese people against the invaders, and is a valuable resource for film and television creativity,” said Wang Weiping, a watchdog official. “Recently some of this creativity has shown a lack of seriousness, creating lots of nonsense, not respecting history and being overly entertaining which has had a bad effect on society which must be corrected,” he said.


That explains the funny Indians movies of WW2 where Indian fighters use weird martial arts in killing Japanese Imperial army troops.

I guess Japanese atrocities on Indian left us fantasizing revenge on these tormentors from century of humiliation.




30% of Chinese primetime TV consists of Japanese soldiers being implausibly slaughtered

Jake Maxwell Watts
May 17, 2013

World War II would have ended much faster if Japanese soldiers actually died like Shi Zhongpeng, an extra at the Hengdian film studios in Zhejiang who met his end in spectacular style over 200 times last year for Chinese TV. Sadly for Mr Shi, not everybody finds his deaths entertaining.

With modern-day tensions with Japan running high, Chinese audiences have a seemingly bottomless appetite for war—specifically the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945, which provided the subject matter for 70 of the 200 primetime dramas on major TV networks last year. Especially popular are the dramas that resemble B-movie gorefests, featuring Chinese heroes killing an entire company of Japanese soldiers, three arrows at a time, or a lone Chinese soldier ripping a Japanese soldier in two with just his bare hands.

Now China’s television regulator is cracking down on studios after a wave of derision on social networking sites like Weibo, claiming that the war should be treated more seriously.

“The anti-Japan war is a great act of heroism performed by the Chinese people against the invaders, and is a valuable resource for film and television creativity,” said Wang Weiping, a watchdog official. “Recently some of this creativity has shown a lack of seriousness, creating lots of nonsense, not respecting history and being overly entertaining which has had a bad effect on society which must be corrected,” he said.

These are insignificant when compared to India's 2 centuries of subjucation
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