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This is all a facade’: Kashmiris vote in staged election


Nov 27, 2011
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New Delhi casts poll as legitimising its move to tighten control of Muslim-majority region

A soldier watches the district development council polls in Chewa, a village in northern Kashmir’s Bandipora district © Stephanie Findlay/FT

December 23, 2020 5:15 am by Stephanie Findlay in Chewa
In the frost-kissed hamlet of Chewa in northern Indian Kashmir, residents queue up at a secondary school to vote in local elections. “I have never voted before, this is the first time,” said Mohammed Afzal, 38, a painter.
But rather than exercising his political free will, Mr Afzal was casting the first ballot of his life out of fear. The elections, held last weekend, were for the district development council, a rung of local government introduced to the Jammu and Kashmir region by Narendra Modi, India’s Hindu nationalist prime minister.
New Delhi is trying to cast the election as an unofficial referendum on its efforts to bring the heavily militarised, Muslim-majority region under tighter central control and tried its best to make sure locals voted.
It is a deep irony for India to call itself a democracy. This is no different than Xinjiang in China
Siddiq Wahid, Centre for Policy Research
Mr Modi’s government last year stripped Jammu and Kashmir of its special status as a state and placed it under New Delhi’s direct rule as a so-called “union territory”.

His ruling Bharatiya Janata party maintains integrating Kashmir into the rest of the country will help end decades of conflict, a legacy of partition in 1947 when India and Pakistan went to war over the former Himalayan kingdom.
According to the BJP, the polls are proof that normalcy is returning to the valley, with each vote a tacit endorsement of the abrogation of 370, the article of the Indian constitution that gave the Jammu and Kashmir region limited autonomy.
But this is anathema to Kashmiris who say they are being subjugated by Mr Modi’s government. “Our basic demand is we want 370 back,” said Mr Afzal.
The Financial Time was part of a small delegation of international media invited to visit Kashmir last weekend on a tightly controlled, government-organised trip to cover the election. Foreign journalists have been barred from reporting in the region.
Critics said the elections for the 280-seat council, which brings together representatives from Jammu and Kashmir’s 22 districts, are an exercise in propaganda since the state legislature elections have been postponed since 2018 and the region has lost its statehood.
On Monday, the night before results were to be counted, one of the biggest political groups in Kashmir, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) said some of its senior leaders were detained. A local government official said about 40 politicians and activists were held by police on Monday evening on security grounds.
“It is a deep irony for India to call itself a democracy,” said Siddiq Wahid, a Srinagar-based visiting fellow at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi. “This is no different than Xinjiang in China.” Beijing has been accused of subjugating Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang.

Voters queue for the district development council polls in Chewa © Stephanie Findlay/FT
Kashmir is “not at all” like Xinjiang, said a regional BJP spokesman. “Of course democracy is strong, we saw a more than 40 per cent turnout in Kashmir, people participated, that's a fundamental requirement of democracy. Democracy is here.”
It had snowed in Srinagar, the region’s biggest city ensconced by forested mountains, just days before the election. The serenity of its main tourist attraction, Dal Lake, and its majestic chinar trees stood in contrast to the heavy military presence.
Soldiers with armoured vehicles were stationed on street corners, highways and hills, a reminder of the 1990s when an insurgency raged in the valley. Starved of tourists since abrogation, many shops were closed.
The BJP won three seats in Kashmir — a feat it has never achieved in any of Kashmir’s 10 districts — for a total of 74 in the whole region, according to the latest numbers on Wednesday morning.

The party was up against the Gupkar Alliance, a coalition of the established regional parties that amalgamated after abrogation, which promises to bring back Article 370 and won 100 seats.
Ghulam Mohammad Mir, a regional BJP spokesman, said even one seat in Kashmir would have been seen as victory for the party. “This is a new thing for Kashmir.”
It is dangerous to work in the Kashmir Valley for the BJP, whose policies critics say cater to the country’s Hindu majority, undermining Muslims and tarnishing India’s democratic credentials.
Mr Mir, 68, has four personal guards and seven more protecting his house. He said many party workers have been killed by Pakistan-sponsored jihadi groups.
Still, he said he was determined to “inculcate” Kashmiris with the party's ideology and promised development to remedy unemployment in the state. Article 370 was never coming back, said Mr Mir. “No one on earth can restore it.”
Mainstream politicians used to straddle the middle ground between separatists and New Delhi. But the shock of abrogation and clampdown on dissent humiliated the local pro-India politicians.
Post-abrogation, the battle lines have crystallised: either you are with New Delhi or against it. “The Indian constitution does not permit separatism,” said BVR Subrahmanyam, Jammu and Kashmir administrator chief secretary. “Technically anyone in India who says Kashmir is a disputed territory is actually committing sedition, there is no doubt about that.”
Facing a powerful state and feeling betrayed by their politicians, Kashmiris are alienated and afraid. On the last day of the district polls, most people were wary of talking to the press, saying they feared retribution.

A mural near Patal Bagh, a village in the Pulwama district of Kashmir © Stephanie Findlay/FT
In some polling stations, there were twice as many soldiers as there were voters and the internet was shut off.
“For now the fight is about 370 but the ultimate goal is freedom from India,” said a manual labourer in Chewa. As he was talking, six troops walked over to monitor the interview, forming a ring around him.
Growing uncomfortable, he took his leave. “This is all a facade,” he said about the polls. “We have been living under oppression for so long and it will continue.”
After decades of Hindu dominated Indian armys heinous crimes against humanity in beautiful valley of Indian occupied kashmir finally fanatics and terrorists like Modi are getting exposed by international media as its getting difficult for world to keep pretending all is normal in Kashmir.
Indian state sponsored terrorism in Kashmir is getting exposed thanks to stupid nationalists of BJP headed by chief terrorism sponsor in Asia Modi.

Twenty-five years have passed since the 1991 incident in which Indian army soldiers allegedly raped between 23 and 100 women in Kashmir’s Kunan and Poshpora villages during a search operation.

I would request all members to dedicate this thread to highlight Indian terrorism in Kashmir or make a new thread with the same heading.

Every one should post one story Indian armys relentless efforts to terrorize kashmiris in order to suppress their voice asking for basic rights.
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Democracy, true Democracy, democracy at the grass root level and by new generation of citizens...Blooming in J&K.

All attempt to sabotage it by external forces has been decimated. All attempts to discredit it by paid media and nonsebse will also be put to dust.

In next 30 years, it will be better than what it was pre 1990 and it will be permanent with total equality and integration. India will do 1000 times better job than what China is doing in Tibet.
Democracy, true Democracy, democracy at the grass root level and by new generation of citizens...Blooming in J&K.

All attempt to sabotage it by external forces has been decimated. All attempts to discredit it by paid media and nonsebse will also be put to dust.

In next 30 years, it will be better than what it was pre 1990 and it will be permanent with total equality and integration. India will do 1000 times better job than what China is doing in Tibet.
Paid media?
Is foreign policy a Pakistan based or paid group?
Indians are used to arnab goswami types bakht/gutter journalism.

This article is by independent unbiased world leading publication invited by Indian government to observe socalled elections and as per them it was all fake.
Paid media?
Is foreign policy a Pakistan based or paid group?
Indians are used to arnab goswami types bakht/gutter journalism.

This article is by independent unbiased world leading publication invited by Indian government to observe socalled elections and as per them it was all fake.

Democracy under the heel of jackboots and guns, oh the irony.....
Continue the fight brothers and sisters.
Modi has started sending indian muslims to Kashmir in hoards to thaw the ice . They will level the surface for bigger hindu majority to invade the demographics of the land...
This is one of the reason my disgust for indian Muslims have built over time..they have no future.. and they will destroy kashmir as well with themselves..
Democracy under the heel of jackboots and guns, oh the irony.....
Continue the fight brothers and sisters.
To an extent, maybe.. but average Kashmiris here also have bigger immediate concerns than Indo-Pak relations and the technicalities of 370 etc.

Elections here and they're voting for local Kashmiri candidates who they hope will deliver for them, democracy is a good thing. Great to see larger turnout.

I'm very good friends with some Kashmiris, hate BJP/Modi, they'd never even think of voting.. Srinagar folk, very well to do old money, cultured guys so I get the sentiment but rural gareeb log there want infra, roads, electricity, economic opportunity etc. These people have nothing to do with militancy or politics. Pak should not try and attempt to scuttle these good well intentioned programs of the Indian govt. if they truly care for the people.

I've actually read a hand written note by a local hizbul commander to my friend's father, an engineer in a state hydropower company (NHPC) .. stop all work or "sending body back to femili in many pice.." etc in Uri

it's very sad, but they completed it anyway

Kashmiris will vote whether it is out of fear or out of necessity, this doesn't change anything. 70 years of brutalities cannot be forgotten after a mere staged election.
Before you bring democracy in Kashmir you need to bring in a "Referendum", that will give people the real freedom of choice, right now they don't really have a choice. They have to live under the occupation of India even if they abhor it every minute of their lives, they have their own problems at local levels, ofcourse they will vote someone from Kashmir hoping that he will solve their problems, which should have been good had the elected members been sincere with the Kashmiris. If India allowed the people to elect their true chosen leader in Kashmir, that would've been called democracy. Right now, this is nothing but a beast slowly swallowing the beauty.
Democracy, true Democracy, democracy at the grass root level and by new generation of citizens...Blooming in J&K.

All attempt to sabotage it by external forces has been decimated. All attempts to discredit it by paid media and nonsebse will also be put to dust.

In next 30 years, it will be better than what it was pre 1990 and it will be permanent with total equality and integration. India will do 1000 times better job than what China is doing in Tibet.
Did you read the article?

Twice as many soldiers as voters in some polling stations?

Which democracy enjoys such dedicated security details?

Stating Kashmir is disputed territory is an act of sedition??

One last thing. Bugger off out of jammu and Kashmir.
Bip emerged as single largest party with more than 38%ge of vote share..
Bip emerged as single largest party with more than 38%ge of vote share..
Did you read the bit about voter coercion? How about the part where PDP leaders were held "for their own security"? Maybe it's worth remembering Kashmir's elected legislature was dissolved and replaced by dictatorial rule in 2018? Kashmir already had a parliament and you odd Indian people posting here (usual roll call of "moderates", "liberals" and "non-BJP types" btw) think dissolving a parliament that has the mandate of the people is democratic. If whatever democracy picks doesn't suit Delhi, then Delhi acts.

Democracy, zanu-pf style.
I don't know how any Indian with a straight face can blame Pakistan for the situation in Kashmir! After the 1965 war over Kashmir till 1989, Pakistan had essentially shelved the Kashmir issue. Remember that: In the 1965 war, some of Pakistani forces in Kashmir were turned in by the locals to the Indian soldiers! But due to Indian arrogance and blunders in starting mid 1980s, Pakistan was given an opportunity to again try to stir up the Kashmir pot because of the rebellion and alienation which arose because of Indian policies.

Some months ago I had posted a video of Indian journalist Karan Thappar interviewing an official who was a witness to the historic blunders made by the Congress leadership starting mid-1980s. Basically, New Delhi always had utter contempt for the Kashmir leaders even starting from Nehru days when he incarcerated his former ally Abdullah. But the arrogance and blunders starting mid 1980s--as given in detail in the Thappar video--were absolutely outrageous! A certain 'mainstream' Kashmiri leader was winning in Kashmir's elections. Congress sent officials at night to forcibly change the number of votes and the guy lost. Guest who he became after that: A 'terrorist' name Salahuddin!! Yes, he took up the arms!

India has NEVER been a democracy. The more the world realizes that the better because, behind the cute Bollywood dances, the Yogas, the carefully cultivated propaganda lies a brutal state where even its Supreme Court is complicit. Democracy is much more than change of govts through mass voting.
I don't know how any Indian with a straight face can blame Pakistan for the situation in Kashmir! After the 1965 war over Kashmir till 1989, Pakistan had essentially shelved the Kashmir issue. Remember that: In the 1965 war, some of Pakistani forces in Kashmir were turned in by the locals to the Indian soldiers! But due to Indian arrogance and blunders in starting mid 1980s, Pakistan was given an opportunity to again try to stir up the Kashmir pot because of the rebellion and alienation which arose because of Indian policies.

Some months ago I had posted a video of Indian journalist Karan Thappar interviewing an official who was a witness to the historic blunders made by the Congress leadership starting mid-1980s. Basically, New Delhi always had utter contempt for the Kashmir leaders even starting from Nehru days when he incarcerated his former ally Abdullah. But the arrogance and blunders starting mid 1980s--as given in detail in the Thappar video--were absolutely outrageous! A certain 'mainstream' Kashmiri leader was winning in Kashmir's elections. Congress sent officials at night to forcibly change the number of votes and the guy lost. Guest who he became after that: A 'terrorist' name Salahuddin!! Yes, he took up the arms!

India has NEVER been a democracy. The more the world realizes that the better because, behind the cute Bollywood dances, the Yogas, the carefully cultivated propaganda lies a brutal state where even its Supreme Court is complicit. Democracy is much more than change of govts through mass voting.
The fixed election fiasco is often forgotten by Indian historians.

"The India Today reported that ″starting about two weeks before the election, 600 opposition workers were arrested in areas where the MUF, independents, and PC [People's Conference] candidates were showing strength″.[27]

In the Amira Kadal constituency of Srinagar, MUF's Syed Mohammed Yusuf Shah was a candidate. As the vote counting began, it was becoming clear that Yusuf Shah was winning by a landslide. His opponent, Ghulam Mohiuddin Shah, went home dejected. But he was summoned back by the electoral officials and declared the winner. When the crowds protested, the police arrived and arrested Yusuf Shah and his supporters. They were held in custody till the end of 1987.[28]

Leader of the People's Conference party, Abdul Ghani Lone, complained that vote counting in the constituency of Handwara was tampered with by the deputy inspector-general of police, A.M. Watali. There were several cases like this with other candidates but the petitions to the courts did not lead to any action. There was no response from the central government, courts or the election commission to the demands that the allegations of rigging be investigated. Kashmir's High Court chose not to probe the allegations and the Election Commission was inactive at the time.[27]

Balraj Puri has noted three constituencies where the MUF lost narrowly: Bijbehara, Wachi and Shopian. The number of rejected votes in these constituencies was far higher than the margin of victory for the alliance, indicating that the vote counting could have been easily manipulated.[25]

Whereas it took only three hours to count the votes in Farooq Abdullah's seat, the vote counting in seats where the MUF had influence took considerably longer. In Anantnag it was reported that the results were delayed for two and half days while the polling station was surrounded by hundreds of policemen. In Bijbehara the polling officers refused to count when they found that a MUF candidate had taken an early lead. In Doru, an NC candidate with a lead of 300 votes was declared the winner even though more than a thousand votes remained to be counted. Counting in the Pulwama constituency took no account of the strategic Tahab belt. Counting in Shopian and Sopore went on for three days until MUF candidates were declared the losers.[26]

BBC reported that Khem Lata Wukhloo, who was a leader of the Congress party at the time, admitted the widespread rigging in Kashmir. He stated:

"I remember that there was a massive rigging in 1987 elections. The losing candidates were declared winners. It shook the ordinary people's faith in the elections and the democratic process."[29]"

Note that the arrests of opposition figures is echoed in the present article's description of events today.

I don't know why Indians are embarrassed to remind Pakistanis of their election rigging skills. They put non-democratic nations like ours to shame. Totally up there with Switzerland.
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