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this is a world affair, NOW. turn point of China in process, SEE LINK

translate: Bo Xilai and Wen Jiabao are the same kind of person. Unfortunately, one mountain can't have 2 tigers. Bo Xilai's rise was a political legend, and his governing style was unprecedented in China. He was the first Chinese leader in 30 years who dared to directly face the public. Although his political life is over, his influence on China's political system cannot be overlooked, and is not at all proportional to his place as a mere Secretary of a city. He changed the old paradigm, he improved the position of the people. We are no longer the subjects of "management", but rather potential voters to be courted; we were no longer burdens on social progress, but rather the greatest forces of advancement. This is an attitude change, and this is the type of attitude change that China needs. People's needs are not just food, clothes, transportation and a house, but dignity, because without dignity, a man is just meat. Bo Xilai allowed Chongqing's residents to live with greater dignity, and I hope that in the future, leaders will learn from Bo Xilai's example.

The water can carry a boat, but it can also drown a boat.
I prefer balance. But the balance was destroyed now.
The leftwing and rightwing might fight to death later. So I hate Wen and Hu now. They shouldn't do this. They chosed the worst way to go
I prefer balance. But the balance was destroyed now.
The leftwing and rightwing might fight to death later. So I hate Wen and Hu now. They should'nt do this. They chosed the worst way to go

at least they're keeping the radicals like Liu and AWW down.

Hu and Wen themselves are left compared to Jiang's Shanghai clique.
Deng said:" don't argue"

Now, they have to clearify everything and start the argument. Too bad
Deng said:" don't argue"

Now, they have to clearify everything and start the argument. Too bad

they should've treated this more quietly, now they let the North Korean Chang Doo Jeong in.
at least they're keeping the radicals like Liu and AWW down.

Hu and Wen themselves are left compared to Jiang's Shanghai clique.

I am so surprised that Hu and Wen dared to start a new "路线斗争“,and publically linked to the Culture Revolution.
They are so stupid.
I am so surprised that Hu and Wen dared to start a new "路线斗争“,and publically linked to the Culture Revolution.
They are so stupid.

democricy centralism
my translation is
dictatorial democracy

even Deng couldn't contral the arguement.
any serious arguement or fight will turn China to left quickly.
why are they so stupid.
really an " AR DOU" 阿斗

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