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Thinking About Vietnam

"Justanobserver" seems to be stalking ChineseTiger.

We're obsessed. We're obsessed with pakistan, we're obsessed with china, we're obsessed in pleasing u.s., we're obsessed with russian toys, we're obsessed with britain [second largest indian diaspora out side of india].

We're the obsessed ones. :D

Where has below_freezing been? I haven't seen him in ages?
Well, if you guys want to attack us, then buying Russian weapons does make a difference; it makes China think about her potential losses to some nobody like Vietnam. Any Vietnamese would prefer Vietnam to have a total of 56 Flankers and 6 Kilo-class submarines, some S-300 missiles in our arsenal and nothing at all; it's a waste of money is just from the Chinese point of view. It would not be an easy thing for China to admit that Vietnamese procument of Russian weapon makes China's rule over South China Sea much tougher than previously thought.

Sure, you can buy weapons if it makes you feel safe.

Personally I think it's a waste of money, since China isn't going to attack Vietnam. What would be the point, there is no economic benefit at all.

Anyway, "peace of mind" is valuable. If you think it's worth the money, then I won't argue otherwise.
We're obsessed. We're obsessed with pakistan, we're obsessed with china, we're obsessed in pleasing u.s., we're obsessed with russian toys, we're obsessed with britain [second largest indian diaspora out side of india].

We're the obsessed ones. :D

Where has below_freezing been? I haven't seen him in ages?

You guys ARE obsessed. :azn:

This is a Pakistani Defence Forum, and Indians make up the LARGEST group of members here. Can you say the same about Chinese/Pakistani people wanting to go to an Indian defence forum? No.

Also, check how many times your Indian media talks about China. Then go to the Chinese media sites (even Hong Kong ones) and see if they even bother about India.
Well, if you guys want to attack us, then buying Russian weapons does make a difference; it makes China think about her potential losses to some nobody like Vietnam. Any Vietnamese would prefer Vietnam to have a total of 56 Flankers and 6 Kilo-class submarines, some S-300 missiles in our arsenal than nothing at all; it's a waste of money is just from the Chinese point of view. It would not be an easy thing for China to admit that Vietnamese procument of Russian weapon makes China's rule over South China Sea much tougher than previously thought.

Trust me, you guys will regret one day if you believe a handful of outdated Russian weapons could become your umbrella.
Wishful thinking is fine, but I would prefer to wait until it actually happens.

There is no point in boasting about something that you do not have.

It never hurts to be optimistic. Now don't say you're just being 'realistic'. This is not realistic. It IS going to happen but it just hasn't happened yet. You're just being pessimistic. :P

'You guys ARE obsessed.'
I wasn't being sarcastic. I know.
Well, if you guys want to attack us, then buying Russian weapons does make a difference; it makes China think about her potential losses to some nobody like Vietnam. Any Vietnamese would prefer Vietnam to have a total of 56 Flankers and 6 Kilo-class submarines, some S-300 missiles in our arsenal than nothing at all; it's a waste of money is just from the Chinese point of view. It would not be an easy thing for China to admit that Vietnamese procument of Russian weapon makes China's rule over South China Sea much tougher than previously thought.

let me ask you this, would you rather have a white western foreign master, or chinese master (who protected Vietnam for many centuries)?

either way you will have a master, i would go with the latter. we are culturally and ethnically very similar. seeing china become powerful should make vietnam proud. :china:
ChineseTiger1986 said:
Historically, South China Sea is a like an inner lake for us, we had those place during the early of Ming Dynasty when we did have an uber powerful navy, for sure we do have more historical sovereignty.

It would be clever for Vietnam to admit this.

See now, this is the kicker. If an Indian says these things, he'll be labelled imperialistic/warmonger/crazy
ChineseTiger1986 said:
Originally Posted by ChineseTiger1986
The japs/g**ks/viets are only peace loving when they were weak, when they are getting stronger they will get nastier than jackals.

One day China will teach these ungrateful whores a lesson how to act with manner.

ChineseTiger1986 said:
Same for Asia, if China becomes Superpower, it would be safer for Asian people of not being invaded by Western supramacists.

aakash_2410 said:
China superpower in 20 years. India in 30-40 years. PEACE!

China can never enjoy the kind of power/advantage USA does (I mean military/strategically), it'll be a great power but not a superpower (just look at geography). Even lesser chance for India.

However if USA breaks up into smaller nations then yes, there is a possibility :D
It never hurts to be optimistic. Now don't say you're just being 'realistic'. This is not realistic. It IS going to happen but it just hasn't happened yet. You're just being pessimistic. :P

I honestly don't believe that is true, and I am not being pessimistic.

Do you know what the word "Superpower" means? It is extremely difficult to attain such a status, and even the so-called Superpower today (America) is getting embarrassed by a bunch of Taliban with AK-47's.

Chinese leaders have stated that they want China to become a "middle income country". NOT a superpower.
let me ask you this, would you rather have a white western foreign master, or chinese master (who protected Vietnam for many centuries)?

either way you will have a master, i would go with the latter. we are culturally and ethnically very similar. seeing china become powerful should make vietnam proud. :china:

If i am a Vietnamese, i would rather have Chinese as my master, because at least Chinese treat Vietnamese as human beings, whereas white men treat Vietnamese as dogs.
I honestly don't believe that is true, and I am not being pessimistic.

Do you know what the word "Superpower" means? It is extremely difficult to attain such a status, and even the so-called Superpower today (America) is getting embarrassed by a bunch of Taliban with AK-47's.

and remember the G-20 summit? Superpower US tried to use it's Superpower influence on the other countries to get China to revalue its currency but they all slapped the US begging hands away.

also, remember the Russia-Georgia conflict? Superpower US didn't even rescue their ally Georgia because Russia can seriously hurt Superpower US. :usflag:

China doesn't need or want to be a "super power"; just powerful enough to defend it's own sovereignty. That is enough for China. India can be a superpower though, good luck.
Same for Asia, if China becomes Superpower, it would be safer for Asian people of not being invaded by Western supramacists.

The sole reason behind China vs India ideology EVERYWHERE. I read one article it said, tensions between china and india are not due to 1962 war or any territory disputes but is is because of india is not ready to accept china as 'Big Brother of Asia' under whose umbrella whole asia will work. China wants to become 'america of asia'. Indians believe they also are growing fast and they don't want to become superpower of world they are happy in becoming 'France of asia' [who doesnt lick american a$$ everywhere like brits and germans and has its' own political clout in the world].

You guys have gotta read that article. Well interesting. But there's one problem. It's from western media? :D :P
The sole reason behind China vs India ideology EVERYWHERE. I read one article it said, tensions between china and india are not due to 1962 war or any territory disputes but is is because of india is not ready to accept china as 'Big Brother of Asia' under whose umbrella whole asia will work. China wants to become 'america of asia'. Indians believe they also are growing fast and they don't want to become superpower of world they are happy in becoming 'France of asia' [who doesnt lick american a$$ everywhere like brits and germans and has its' own political clout in the world].

You guys have gotta read that article. Well interesting. But there's one problem. It's from western media? :D :P

India can never become the Master of Asia because right now you guys have more alignment with the West. Asian nations cannot accept a Western puppet to become the ruler of Asia.
India can never become the Master of Asia because right now you guys have more alignment with the West. Asian nations cannot accept a Western puppet to become the ruler of Asia.

You didn't even read my post mate. It said India doesn't wanna become 'America of the asia' it is happy in becoming 'France of east' [who doesn't kiss american a$$ everywhere like brits or germans and still has its own political clout]. :)

And western puppet? loool Just because we are close to west than china means we are western puppets? lool Hats off to your logic mate. I thought chinese were clever ones?:rolleyes:
You didn't even read my post mate. It said India doesn't wanna become 'America of the asia' it is happy in becoming 'France of east' [who doesn't kiss american a$$ everywhere like brits or germans and still has its own political clout]. :)

And western puppet? loool Just because we are close to west than china means we are western puppets? lool Hats off to your logic mate. I thought chinese were clever ones?:rolleyes:

Your intention is good, however your govt doesn't think in that way.

China always wants to have India as her ally. However, India has became brainwashed by the West since era of colonization.

India believes everything in the West represents the Universal truth, and always criticizing China about Human Right by using the Western behalf.

Can India really criticize China before not looking at the mirror at herself?

China believes its own democracy that suits to its own people, not mentally becoming the slaves of the West.

Only nations that have problems with China, are the Western puppets and a$$-kissers.

Japan/South Korea/India and many other.
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let me ask you this, would you rather have a white western foreign master, or chinese master (who protected Vietnam for many centuries)?

either way you will have a master, i would go with the latter. we are culturally and ethnically very similar. seeing china become powerful should make vietnam proud. :china:
If i am a Vietnamese, i would rather have Chinese as my master, because at least Chinese treat Vietnamese as human beings, whereas white men treat Vietnamese as dogs.
Would both of you please stop the lies? :lol: China 'protected' Viet Nam and treat Vietnamese as equals? But both of you do revealed yourselves as chauvinists Chinese when you referred to China as a 'master' in Asia.

As far as 'thinking about Vietnam' goes...The only thing Chinese men has on their minds is sex...:lol:

Do Vietnamese women really long to marry Chinese men? | CNNGo.com
It is true that women from poor areas of Vietnam have been known to marry Chinese, Korean or Taiwanese men, but to say Vietnamese women long to marry them would be news in Vietnam as well. Usually foreign "wife buyers" are poorer, older men from rural areas who cannot land a mate at home. And what respectable woman would long for a man that can't find a woman except by purchasing one?

“We hate Chinese men,” says bank worker P. Ha, 28, on behalf of herself and her friend. But she concedes that marrying into a better life is an opportunity that some find hard to pass up. Seated opposite central Hoan Kiem Lake where many young Vietnamese couples come to walk in circles hand in hand, she explains: “Many Vietnamese girls need money. They have to escape hardship so they get married for money. I feel so sorry for them.”

She relates the same sordid tales of abuse and exploitation that have been circulating in local and foreign media for years, the ones that may force the government to begin regulating the foreign marriage market racket. That will be especially important if, by 2020, China has 24 million excess bachelors, as has been reported, who will be looking overseas to find partners.
Smart and educate Viet women want nothing to do with Chinese men, so what make you boys think that Vietnamese in general want China as a 'protective master'? :lol: Talking about brainwashing one's self.
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