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Things are really bad after 21 days lockdown announcement

Another liberal lunatic who can only question.

Please offer a solution that will work in times of emergencies instead of cribbing and whining like a typical liberal leftist.
Lol so questioning ur dumb assumptions makes me liberal,lunatic n leftist.
Hmm well,,ok,,,,,but despite calls from our beloved right wing nationalist PM to keep away from hoarding,U ,the self proclaimed, nationalist ,went on a spree to stock up for 2months of supplies n thn some more.
Waah,,,i am clapping here for u.
How bad is the situation in India exactly?
Is nation wide lock down really necessary at this stage?
Everything is normal except that we can't go out...there isn't anyone who developed any corona symptoms around me...in fact there isn't anyone apart from the ones who came from abroad..as per your question whether this is needed at this stage,yes...we have learnt from Spain Iran Italy and US
Loll,which world do you live in, if what you said is true we would not be seeing millions of Muslims fleeing muslim countries and trying to reach kafir land.

Ofcourse,Kafir are phattus.
Only momins especially the bhayya type,like kashmirirs dont fear death.
Anyway,,,i heard recently that even dying due to epidemics result in martyrdom for momins.
So corona shudnt even be an issue for u.since becoming a martyr is such a huge thing,,u shud Just die now of corona n get the ticket to paradise.
Great opportunity to shiw tht u actually believe n not anothr bigmouth bhayya.
Voluteer in corona infected hospitals,,,hopefully u get it.

Then why you people are complaining about Iranians. Just go and embrace the Iranian returnees if your people like shaddat. Shaddat is not sarbath.

Is that all you could come up with? Muslims here understand what I am saying. No prohibition on migration in Islam. Disease prevention, finding cure and quarantine of infected is also taught us in Islam. We are told to practice patience whilst taking all the measures to stop the spread, without fearing death!

Fear of Death is upon you ... Enjoy!
Is that all you could come up with? Muslims here understand what I am saying. No prohibition on migration in Islam. Disease prevention, finding cure and quarantine of infected is also taught us in Islam. We are told to practice patience whilst taking all the measures to stop the spread, without fearing death!

Fear of Death is upon you ... Enjoy!
Like my guess,,typical.
Batein karoro ki lekin dukaan bhayya pakoro ki.
Like my guess,,typical.
Batein karoro ki lekin dukaan bhayya pakoro ki.

It's too much for a Kafir to take in, so yeah go ahead and assume whatever you want. I'm responding in a thread started by a headless OP who is panicking due to fear for death!

Death is inevitable. Are you looking forward to it? Apparently India is the next epicenter, after Europe.
It's too much for a Kafir to take in, so yeah go ahead and assume whatever you want. I'm responding in a thread started by a headless OP who is panicking due to fear for death!

Death is inevitable. Are you looking forward to it? Apparently India is the next epicenter, after Europe.


It's too much for a Kafir to take in, so yeah go ahead and assume whatever you want. I'm responding in a thread started by a headless OP who is panicking due to fear for death!

Death is inevitable. Are you looking forward to it? Apparently India is the next epicenter, after Europe.
Yeah yeah,,,waddi waddi batein
Yeah, I'm kinda scared too. If a delivery person is infected, he'll be distributing Corona around the state. I decided not to get help, and eat rice and wheat for the month. Enough for me.
I am a vegan I rather starve to death.
The rest of South Asians can eat cows, cats, rats, lizards and have China like growth. No Issues

I am will be making a transition to vegetarianism again..I already been vegetarian for 2 years in my life...but the maltreatment of animal videos that have been coming out recently has made me think twice about treatment of animals...may be organically raised meat is still more humane but let's see...certainly I will reduce meat consumption..as I am exclusively on organically raised meat...but I am not going to increase my budget for food anymore

Ho sakta hai.

Might by guilty conscience pricking a nation of free people who suddenly have been forced by bhagwan ka prakop to experience what some of their countrymen have been experiencing indefinitely for a few months.

It's only been a few days.

Hopefully when the bodies start coming in, and they will, people will understand why we needed to do what we are being made to do.

I wish the transition from 370 to normalcy happened in a less hamfisted manner..

How bad is the situation in India exactly?
Is nation wide lock down really necessary at this stage?

We iz gonna die ......we have too many young people...can't let them die without having experienced love and children
I am will be making a transition to vegetarianism again..I already been vegetarian for 2 years in my life...but the maltreatment of animal videos that have been coming out recently has made me think twice about treatment of animals...may be organically raised meat is still more humane but let's see...certainly I will reduce meat consumption..as I am exclusively on organically raised meat...but I am not going to increase my budget for food anymore

You shall go for "Desi Kukkarh".:lol:
It's too much for a Kafir to take in, so yeah go ahead and assume whatever you want. I'm responding in a thread started by a headless OP who is panicking due to fear for death!

Death is inevitable. Are you looking forward to it? Apparently India is the next epicenter, after Europe.
At first before making this thread thought I will pretend to be scared and make others feel scared to get some sadistic pleasure. But then I was got really scared real baad mang. And opened this thread with no ill intentions. Mother promise yaara.

You is right, Mard e Momin. I is very scared of dying. I don't what to do. My hands are trembling. My morning wood is nowhere to be seen. I want to live like forever. :yes4::yes4:

We iz gonna die ......we have too many young people...can't let them die without having experienced love and children
Hold my hand I iz sacred bro
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